Research and Scholarly Activity

The Psychiatry Residency Program has a research portfolio that includes clinical, epidemiological and educational research studies.  We require that residents participate in a scholarly activity project in order to familiarize them with the challenges of research and to foster an appreciation of what goes into answering a clinical question. 

During the second year of the Research in Psychiatry Seminars, one of the goals is to assist residents in getting started on their project. Some residents do individual projects of their choosing, and others work collaboratively with other residents and faculty with the goal of either publishing or making a formal presentation of their work at a local or national meeting. The Psychiatry Residency Program actively participates in the annual Kalamazoo Community Medical Health and Sciences Research Day and Dr. Rajiv Tandon, chair of the Department of Psychiatry, is the editor and chief of the Asian Journal of Psychiatry.

Research and Scholarly Activity, 2019-24

Department of Psychiatry Research and Scholarly Activity 2019-24

Recent Publications

  • Beeman C., Davis E.B., Voytenko V.L., McConnell J.M., Lemke A.W., Douce T., Walk T., Mills N.D., Phillips K.P., Marseilles R., Wolff R.P., Pargament K.I. The temporal association between religious/spiritual struggles and anxiety symptoms: A longitudinal study of psychiatric outpatients Journal of Affective Disorders Reports. 2024;16

  • Bluhm R., Sipahi E.D., Achtyes E.D., McCright A.M., Cabrera L.Y. AJOB Empirical Bioethics. 2024;15:11-21.

  • Cortright M.K., Bluhm R., Achtyes E.D., McCright A.M., Cabrera L.Y. Journal of ECT. 2024;40:111-117.

  • Cunningham J.E., Bluhm R., Achtyes E.D., McCright A.M., Cabrera L.Y. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2024;30:290-295.

  • Cunningham J.E., Bluhm R., Achtyes E.D., McCright A.M., Cabrera L.Y. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2024;170:11-18.

  • Franco聽D鈥橲ouza R., Amanullah S., Mathew M., Tandon R., Surapaneni K.M. Bipolar Disorders. 2024;26:393-394.

  • Huprich S.K., Roelk B.C., Poppe T. Enhancing Diabetes Management Through Personality Assessment: A Pilot Study Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2024

  • Lee-Easton M., Magura S., Abu-Obaid R., Reed P., Allgaier B., Fish E., Maletta A.L., Amaratunga P., Lorenz-Lemberg B., Levitas M., Achtyes E.D. Polysubstance use patterns among individuals applying for opioid-use disorder treatment in the U.S. Journal of Substance Use. 2024

  • Lee-Easton M.J., Magura S., Abu-Obaid R., Reed P., Allgaier B., Fish E., Maletta A., Amaratunga P., Lorenz-Lemberg B., Levitas M., Achtyes E.D. Direct-To-Definitive Urine and Oral Fluid Test Results for Unscreened and Rarely Screened Drugs in Individuals Applying for Methadone Treatment in 7 U.S. States Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. 2024

  • Lin G.L., Keller J.J., Wang L.H. Cartilage. 2024

  • Milovanovi膰 A., Westenberger A., Stankovi膰 I., Tama拧 O., Brankovi膰 M., Marjanovi膰 A., Laabs B.H., Brand M., Rajalingam R., Marras C., Lohmann K., Brankovi膰 V., Novakovi膰 I., Petrovi膰 I., Svetel M., Klein C., Kosti膰 V.S., Draga拧evi膰-Mi拧kovi膰 N. Movement Disorders. 2024;39:887-892.

  • Monteith S., Glenn T., Geddes J.R., Whybrow P.C., Achtyes E., Bauer M. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2024;224:33-35.

  • Monteith S., Glenn T., Geddes J.R., Whybrow P.C., Achtyes E.D., Bauer M. Pharmacopsychiatry. 2024;57:45-52.

  • M眉ller F., Abdelnour A.M., Rutaremara D.N., Arnetz J.E., Achtyes E.D., Alshaarawy O., Holman H.T. PLoS ONE. 2024;19

  • Parikh S.V., Vande Voort J.L., Yocum A.K., Achtyes E., Goes F.S., Nykamp L., Singh B., Lopez-Vives D., Sera C.E., Maixner D., Tarnal V., Severe J., Bartek S., Tye S.J., Rico J., Stoppel C.J., Becerra A., Smart L.A., Miller C.R., Frye M.A., Greden J.F., Bobo W.V. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2024;348:143-151.

  • Porcerelli J.H., Richardson L.A., Huprich S.K. The Role of Object Relations in the Physician-Patient Relationship in a Primary Care Setting Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 2024;212:507-512.

  • Sha Q., Escobar Galvis M.L., Madaj Z.B., Keaton S.A., Smart L.A., Edgerly Y.M., Anis E., Leach R., Osborne L.M., Achtyes E., Brundin L. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 2024;119:146-153.

  • Sha Q., Fu Z., Escobar Galvis M.L., Madaj Z., Underwood M.D., Steiner J.A., Dwork A., Simpson N., Galfalvy H., Rozoklija G., Achtyes E.D., Mann J.J., Brundin L. Molecular Psychiatry. 2024;29:134-145.

  • Singh B., Parikh S.V., Voort J.L.V., Pazdernik V.K., Achtyes E.D., Goes F.S., Yocum A.K., Nykamp L., Becerra A., Smart L.A., Greden J.F., Bobo W.V., Frye M.A., Burdick K.E., Ryan K.A. Psychiatry Research. 2024;335

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2024;92

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2024;93

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2024;95

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2024;98

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2024;97

  • Tandon R. Renaming schizophrenia 鈥 Why and why Not Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2024;99

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2024;96

  • Tandon R., Keshavan M.S., Javed A., Rao G.P. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2024;98

  • Tandon R., Nasrallah H., Akbarian S., Carpenter W.T., DeLisi L.E., Gaebel W., Green M.F., Gur R.E., Heckers S., Kane J.M., Malaspina D., Meyer-Lindenberg A., Murray R., Owen M., Smoller J.W., Yassine W., Keshavan M. Schizophrenia Research. 2024;264:1-28.

  • Wang A.Y., Lin G.L., Keller J.J., Wang L.H. Journal of Periodontology. 2024;95:483-493.

  • Yao B., Rolfs M., Slate R., Roberts D., Fattal J., Achtyes E.D., Tso I.F., Diwadkar V.A., Kashy D., Bao J., Thakkar K.N. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2024;50:631-641.

  • Achtyes E., Glenn T., Monteith S., Geddes J.R., Bauer M., Whybrow P.C. European Neuropsychopharmacology. 2023;74:30-31.

  • Achtyes E.D., Glenn T., Monteith S., Geddes J.R., Whybrow P.C., Martini J., Bauer M. Current Psychiatry Reports. 2023;25:263-272.

  • Achtyes E.D., Hopkins S.C., Dedic N., Dworak H., Zeni C., Koblan K. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 2023;273:1543-1556.

  • Bauer M., Glenn T., Achtyes E.D., Alda M., Agaoglu E., Alt谋nba艧 K., Andreassen O.A., Angelopoulos E., Ardau R., Aydin M., Ayhan Y., Baethge C., Bauer R., Baune B.T., Balaban C., Becerra-Palars C., Behere A.P., Behere P.B., Belete H., Belete T., Belizario G.O., Bellivier F., Belmaker R.H., Benedetti F., Berk M., Bersudsky Y., Bicakci 艦., Birabwa-Oketcho H., Bjella T.D., Brady C., Cabrera J., Cappucciati M., Castro A.M.P., Chen W.L., Cheung E.Y.W., Chiesa S., Crowe M., Cuomo A., Dallaspezia S., Del Zompo M., Desai P., Dodd S., Etain B., Fagiolini A., Fellendorf F.T., Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E., Fiedorowicz J.G., Fountoulakis K.N., Frye M.A., Geoffroy P.A., Gitlin M.J., Gonzalez-Pinto A., Gottlieb J.F., Grof P., Haarman B.C.M., Harima H., Hasse-Sousa M., Henry C., Hoffding L., Houenou J., Imbesi M., Isomets盲 E.T., Ivkovic M., Janno S., Johnsen S., Kapczinski F., Karakatsoulis G.N., Kardell M., Kessing L.V., Kim S.J., K枚nig B., Kot T.L., Koval M., Kunz M., Lafer B., Land茅n M., Larsen E.R., Lenger M., Licht R.W., Lopez-Jaramillo C., MacKenzie A., Madsen H.脴., Madsen S.A.K.A., Mahadevan J., Mahardika A., Manchia M., Marsh W., Martinez-Cengotitabengoa M., Martini J., Martiny K., Mashima Y., McLoughlin D.M., Meesters Y., Melle I., Meza-Urz煤a F., Mikolas P., Mok Y.M., Monteith S., Moorthy M., Morken G. Exploratory study of ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation and age of onset of bipolar disorder International Journal of Bipolar Disorders. 2023;11

  • Bluhm R., Cortright M., Achtyes E.D., Cabrera L.Y. AJOB Neuroscience. 2023;14(1):1-12.

  • Bruno V., Ruiz-Lopez M., Terroba-Chambi C., Freitas M.E., Rajalingam R., Chang A., Fox S.H., Lang A.E. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. 2023;50(5):703-709.

  • Cabrera L.Y., Achtyes E.D., Bluhm R., McCright A.M. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 2023;122

  • Cai Chen S., Bluhm R., Achtyes E.D., McCright A.M., Cabrera L.Y. Looking through the lens of stigma: Understanding and anticipating concerns about the responsible development and use of psychiatric electroceutical interventions (PEIs) SSM - Mental Health. 2023;4

  • Chen C.H., Lin H.C., Lin H.L., Keller J.J., Wang L.H. Association between Antihyperlipidemic Agent Use and Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Patients with Hyperlipidemia: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study Biomedicines. 2023;11

  • Ellison W.D., Huprich S., Behn A., Goodman M., Kerr S., Levy K.N., Nelson S.M., Sharp C. Journal of Personality Disorders. 2023;37(1):1-15.

  • Ergun-Longmire B., Lorber A., Sila Z., Szabadi S. The endocrinology of the gut Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract, Second Edition. Medical and Surgical Perspectives including Infection and Pain. 2023:131-150.

  • Fisher T., Whynot D., Keniston A., Lewandowski A., Briggs K. Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. 2023;38:1393.

  • Haider B., O鈥檚ullivan A.K., Bessonova L., Keane E., Achtyes E., Harvey P.D., Kane J.M., Saklad S.R., Trotter J.P., Claxton A., Polak T., McGrory J., Noori W., Kessler A.S., Yarlas A., Velligan D. Changes in Clinical Management of Patients with Schizophrenia Treated with Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics (LAIs), Including Telepsychiatry Use, During the COVID-19 Pandemic Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. 2023;19:623-634.

  • Homan P., Schooler N.R., Brunette M.F., Rotondi A., Ben-Zeev D., Gottlieb J.D., Mueser K.T., Achtyes E.D., Gingerich S., Marcy P., Meyer-Kalos P., Hauser M., John M., Robinson D.G., Kane J.M. Psychological Medicine. 2023;53:4114-4120.

  • H枚ltge J., Cowden R.G., Lee M.T., Bechara A.O., Joynt S., Kamble S., Khalanskyi V.V., Shtanko L., Kurniati N.M.T., Tymchenko S., Voytenko V.L., McNeely E., VanderWeele T.J. A systems perspective on human flourishing: Exploring cross-country similarities and differences of a multisystemic flourishing network Journal of Positive Psychology. 2023;18(5):695-710.

  • Kane J.M., Kishimoto T., Achtyes E., Rubio J., Correll C. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2023;10(7):480-481.

  • Keshavan M.S., Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;85

  • Lapidos A., Lopez-Vives D., Sera C.E., Ahearn E., Vest E., Senic I., Vande Voort J.L., Frye M., Goes F.S., Achtyes E., Greden J., Parikh S.V. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2023;323:534-539.

  • Lemke A.W., Davis E.B., Voytenko V.L., Cowden R.G., Chen Z.J., McConnell J.M., Pargament K.I., Phillips K.P., Marseilles R., Wolff R.P. Religious/Spiritual Struggles and Suicide Ideation Among Adult Psychiatric Outpatients: A 12-Month Longitudinal Study Journal of Affective Disorders Reports. 2023;14

  • Lin G.L., Lin H.C., Lin H.L., Keller J.J., Wang L.H. Association between statin use and the risk of gout in patients with hyperlipidemia: A population-based cohort study Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2023;14

  • Magura S., Lee-Easton M.J., Abu-Obaid R., Reed P., Allgaier B., Amaratunga P., Lorenz-Lemberg B., Levitas M., Achtyes E.D. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2023;250

  • Magura S., Lee-Easton M.J., Abu-Obaid R., Reed P., Allgaier B., Fish E., Maletta A.L., Amaratunga P., Lorenz-Lemberg B., Levitas M., Achtyes E.D. Journal of Addictive Diseases. 2023

  • Malone B.C., Huprich S.K. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 2023;211(6):460-466.

  • Monteith S., Glenn T., Geddes J.R., Achtyes E.D., Whybrow P.C., Bauer M. Pharmacopsychiatry. 2023;56:209-213.

  • M眉ller F., Abdelnour A.M., Rutaremara D.N., Arnetz J.E., Achtyes E.D., Alshaarawy O., Holman H.T. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health. 2023;14

  • M眉ller F., Munagala A., Arnetz J.E., Achtyes E.D., Alshaarawy O., Holman H.T. General Hospital Psychiatry. 2023;85:163-170.

  • Olszewska D.A., Shetty A., Rajalingam R., Rodriguez-Antiguedad J., Hamed M., Huang J., Breza M., Rasheed A., Bahr N., Madoev H., Westenberger A., Trinh J., Lohmann K., Klein C., Marras C., Waln O. European Journal of Neurology. 2023;30(10):3377-3393.

  • Passaretti M., Maranzano A., Bluett B., Rajalingam R., Fasano A. Gait Analysis in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: A Meta-Analysis Movement Disorders Clinical Practice. 2023;10(11):1574-1584.

  • Pedone R., Huprich S.K., Colle L., Barbarulo A.M., Semerari A. Journal of Personality Disorders. 2023;37(3):285-303.

  • Rajalingam R., Fasano A. Punding in Parkinson's Disease: An Update Movement Disorders Clinical Practice. 2023;10(7):1035-1047.

  • Rossi M., Hamed M., Rodr铆guez-Antig眉edad J., Cornejo-Olivas M., Breza M., Lohmann K., Klein C., Rajalingam R., Marras C., van de Warrenburg B.P. Movement Disorders. 2023;38(3):368-377.

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;87

  • Tandon R. Asian Psychiatry, World Psychiatry, and the Asian Journal of Psychiatry: back to the future Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;86

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;84

  • Tandon R. Schizophrenia Research. 2023;254:143-145.

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;81

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;79

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;89

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;88

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;85

  • Tandon R., Keshavan M., Nasrallah H. Schizophrenia Research. 2023;252:345-347.

  • Tandon R., Nasrallah H., Keshavan M. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;81

  • Thornton J., D'Souza R., Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;81

  • Thornton J., Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;88

  • Voytenko V.L., Pargament K.I., Cowden R.G., Lemke A.W., Kurniati N.M.T., Bechara A.O., Joynt S., Tymchenko S., Khalanskyi V.V., Shtanko L., Kocum M., Korzhov H., Mathur M.B., Ho M.Y., VanderWeele T.J., Worthington E.L. Religious Coping With Interpersonal Hurts: Psychosocial Correlates of the Brief RCOPE in Four Non-Western Countries Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. 2023;15(1):43-55.

  • Whynot D., Fischer T., Keniston A., Lewandowski A., Briggs K. Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. 2023;38:1238.

  • Zhang Y.M., Tsao M.F., Chang C.Y., Lin K.T., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. Journal of Biomedical Science. 2023;30(1)

  • Zirra A., Rao S.C., Bestwick J., Rajalingam R., Marras C., Blauwendraat C., Mata I.F., Noyce A.J. Gender Differences in the Prevalence of Parkinson's Disease Movement Disorders Clinical Practice. 2023;10(1):86-93.

  • Aikens J.E., Valenstein M., Plegue M.A., Sen A., Marinec N., Achtyes E., Piette J.D. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2022;28(3):399-406.

  • Bauer M., Glenn T., Achtyes E.D., Alda M., Agaoglu E., Alt谋nba艧 K., Andreassen O.A., Angelopoulos E., Ardau R., Aydin M., Ayhan Y., Baethge C., Bauer R., Baune B.T., Balaban C., Becerra-Palars C., Behere A.P., Behere P.B., Belete H., Belete T., Belizario G.O., Bellivier F., Belmaker R.H., Benedetti F., Berk M., Bersudsky Y., Bicakci 艦., Birabwa-Oketcho H., Bjella T.D., Brady C., Cabrera J., Cappucciati M., Castro A.M.P., Chen W.L., Cheung E.Y.W., Chiesa S., Crowe M., Cuomo A., Dallaspezia S., Del Zompo M., Desai P., Dodd S., Etain B., Fagiolini A., Fellendorf F.T., Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E., Fiedorowicz J.G., Fountoulakis K.N., Frye M.A., Geoffroy P.A., Gonzalez-Pinto A., Gottlieb J.F., Grof P., Haarman B.C.M., Harima H., Hasse-Sousa M., Henry C., H酶ffding L., Houenou J., Imbesi M., Isomets盲 E.T., Ivkovic M., Janno S., Johnsen S., Kapczinski F., Karakatsoulis G.N., Kardell M., Kessing L.V., Kim S.J., K枚nig B., Kot T.L., Koval M., Kunz M., Lafer B., Land茅n M., Larsen E.R., Lenger M., Lewitzka U., Licht R.W., Lopez-Jaramillo C., MacKenzie A., Madsen H.脴., Madsen S.A.K.A., Mahadevan J., Mahardika A., Manchia M., Marsh W., Martinez-Cengotitabengoa M., Martiny K., Mashima Y., McLoughlin D.M., Meesters Y., Melle I., Meza-Urz煤a F., Mok Y.M., Monteith S., Moorthy M., Morken G., Mosca E., Mozzhegorov A.A. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2022;160

  • Blanchard M.P., Jowers C.E., Huprich S.K., Porcerelli J., Haggerty G., Siefert C. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 2022;210(11):838-849.

  • Blanchard M.P., Pad R.A., Groh C., Huprich S.K. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2022;29(4):875-885.

  • Cabrera L.Y., Gilbert M.M.C., Achtyes E.D., McCright A.M., Bluhm R. Psychiatry Research. 2022;313

  • Center E.G., Gephart A.M., Yang P.L., Beck D.M. Journal of Vision. 2022;22(12)

  • Cheng H.Y., Lin H.C., Lin H.L., Uang Y.S., Keller J.J., Wang L.H. Association Between Nonselective Beta-Blocker Use and Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B Without Cirrhosis and Decompensation Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2022;12

  • Fattal J., Brascamp J.W., Slate R.E., Lehet M., Achtyes E.D., Thakkar K.N. Schizophrenia Research. 2022;248:254-262.

  • Fountoulakis K.N., Dragioti E., Theofilidis A.T., Wiklund T., Atmatzidis X., Nimatoudis I., Thys E., Wampers M., Hranov L., Hristova T., Aptalidis D., Milev R., Iftene F., Spaniel F., Knytl P., Furstova P., From T., Karlsson H., Walta M., Salokangas R.K.R., Azorin J.M., Bouniard J., Montant J., Juckel G., Haussleiter I.S., Douzenis A., Michopoulos I., Ferentinos P., Smyrnis N., Mantonakis L., Nemes Z., Gonda X., Vajda D., Juhasz A., Shrivastava A., Waddington J., Pompili M., Comparelli A., Corigliano V., Rancans E., Navickas A., Hilbig J., Bukelskis L., Stevovic L.I., Vodopic S., Esan O., Oladele O., Osunbote C., Rybakowski J.K., Wojciak P., Domowicz K., Figueira M.L., Linhares L., Crawford J., Panfil A.L., Smirnova D., Izmailova O., Lecic-Tosevski D., Temmingh H., Howells F., Bobes J., Garcia-Portilla M.P., Garc铆a-Alvarez L., Erzin G., Karada臒 H., De Sousa A., Bendre A., Hoschl C., Bredicean C., Papava I., Vukovic O., Pejuskovic B., Russell V., Athanasiadis L., Konsta A., Stein D., Berk M., Dean O., Tandon R., Kasper S., De Hert M. CNS Spectrums. 2022;27:716-723.

  • Gonzalez M.E., Naimo G.D., Anwar T., Paol矛 A., Tekula S.R., Kim S., Medhora N., Leflein S.A., Itkin J., Trievel R., Kidwell K.M., Chen Y.C., Mauro L., Yoon E., And貌 S., Kleer C.G. EZH2 T367 phosphorylation activates p38 signaling through lysine methylation to promote breast cancer progression iScience. 2022;25(8)

  • Hardt K., Vandebosch A., Sadoff J., Le Gars M., Truyers C., Lowson D., Van Dromme I., Vingerhoets J., Kamphuis T., Scheper G., Ruiz-Gui帽az煤 J., Faust S.N., Spinner C.D., Schuitemaker H., Van Hoof J., Douoguih M., Struyf F., Garibaldi B.T., Albertson T.E., Sandrock C., Lee J.S., Looney M.R., Tapson V.F., Wiysonge C.S., Velarde L.H.A., Backenroth D., Bhushanan J., Brandenburg B., C谩rdenas V., Chen B., Chen F., Chetty P., Chu P.L., Cooper K., Custers J., Delanghe H., Duca A., Henrick T., Juraszek J., Nalpas C., Peeters M., Pinheiro J., Roels S., Ryser M.F., Salas J., Santoro Matias S., Scheys I., Shetty P., Shukarev G., Stoddard J., Talloen W., Tran N.P., Vaissiere N., van Son-Palmen E., Xu J., Goecker E.A., Greninger A.L., Jerome K.R., Roychoudhury P., Takuva S.G., Accini Mendoza J.L., Achtyes E., Ahsan H., Alhatemi A., Allen N., Arribas J.R., Bahrami G., Bailon L., Bajwa A., Baker J., Baron M., Benet S., Berda茂 D., Berger P., Bertoch T., Bethune C., Bevilacqua S., Biagioni Santos M.S., Binnian I., Bisnauthsing K., Boivin J.M., Bollen H., Bonnet S., Borobia A.M., Botelho-Nevers E., Bright P., Britten V., Brown C., Buadi A., Buntinx E., Burgess L., Bush L., Capeding M.R., Carr Q.O., Carrasco Mas A., Catala H., Cathie K., Caudill T.S., Cereto Castro F., Chau K. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2022;22(12):1703-1715.

  • Huprich S.K., Malone B.C. Harvard Review of Psychiatry. 2022;30(4):226-237.

  • Huremovi膰 D., Nagalla M.L., Khan S. Allotrichophagia: A Unique Case of Parental Adjustment to Filial Pediatric Malignancy Case Reports in Psychiatry. 2022;2022

  • Lange L.M., Gonzalez-Latapi P., Rajalingam R., Tijssen M.A.J., Ebrahimi-Fakhari D., Gabbert C., Ganos C., Ghosh R., Kumar K.R., Lang A.E., Rossi M., van der Veen S., van de Warrenburg B., Warner T., Lohmann K., Klein C., Marras C. Movement Disorders. 2022;37(5):905-935.

  • Lin S.F., Lin H.C., Lee M.Y., Keller J.J., Wang L.H. PLoS ONE. 2022;17

  • Man K., Simons C.T., Mohamed-Osman A., Travers S.P., Zhao K. Med. 2022;3(7):450-451.

  • Medeiros G.C., Gould T.D., Prueitt W.L., Nanavati J., Grunebaum M.F., Farber N.B., Singh B., Selvaraj S., Machado-Vieira R., Achtyes E.D., Parikh S.V., Frye M.A., Zarate C.A., Goes F.S. Molecular Psychiatry. 2022;27(9):3658-3669.

  • Monteith S., Glenn T., Geddes J., Whybrow P.C., Achtyes E., Bauer M. Current Psychiatry Reports. 2022;24(11):709-721.

  • Mueser K.T., Achtyes E.D., Gogate J., Mancevski B., Kim E., Starr H.L. Telehealth-Based Psychoeducation for Caregivers: The Family Intervention in Recent-Onset Schizophrenia Treatment Study JMIR Mental Health. 2022;9(4)

  • Munson K.A., Janney C.A., Goodwin K., Nagalla M. Cultural Representations of Borderline Personality Disorder Frontiers in Sociology. 2022;7

  • Pad R.A., Okut H., Zackula R., Macaluso M., Huprich S.K. Personality and Mental Health. 2022;16(3):163-179.

  • Quon C.M., Szabadi S.B. Academic Medicine. 2022;97(7):944.

  • Rodriguez J.L., Hale A.C., Marston H.N., Sage-Germain C.E., Wright T.P., Driesenga S.A., Martin S.M., Sripada R.K. Psychiatric Quarterly. 2022;93:285-296.

  • Sha Q., Madaj Z., Keaton S., Escobar Galvis M.L., Smart L.A., Krzyzanowski S., Fazleabas A.T., Leach R., Postolache T.T., Achtyes E.D., Brundin L. Translational Psychiatry. 2022;12(1)

  • Sripada R.K., Rodriguez J.L., Wright T.P., Hyland J.A., Walters H.M., Ganoczy D., Haft S.M., Smith E.R., Porter K.E., Driesenga S.A., DeJong T.M., Rauch S.A.M. Behavior Therapy. 2022;53:714-724.

  • Stilwell K., Pelkey L., Platt T., Nguyen K., Monteith S., Pinheiro A., Achtyes E.D. Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders. 2022;24(1)

  • Tandon R. Schizophrenia Research. 2022;242:135-137.

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2022;78

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2022;75

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2022;73

  • Tandon R. Schizophrenia Research. 2022;240:22-23.

  • Tandon R., Greden J.F. Schizophrenia Research. 2022;242:42-44.

  • Tandon R., Keshavan M., Nasrallah H. Schizophrenia Research. 2022;242:1-3.

  • Visanji N.P., Ghani M., Yu E., Kakhki E.G., Sato C., Moreno D., Naranian T., Poon Y.Y., Abdollahi M., Naghibzadeh M., Rajalingam R., Lozano A.M., Kalia S.K., Hodaie M., Cohn M., Statucka M., Boutet A., Elias G.J.B., Germann J., Munhoz R., Lang A.E., Gan-Or Z., Rogaeva E., Fasano A. Journal of Parkinson's Disease. 2022;12(1):117-128.

  • Voytenko V.L., Huprich S.K. Managing treatment-resistant depression with comorbid personality disorders Managing Treatment-Resistant Depression: Road to Novel Therapeutics. 2022:441-459.

  • Wurster A., Bauler L., Howing C., McGlinchey Ford M. Lupus. 2022;31:1276-1279.

  • Zandi P.P., Morreale M., Reti I.M., Maixner D.F., McDonald W.M., Patel P.D., Achtyes E., Bhati M.T., Carr B.R., Conroy S.K., Cristancho M., Dubin M.J., Francis A., Glazer K., Ingram W., Khurshid K., McClintock S.M., Pinjari O.F., Reeves K., Rodriguez N.F., Sampson S., Seiner S.J., Selek S., Sheline Y., Smetana R.W., Soda T., Trapp N.T., Wright J.H., Husain M., Weiner R.D. Journal of ECT. 2022;38(3):159-164.

  • Zhang C.S., Wang L., Saxe J. American Journal of Surgery. 2022;223(3):555-558.

  • Achtyes E.D., Gega L., Linnaranta O. Editorial: mHealth: Self-Management and Complementary Psychiatric Treatment Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021;12

  • Adams B.E., Porcerelli J.H., Abell S., Huprich S.K. Personality and Mental Health. 2021;15(4):252-260.

  • Bauer M., Glenn T., Achtyes E.D., Alda M., Agaoglu E., Alt谋nba艧 K., Andreassen O.A., Angelopoulos E., Ardau R., Vares E.A., Aydin M., Ayhan Y., Baethge C., Bauer R., Baune B.T., Balaban C., Becerra-Palars C., Behere A.P., Behere P.B., Belete H., Belete T., Belizario G.O., Bellivier F., Belmaker R.H., Benedetti F., Berk M., Bersudsky Y., Bicakci 艦., Birabwa-Oketcho H., Bjella T.D., Brady C., Cabrera J., Cappucciati M., Castro A.M.P., Chen W.L., Cheung E.Y.W., Chiesa S., Crowe M., Cuomo A., Dallaspezia S., Del Zompo M., Desai P., Dodd S., Donix M., Etain B., Fagiolini A., Fellendorf F.T., Ferensztajn-Rochowiak E., Fiedorowicz J.G., Fountoulakis K.N., Frye M.A., Geoffroy P.A., Gonzalez-Pinto A., Gottlieb J.F., Grof P., Haarman B.C.M., Harima H., Hasse-Sousa M., Henry C., H酶ffding L., Houenou J., Imbesi M., Isomets盲 E.T., Ivkovic M., Janno S., Johnsen S., Kapczinski F., Karakatsoulis G.N., Kardell M., Kessing L.V., Kim S.J., K枚nig B., Kot T.L., Koval M., Kunz M., Lafer B., Land茅n M., Larsen E.R., Lenger M., Lewitzka U., Licht R.W., Lopez-Jaramillo C., MacKenzie A., Madsen H.脴., Madsen S.A.K.A., Mahadevan J., Mahardika A., Manchia M., Marsh W., Martinez-Cengotitabengoa M., Martiny K., Mashima Y., McLoughlin D.M., Meesters Y., Melle I., Meza-Urz煤a F., Ming M.Y., Monteith S., Moorthy M., Morken G. Variations in seasonal solar insolation are associated with a history of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder International Journal of Bipolar Disorders. 2021;9(1)

  • Bigdeli T.B., Fanous A.H., Li Y., Rajeevan N., Sayward F., Genovese G., Gupta R., Radhakrishnan K., Malhotra A.K., Sun N., Lu Q., Hu Y., Li B., Chen Q., Mane S., Miller P., Cheung K.H., Gur R.E., Greenwood T.A., Braff D.L., Achtyes E.D., Buckley P.F., Escamilla M.A., Lehrer D., Malaspina D.P., McCarroll S.A., Rapaport M.H., Vawter M.P., Pato M.T., Pato C.N., Zhao H., Kosten T.R., Brophy M., Pyarajan S., Shi Y., O'Leary T.J., Gleason T., Przygodzki R., Muralidhar S., Gaziano J.M., Huang G.D., Concato J., Siever L.J., Aslan M., Harvey P.D. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2021;47(2):517-529.

  • Bluhm R., Castillo E., Achtyes E.D., McCright A.M., Cabrera L.Y. Qualitative Health Research. 2021;31(13):2542-2553.

  • Brown N.J., Wilson B., Szabadi S., Quon C., Ong V., Himstead A., Shlobin N.A., Yang C.Y., Lien B.V., Shahrestani S., Tran K., Tafreshi A.R., Birkenbeuel J., Ransom S.C., Choi E.H., Sahyouni R., Chan A.Y., Kheriaty A., Yang I. Ethical considerations and patient safety concerns for cancelling non-urgent surgeries during the COVID-19 pandemic: a review Patient Safety in Surgery. 2021;15(1)

  • Brundin L., Achtyes E., Guillemin G.J. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 2021;91:794-795.

  • Cabrera L.Y., Gilbert M.M.C., McCright A.M., Achtyes E.D., Bluhm R. Psychiatric Quarterly. 2021;92(4):1425-1438.

  • Cabrera L.Y., Nowak G.R., McCright A.M., Achtyes E., Bluhm R. A qualitative study of key stakeholders鈥 perceived risks and benefits of psychiatric electroceutical interventions Health, Risk and Society. 2021;23(5-6):217-235.

  • Cabrera L.Y., Nowak G.R., McCright A.M., Achtyes E., Bluhm R. Psychiatric Quarterly. 2021;92(2):419-430.

  • Cain N.M., Jowers C., Blanchard M., Nelson S., Huprich S.K. Psychopathology. 2021;54(1):26-38.

  • Dhatreecharan G. Iatrogenic hyponatremia in a patient with bipolar disorder Current Psychiatry. 2021;20(11):E4-E6.

  • Dziadosz G., Spykerman K., Ryskamp B., Achtyes E.D. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research. 2021;48(2):330-341.

  • Fountoulakis K.N., Dragioti E., Theofilidis A.T., Wiklund T., Atmatzidis X., Nimatoudis I., Thys E., Wampers M., Hranov L., Hristova T., Aptalidis D., Milev R., Iftene F., Spaniel F., Knytl P., Furstova P., From T., Karlsson H., Walta M., Salokangas R.K.R., Azorin J.M., Bouniard J., Montant J., Juckel G., Haussleiter I.S., Douzenis A., Michopoulos I., Ferentinos P., Smyrnis N., Mantonakis L., Nemes Z., Gonda X., Vajda D., Juhasz A., Shrivastava A., Waddington J., Pompili M., Comparelli A., Corigliano V., Rancans E., Navickas A., Hilbig J., Bukelskis L., Stevovic L.I., Vodopic S., Esan O., Oladele O., Osunbote C., Rybakowski J.K., Wojciak P., Domowicz K., Figueira M.L., Linhares L., Crawford J., Panfil A.L., Smirnova D., Izmailova O., Lecic-Tosevski D., Temmingh H., Howells F., Bobes J., Garcia-Portilla M.P., Garc铆a-Alvarez L., Erzin G., Karada H., De Sousa A., Bendre A., Hoschl C., Bredicean C., Papava I., Vukovic O., Pejuskovic B., Russell V., Athanasiadis L., Konsta A., Stein D., Berk M., Dean O., Tandon R., Kasper S., De Hert M. CNS Spectrums. 2021;26:290-298.

  • Fountoulakis K.N., Moeller H.J., Kasper S., Tamminga C., Yamawaki S., Kahn R., Tandon R., Correll C.U., Javed A. CNS Spectrums. 2021;26:562-586.

  • Hale A.C., Bremer-Landau J., Wright T.P., McDowell J.E., Rodriguez J.L. Psychological Services. 2021;18:497-503.

  • Joseph B., Nandakumar A.L., Ahmed A.T., Gopal N., Murad M.H., Frye M.A., Tobin W.O., Singh B. Evidence-Based Mental Health. 2021;24(2):88-94.

  • Keaton S.A., Arnetz J., Jamil H., Dhalimi A., Stemmer P.M., Ruden D.M., Yamin J., Achtyes E., Smart L.A., Brundin L., Arnetz B.B. IL-10: A possible immunobiological component of positive mental health in refugees Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2021;8

  • Koko M., Krause R., Sander T., Bobbili D.R., Nothnagel M., May P., Lerche H., Feng Y.C.A., Howrigan D.P., Abbott L.E., Tashman K., Cerrato F., Singh T., Heyne H., Byrnes A.E., Churchhouse C., Watts N., Solomonson M., Lal D., Gupta N., Gabriel S.B., Daly M.J., Lander E.S., Neale B.M., Berkovic S.F., Goldstein D.B., Lowenstein D.H., Cavalleri G.L., Cossette P., Cotsapas C., De Jonghe P., Dixon-Salazar T., Guerrini R., Hakonarson H., Heinzen E.L., Dhindsa R.S., Stanley K.E., Helbig I., Kwan P., Marson A.G., Petrovski S., Kamalakaran S., Sisodiya S.M., Stewart R., Weckhuysen S., Depondt C., Dlugos D.J., Scheffer I.E., Striano P., Freyer C., McKenna K., Regan B.M., Bellows S.T., Leu C., Bennett C.A., Johns E.M.C., MacDonald A., Shilling H., Burgess R., Weckhuysen D., Bahlo M., O'Brien T.J., Todaro M., Stamberger H., Andrade D.M., Sadoway T.R., Mo K., Krestel H., Gallati S., Papacostas S.S., Kousiappa I., Tanteles G.A., 艩t臎rbov谩 K., Vl膷kov谩 M., Sedl谩膷kov谩 L., La拧拧uthov谩 P., Klein K.M., Rosenow F., Reif P.S., Knake S., Kunz W.S., Zsurka G., Elger C.E., Bauer J., Rademacher M., Pendziwiat M., Muhle H., Rademacher A., Van Baalen A., Von Spiczak S., Stephani U., Afawi Z., Korczyn A.D., Kanaan M., Canavati C., Kurlemann G., M眉ller-Schl眉ter K., Kluger G., H盲usler M., Blatt I. eBioMedicine. 2021;72

  • Landi I., Kaji D.A., Cotter L., Van Vleck T., Belbin G., Preuss M., Loos R.J.F., Kenny E., Glicksberg B.S., Beckmann N.D., O鈥橰eilly P., Schadt E.E., Achtyes E.D., Buckley P.F., Lehrer D., Malaspina D.P., McCarroll S.A., Rapaport M.H., Fanous A.H., Pato M.T., Pato C.N., Bigdeli T.B., Nadkarni G.N., Charney A.W. Nature Medicine. 2021;27(9):1576-1581.

  • Lewandowski A., Fronapfel B., Spector J., Szczepkowski K., Davidson S. Ethical Considerations in Psychological Consultation to Critical Care Settings Critical Care Psychology and Rehabilitation: Principles and Practice. 2021:313-344.

  • Lin H.C., Huang K.T., Lin H.L., Uang Y.S., Ho Y., Keller J.J., Wang L.H. PLoS ONE. 2021;16

  • Mariotti E.C., Waugh M.H., McClain C.M., Beevers L.G., Jill Clemence A., Lewis K.C., Miller R., Mulay A.L., Ridenour J.M., Huprich S.K., Pitman S.R., Meehan K.B. Journal of Personality Disorders. 2021;35(6):857-880.

  • Mestre T.A., Fereshtehnejad S.M., Berg D., Bohnen N.I., Dujardin K., Erro R., Espay A.J., Halliday G., Van Hilten J.J., Hu M.T., Jeon B., Klein C., Leentjens A.F.G., Marinus J., Mollenhauer B., Postuma R., Rajalingam R., Rodr铆guez-Violante M., Simuni T., Surmeier D.J., Weintraub D., McDermott M.P., Lawton M., Marras C. Journal of Parkinson's Disease. 2021;11(2):395-404.

  • Nazari A., Huprich S.K., Hemmati A., Rezaei F. The Construct Validity of the ICD-11 Severity of Personality Dysfunction Under Scrutiny of Object-Relations Theory Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021;12

  • Parikh S.V., Lopez D., Vande Voort J.L., Rico J., Achtyes E., Coryell W., Goddard A., Goes F., Greden J.F., Singh B., Kaplin A., Frye M.A., Maixner D., Watson B., Drake K., Tarnal V., Riva-Posse P., Bobo W.V., Bio-K Study Team Psychopharmacology bulletin. 2021;51(3):109-124.

  • Sha Q., Achtyes E., Nagalla M., Keaton S., Smart L.A., Leach R., Brundin L. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2021;281:9-12.

  • Shafi R.M.A., Nakonezny P.A., Romanowicz M., Nandakumar A.L., Suarez L., Croarkin P.E. CNS Spectrums. 2021;26(3):275-281.

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2021;57

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2021;60

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2021;56

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2021;55

  • Tareen R.S., Tareen A.N. Attachment disorders and mental health issues in the newborn Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:141-156.

  • Tareen R.S., Tareen A.N. Maternal mood disorders and the newborn Caring for the Newborn: A Comprehensive Guide for the Clinician. Second Edition. 2021:157-174.

  • Thakkar K.N., Ghermezi L., Silverstein S.M., Slate R., Yao B., Achtyes E.D., Brascamp J.W. Journal of abnormal psychology. 2021;130(2):186-197.

  • Voytenko V.L., VanOrman B.T., Jaarsma R.D., Bishop T.W., Mavis B.E., Achtyes E.D. Getting involved in training the next generation of physicians: Examples of practicing psychologists in psychiatry and family medicine residency programs. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 2021;52(3):290-298.

  • Wang L., Kroenke K., Stump T.E., Monahan P.O. General Hospital Psychiatry. 2021;68:74-82.

  • Wilcox J., Skye S.M., Graham B., Zabell A., Li X.S., Li L., Shelkay S., Fu X., Neale S., O'Laughlin C., Peterson K., Hazen S.L., Tang W.H.W. American Journal of Medicine. 2021;134(9):1160-1169.e3.

  • Achtyes E., Keaton S.A., Smart L.A., Burmeister A.R., Heilman P.L., Krzyzanowski S., Nagalla M., Guillemin G.J., Escobar Galvis M.L., Lim C.K., Muzik M., Postolache T.T., Leach R., Brundin L. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 2020;83:239-247.

  • Bigdeli T.B., Genovese G., Georgakopoulos P., Meyers J.L., Peterson R.E., Iyegbe C.O., Medeiros H., Valderrama J., Achtyes E.D., Kotov R., Stahl E.A., Abbott C., Azevedo M.H., Belliveau R.A., Bevilacqua E., Bromet E.J., Byerley W., Carvalho C.B., Chapman S.B., DeLisi L.E., Dumont A.L., O鈥橠ushlaine C., Evgrafov O.V., Fochtmann L.J., Gage D., Kennedy J.L., Kinkead B., Macedo A., Moran J.L., Morley C.P., Dewan M.J., Nemesh J., Perkins D.O., Purcell S.M., Rakofsky J.J., Scolnick E.M., Sklar B.M., Sklar P., Smoller J.W., Sullivan P.F., Macciardi F., Marder S.R., Gur R.C., Gur R.E., Braff D.L., Calkins M.E., Freedman R.R., Green M.F., Greenwood T.A., Lazzeroni L.C., Light G.A., Nuechterlein K.H., Radant A.D., Seidman L.J., Siever L.J., Silverman J.M., Stone W.S., Sugar C.A., Swerdlow N.R., Tsuang D.W., Tsuang M.T., Turetsky B.I., Nicolini H., Escamilla M.A., Vawter M.P., Sobell J.L., Malaspina D., Lehrer D.S., Buckley P.F., Rapaport M.H., Knowles J.A., Fanous A.H., Pato M.T., McCarroll S.A., Pato C.N. Molecular Psychiatry. 2020;25(10):2455-2467.

  • Fleisher J.E., Sennott B.J., Myrick E., Niemet C.J., Lee M., Whitelock C.M., Sanghvi M., Liu Y., Ouyang B., Hall D.A., Comella C.L., Chodosh J. PLoS ONE. 2020;15(9 September)

  • Huprich S.K. Journal of Personality Disorders. 2020;34:207-209.

  • Huprich S.K. Current Psychiatry Reports. 2020;22(8)

  • Kane J.M., Schooler N.R., Marcy P., Correll C.U., Achtyes E.D., Gibbons R.D., Robinson D.G. JAMA Psychiatry. 2020;77(12):1217-1224.

  • Kopec K., Janney C.A., Johnson B., Spykerman K., Ryskamp B., Achtyes E.D. Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders. 2020;22(5)

  • Nathani M., Jaleel V., Turner A., Dirvonas C., Suryadevara U., Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2020;47

  • Pad R.A., Huprich S.K., Porcerelli J. Journal of Personality Assessment. 2020;102(6):858-865.

  • Priebe G.A., Kanzawa M.M. Medical Hypotheses. 2020;137

  • Siefert C.J., Sexton J., Meehan K., Nelson S., Haggerty G., Dauphin B., Huprich S. Journal of Personality Assessment. 2020;102(4):516-526.

  • Soda T., McLoughlin D.M., Clark S.R., Oltedal L., Kessler U., Haavik J., Bousman C., Smith D.J., Bioque M., Clements C.C., Loo C., Vila-Rodriguez F., Minelli A., Mickey B.J., Milev R., Docherty A.R., Langan Martin J., Achtyes E.D., Arolt V., Redlich R., Dannlowski U., Cardoner N., Clare E., Craddock N., Di Florio A., Dmitrzak-Weglarz M., Forty L., Gordon-Smith K., Husain M., Ingram W.M., Jones L., Jones I., Juruena M., Kirov G., Land茅n M., M眉ller D.J., Nordensk枚ld A., P氓lsson E., Paul M., Permoda A., Pliszka B., Rea J., Schubert K.O., Sonnen J.A., Soria V., Stageman W., Takamiya A., Urretavizacaya M., Watson S., Zavorotny M., Young A.H., Vieta E., Rybakowski J.K., Gennarelli M., Zandi P.P., Sullivan P.F., Baune B.T. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 2020;270(7):921-932.

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2020;47

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2020;51

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2020;50

  • Tandon R., Lenderking W.R., Weiss C., Shalhoub H., Barbosa C.D., Chen J., Greene M., Meehan S.R., Duvold L.B., Arango C., Agid O., Castle D. Erratum: The impact on functioning of second-generation antipsychotic medication side effects for patients with schizophrenia: A worldwide, cross-sectional, web-based survey (Ann Gen Psychiatry (2020) 19 (42) DOI: 10.1186/s1299 1-020-00292-5) Annals of General Psychiatry. 2020;19

  • Tandon R., Lenderking W.R., Weiss C., Shalhoub H., Barbosa C.D., Chen J., Greene M., Meehan S.R., Duvold L.B., Arango C., Agid O., Castle D. The impact on functioning of second-generation antipsychotic medication side effects for patients with schizophrenia: A worldwide, cross-sectional, web-based survey Annals of General Psychiatry. 2020;19

  • Yaranov D.M., Kendall K., Miracle K., Rosenquist R., Jimenez X., Shelkay S., Morales R., Williams J.B., Taylor D.O., Soltesz E., Tang W.H.W. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2020;39(9):977-979.

  • Achtyes E.D., Ben-Zeev D., Luo Z., Mayle H., Burke B., Rotondi A.J., Gottlieb J.D., Brunette M.F., Mueser K.T., Gingerich S., Meyer-Kalos P.S., Marcy P., Schooler N.R., Robinson D.G., Kane J.M. Schizophrenia Research. 2019;206:200-208.

  • Afzal M., Savona S., Mohamed O., Mohamed-Osman A., Kalbfleisch S. Heart Failure Clinics. 2019;15(4):543-550.

  • Brundin L., Achtyes E. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2019;139(5):401-403.

  • Brunette M.F., Achtyes E., Pratt S., Stilwell K., Opperman M., Guarino S., Kay-Lambkin F. Community Mental Health Journal. 2019;55(6):973-978.

  • Cardona D.J., Tandon R., Haskett R.F., Greden J.F. Menstrual Effects on Neuroendocrine Measures Menstruation, Health, And Illness. 2019:41-47.

  • Chen J.L., Hung C.T., Keller J.J., Lin H.C., Wu Y.J. BMC Ophthalmology. 2019;19

  • Chen Y.C., Gonzalez M.E., Burman B., Zhao X., Anwar T., Tran M., Medhora N., Hiziroglu A.B., Lee W., Cheng Y.H., Choi Y., Yoon E., Kleer C.G. Cell Reports. 2019;27(13):3916-3926.e5.

  • Doruk Camsari D., Lewis C.P., Sonmez A.I., Nandakumar A.L., Gresbrink M.A., Daskalakis Z.J., Croarkin P.E. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019;22(7):435-444.

  • Feng Y.C.A., Howrigan D.P., Abbott L.E., Tashman K., Cerrato F., Singh T., Heyne H., Byrnes A., Churchhouse C., Watts N., Solomonson M., Lal D., Heinzen E.L., Dhindsa R.S., Stanley K.E., Cavalleri G.L., Hakonarson H., Helbig I., Krause R., May P., Weckhuysen S., Petrovski S., Kamalakaran S., Sisodiya S.M., Cossette P., Cotsapas C., De Jonghe P., Dixon-Salazar T., Guerrini R., Kwan P., Marson A.G., Stewart R., Depondt C., Dlugos D.J., Scheffer I.E., Striano P., Freyer C., McKenna K., Regan B.M., Bellows S.T., Leu C., Bennett C.A., Johns E.M.C., Macdonald A., Shilling H., Burgess R., Weckhuysen D., Bahlo M., O'Brien T.J., Todaro M., Stamberger H., Andrade D.M., Sadoway T.R., Mo K., Krestel H., Gallati S., Papacostas S.S., Kousiappa I., Tanteles G.A., 艩t臎rbov谩 K., Vl膷kov谩 M., Sedl谩膷kov谩 L., La拧拧uthov谩 P., Klein K.M., Rosenow F., Reif P.S., Knake S., Kunz W.S., Zsurka G., Elger C.E., Bauer J., Rademacher M., Pendziwiat M., Muhle H., Rademacher A., van Baalen A., von Spiczak S., Stephani U., Afawi Z., Korczyn A.D., Kanaan M., Canavati C., Kurlemann G., M眉ller-Schl眉ter K., Kluger G., H盲usler M., Blatt I., Lemke J.R., Krey I., Weber Y.G., Wolking S., Becker F., Hengsbach C., Rau S., Maisch A.F., Steinhoff B.J., Schulze-Bonhage A., Schubert-Bast S., Schreiber H., Borggr盲fe I. American Journal of Human Genetics. 2019;105(2):267-282.

  • Fountoulakis K.N., Dragioti E., Theofilidis A.T., Wikilund T., Atmatzidis X., Nimatoudis I., Thys E., Wampers M., Hranov L., Hristova T., Aptalidis D., Milev R., Iftene F., Spaniel F., Knytl P., Furstova P., From T., Karlsson H., Walta M., Salokangas R.K.R., Azorin J.M., Bouniard J., Montant J., Juckel G., Haussleiter I.S., Douzenis A., Michopoulos I., Ferentinos P., Smyrnis N., Mantonakis L., Nemes Z., Gonda X., Vajda D., Juhasz A., Shrivastava A., Waddington J., Pompili M., Comparelli A., Corigliano V., Rancans E., Navickas A., Hilbig J., Bukelskis L., Injac Stevovic L., Vodopic S., Esan O., Oladele O., Osunbote C., Rybakowski J., Wojciak P., Domowicz K., Figueira M.L., Linhares L., Crawford J., Panfil A.L., Smirnova D., Izmailova O., Lecic-Tosevski D., Temmingh H., Howells F., Bobes J., Garcia-Portilla M.P., Garc铆a-Alvarez L., Erzin G., Karada千 H., De Sousa A., Bendre A., Hoschl C., Bredicean C., Papava I., Vukovic O., Pejuskovic B., Russell V., Athanasiadis L., Konsta A., Stein D., Berk M., Dean O., Tandon R., Kasper S., De Hert M. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019;22:681-697.

  • Hale A.C., Rodriguez J.L., Wright T.P., Driesenga S.A., Spates C.R. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2019;75:364-379.

  • Hekmatjah J., Tareen K., Tareen R.S. Current Drug Safety. 2019;14:167-170.

  • Huprich S.K. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2019;75(5):834-845.

  • Huprich S.K., Jowers C., Nelson S. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 2019;10(4):376-382.

  • Jalini S., Rajalingam R., Nisenbaum R., Javier A.D., Woo A., Pikula A. Neurology. 2019;92(4):E288-E294.

  • Kane J.M., Schooler N.R., Marcy P., Achtyes E.D., Correll C.U., Robinson D.G. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2019;80(3)

  • Keaton S.A., Madaj Z.B., Heilman P., Smart L.A., Grit J., Gibbons R., Postolache T.T., Roaten K., Achtyes E.D., Brundin L. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2019;247:57-65.

  • Lewis C.P., Camsari D.D., Sonmez A.I., Nandakumar A.L., Gresbrink M.A., Daskalakis Z.J., Croarkin P.E. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2019;244:21-24.

  • Luna B.L., Garcia J.A., Huang M., Ewing P.J., Valentine S.C., Chu Y.M., Ye Q.Z., Xu H.H. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. 2019;53(4):474-482.

  • Meehan K.B., Siefert C., Sexton J., Huprich S.K. Journal of Personality Assessment. 2019;101(4):367-373.

  • Nandakumar A.L., Vande Voort J.L., Nakonezny P.A., Orth S.S., Romanowicz M., Sonmez A.I., Ward J.A., Rackley S.J., Huxsahl J.E., Croarkin P.E. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. 2019;29(1):34-40.

  • Nuttall A.K., Thakkar K.N., Luo X., Mueser K.T., Glynn S.M., Achtyes E.D., Kane J.M. Psychiatry Research. 2019;276:60-68.

  • Rajalingam R., Breen D.P., Chen R., Fox S., Kalia L.V., Munhoz R.P., Slow E., Strafella A.P., Lang A.E., Fasano A. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. 2019;65:165-171.

  • Ramesh B., Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2019;40:A1-A2.

  • Ronningstam E., Simonsen E., Huprich S. Journal of Personality Disorders. 2019;33(3):i-v.

  • Shafi R.M.A., Nakonezny P.A., Romanowicz M., Nandakumar A.L., Suarez L., Croarkin P.E. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. 2019;29(10):746-752.

  • Sonmez A.I., Camsari D.D., Nandakumar A.L., Voort J.L.V., Kung S., Lewis C.P., Croarkin P.E. Psychiatry Research. 2019;273:770-781.

  • Tandon N., Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2019;44:A1-A4.

  • Tandon N., Tandon R. Schizophrenia Research. 2019;214:70-75.

  • Tandon R., Keshavan M. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2019;43:A1-A2.

  • Tandon R., Shariff S.M. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2019;176:683-684.

  • Vilanilam G., Badi M., Vemireddy L., Nandakumar A. European Journal of Neurology. 2019;26(2):e24.

  • Westerman P., Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2019;39:A1.

  • Wray A.M., Hoyt T., Welch S., Civetti S., Anthony N., Ballester E., Tandon R. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. 2019;42:277-283.

  • Achtyes E., Simmons A., Skabeev A., Levy N., Jiang Y., Marcy P., Weiden P.J. BMC Psychiatry. 2018;18(1)

  • Bender D.S., Zimmermann J., Huprich S.K. Journal of Personality Assessment. 2018;100(6):565-570.

  • Bruijnzeel D., Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2018;33:A1-A2.

  • Bruijnzeel D., Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2018;31:A1-A2.

  • Chi Y.C., Chen J.L., Wang L.H., Chang K., Wu C.L., Lin S.Y., Keller J.J., Bai C.H. International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 2018;33:1437-1444.

  • Constantine R., Andel R., McPherson M., Tandon R. Psychiatry Research. 2018;263:238-244.

  • Cubo E., Rajalingam R., Fasano A., Munhoz R.P., Lang A.E., Calvo S., Marras C. Movement Disorders. 2018;33(5):850-852.

  • Huprich S. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2018;213(6):685-689.

  • Huprich S. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2018;25(1):43-54.

  • Huprich S., Nelson S., Sohnleitner A., Lengu K., Shankar S., Rexer K. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2018;74(9):1556-1569.

  • Huprich S.K. Journal of personality assessment. 2018;100(1):1.

  • Huprich S.K., Herpertz S.C., Bohus M., Chanen A., Goodman M., Mehlum L., Moran P., Newton-Howe G., Scott L., Sharp C. Personality and Mental Health. 2018;12(1):87-88.

  • Huprich S.K., Macaluso M., Baade L., Zackula R., Jackson J., Kitchens R. Psychiatry Research. 2018;266:253-261.

  • Huprich S.K., Nelson S.M., Meehan K.B., Siefert C.J., Haggerty G., Sexton J., Barry Dauphin V., Macaluso M., Jackson J., Zackula R., Baade L. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 2018;9(6):553-563.

  • Jitkritsadakul O., Rajalingam R., Toenjes C., Munhoz R.P., Fasano A. Movement Disorders. 2018;33(3):491-492.

  • Knight J.S., Mazza L.F., Yalavarthi S., Sule G., Ali R.A., Hodgin J.B., Kanthi Y., Pinsky D.J. Ectonucleotidase-mediated suppression of lupus autoimmunity and vascular dysfunction Frontiers in Immunology. 2018;9(JUN)

  • Koss S.E., Weissman R., Chow V., Smith P., Slack B., Voytenko V., Balboni T.A., Balboni M.J. Journal of Religion and Health. 2018;57(4):1413-1427.

  • Nelson S.M., Huprich S.K., Meehan K.B., Siefert C., Haggerty G., Sexton J., Dauphin V.B., Macaluso M., Zackula R., Baade L., Jackson J. Journal of Personality Assessment. 2018;100(6):671-679.

  • Paggeot A., Huprich S. Journal of Personality Disorders. 2018;32(1):31-43.

  • Pedone R., Huprich S., Nelson S., Cosenza M., Carcione A., Nicol貌 G., Semerari A., Colle L. Psychiatry Research. 2018;270:688-697.

  • Rajalingam R., Breen D.P., Lang A.E., Fasano A. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. 2018;56:109-110.

  • Redinger M.J., Crutchfield P., Gibb T.S., Longstreet P., Strung R. American Journal of Bioethics. 2018;18(5):31-33.

  • Sugi K., Hsieh P.N., Ilkayeva O., Shelkay S., Moroney B., Baadh P., Haynes B., Pophal M., Fan L., Newgard C.B., Prosdocimo D.A., Jain M.K. PLoS ONE. 2018;13(2)

  • Suryadevara U., Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2018;35:A2-A3.

  • Tandon N., Tandon R. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2018;44(5):939-941.

  • Tandon R., Nathani M. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2018;36:A2-A4.

  • Tareen R.S., Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2018;38:A1-A3.

  • Thornton J.E., Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2018;34:A2.

  • Voytenko V., Anderson K., Wyngarden N., Post D., Achtyes E., Thomas S., Edwards E., Stoyanov R., Nykamp L., Lee S.H. Evidence-based practice guideline for the treatment of adult patients with depressive disorders. Part II: Psychotherapy Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna. 2018;18(3):242-247.

  • Voytenko V., Nykamp L., Achtyes E., Stoyanov R., Anderson K., Thomas S., Lee S.H., Edwards E., Post D., Wyngarden N. Evidence-based practice guideline for the treatment of adult patients with depressive disorders. Part I: Psychiatric management Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna. 2018;18(3):234-241.

  • Yskes R., Thomas R., Nagalla M. Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2018;20(6)

  • Blanchard J.J., Bradshaw K.R., Garcia C.P., Nasrallah H.A., Harvey P.D., Casey D., Csoboth C.T., Hudson J., Julian L., Lentz E., Nuechterlein K.H., Perkins D.O., Skale T.G., Snowden L.R., Tandon R., Tek C., Velligan D., Vinogradov S., O'Gorman C. Schizophrenia Research. 2017;185:137-143.

  • Bruijnzeel D., Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2017;28:A1-A2.

  • Bryleva E.Y., Keaton S.A., Grit J., Madaj Z., Sauro-Nagendra A., Smart L., Halstead S., Achtyes E., Brundin L. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2017;135(5):409-418.

  • Cather C., Hoeppner S., Pachas G., Pratt S., Achtyes E., Cieslak K.M., Evins A.E. Journal of Dual Diagnosis. 2017;13(3):168-178.

  • Gonzalez M.E., Martin E.E., Anwar T., Arellano-Garcia C., Medhora N., Lama A., Chen Y.C., Tanager K.S., Yoon E., Kidwell K.M., Ge C., Franceschi R.T., Kleer C.G. Cell Reports. 2017;18(5):1215-1228.

  • Greene L., Moreo K., Nasrallah H., Tandon R., Sapir T. Academic Psychiatry. 2017;41(4):497-502.

  • Herpertz S.C., Huprich S.K., Bohus M., Chanen A., Goodman M., Mehlum L., Moran P., Newton-Howes G., Scott L., Sharp C. Journal of Personality Disorders. 2017;31(5):577-589.

  • Huprich S. Journal of Personality Assessment. 2017;99(5):451-452.

  • Huprich S.K. Journal of personality assessment. 2017;99(5):449-450.

  • Huprich S.K., Nelson S.M., Paggeot A., Lengu K., Albright J. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 2017;8(1):46-53.

  • Kanzawa M., Hadden O. Case report of a switch to mania induced by lurasidone Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology. 2017;7:91-93.

  • Kanzawa M., Premkumar B. Urgent release of severe psychomotor retardation with intramuscular lorazepam: a case report Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology. 2017;7:227-229.

  • Keshavan M., Lawler A.N., Nasrallah H.A., Tandon R. Progress in Neurobiology. 2017;152:3-20.

  • Knight J.S., Meng H., Coit P., Yalavarthi S., Sule G., Gandhi A.A., Grenn R.C., Mazza L.F., Ali R.A., Renauer P., Wren J.D., Bockenstedt P.L., Wang H., Eitzman D.T., Sawalha A.H. JCI Insight. 2017;2(18)

  • Malik S., Kothari C., MacCallum C., Liepman M., Tareen S., Rhodes K.V. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2017;70:835-839.

  • McIntyre R., Suppes T., Tandon R., Ostacher M. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2017;78(6):703-713.

  • Meng H., Yalavarthi S., Kanthi Y., Mazza L.F., Elfline M.A., Luke C.E., Pinsky D.J., Henke P.K., Knight J.S. Arthritis and Rheumatology. 2017;69(3):655-667.

  • Nelson S., Huprich S., Shankar S., Sohnleitner A., Paggeot A. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. 2017;8(3):217-227.

  • Paggeot A., Nelson S., Huprich S. Psychopathology. 2017;50(5):304-320.

  • Redinger M.J., Gibb T.S., Westerman P. American Journal of Bioethics. 2017;17(4):22-24.

  • Suryadevara U., Bruijnzeel D.M., Nuthi M., Jagnarine D.A., Tandon R., Bruijnzeel A.W. Current Neuropharmacology. 2017;15(6):800-814.

  • Tait L., Stein E., Turner A., Welch S., Tandon R. Worsening agitation and hallucinations: Could it be PTSD? Current Psychiatry. 2017;16(1):50-58.

  • Tandon R., Bruijnzeel D. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2017;25:A1.

  • Tandon R., Suryadevara U. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2017;26:A1-A2.

  • Tareen R.S., Tareen K. Psychosocial aspects of diabetes management: Dilemma of diabetes distress Translational Pediatrics. 2017;6:383-396.

  • Baumel A., Correll C.U., Hauser M., Brunette M., Rotondi A., Ben-Zeev D., Gottlieb J.D., Mueser K.T., Achtyes E.D., Schooler N.R., Robinson D.G., Gingerich S., Marcy P., Meyer-Kalos P., Kane J.M. Psychiatric Services. 2016;67(9):1035-1038.

  • Ben-Zeev D., Scherer E.A., Gottlieb J.D., Rotondi A.J., Brunette M.F., Achtyes E.D., Mueser K.T., Gingerich S., Brenner C.J., Begale M., Mohr D.C., Schooler N., Marcy P., Robinson D.G., Kane J.M. MHealth for schizophrenia: Patient engagement with a mobile phone intervention following hospital discharge JMIR Mental Health. 2016;3(3)

  • Bruijnzeel D., Tandon R. Drug Design, Development and Therapy. 2016;10:1641-1647.

  • Brunette M.F., Rotondi A.J., Ben-Zeev D., Gottlieb J.D., Mueser K.T., Robinson D.G., Achtyes E.D., Gingerich S., Marcy P., Schooler N.R., Meyer-Kalos P., Kane J.M. Psychiatric Services. 2016;67(4):444-447.

  • Fenn H.H., Ellison J.M., Yessengaliyeva E. Acute inpatient psychiatric settings On-Call Geriatric Psychiatry: Handbook of Principles and Practice. 2016:231-249.

  • Huprich S.K. Psychologists Should Help Curb the Wave of U. S. Gun Violence Journal of Personality Assessment. 2016;98(5):447-448.

  • Huprich S.K., Auerbach J.S., Porcerelli J.H., Bupp L.L. Journal of Personality Assessment. 2016;98(1):30-43.

  • Huprich S.K., Lengu K., Evich C. Journal of Personality Disorders. 2016;30(6):742-761.

  • Kothari C., Wiley J., Moe A., Liepman M.R., Tareen R.S., Curtis A. Public Health. 2016;137:154-161.

  • Kothari C.L., Liepman M.R., Shama Tareen R., Florian P., Charoth R.M., Haas S.S., McKean J.W., Moe A., Wiley J., Curtis A. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2016;20:1237-1246.

  • Lee B., McPherson M.A., Tandon R., Singh S., Jones M.E., Becker E.R. Trends and intervention results for unusual antipsychotic polypharmacy prescribing patterns for Florida adult and child Medicaid population: 2007-2013: (Running title: " Unusual Florida Medicaid antipsychotic prescribing") Journal of Health Care Finance. 2016;42(4)

  • Lewandowski A., Baker W.J., Sewick B., Knippa J., Axelrod B., McCaffrey R.J. Applied Neuropsychology:Adult. 2016;23(6):391-398.

  • Lewandowski A.G., Weirick J.D., Lewandowski C.A., Spector J. Phineas gage: A neuropsychological perspective of a historical case study The Oxford Handbook of the History of Clinical Neuropsychology. 2016:1079-1109.

  • Natoli A.P., Nelson S.M., Lengu K.J., Huprich S.K. Personality and Mental Health. 2016;10(4):293-304.

  • Ostacher M.J., Tandon R., Suppes T. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2016;77(7):920-926.

  • Pierce A., Turner A., Gilbo N., Ginory A., Korah T., Tandon R. No evidence of pregnancy, but she is suicidal and depressed after 'my baby died' Current Psychiatry. 2016;15(7):67-68.

  • Porcerelli J.H., Huth-Bocks A., Huprich S.K., Richardson L. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2016;173(2):138-146.

  • Ronningstam E., Huprich S. Commemoration of kenneth silk, MD (1944鈥2016) for his support and contributions to the studies of personality disorders Journal of Personality Disorders. 2016;30(4):433-435.

  • Tandon R. Conceptualizing psychotic disorders: Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater World Psychiatry. 2016;15(2):133-134.

  • Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2016;24:A1-A2.

  • Tandon R., Bruijnzeel D.C.M. What psychiatrists must know to make the mandated transition to ICD-10 Current Psychiatry. 2016;15(1)

  • Tandon R., Carpenter W.T. Psychotic disorders in DSM-5: Clinical implications of revisions from DSM-IV Psychiatric Times. 2016;33(10)

  • Tandon R., Cucchiaro J., Phillips D., Hernandez D., Mao Y., Pikalov A., Loebel A. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 2016;30(1):69-77.

  • Tareen K.N., Tareen R. Role of stress in urticaria syndrome Stress and Skin Disorders: Basic and Clinical Aspects. 2016:171-184.

  • Tareen R.S., Tareen K. Pain in dermatological disorders Journal of Pain Management. 2016;9:131-145.

  • Tareen R.S., Tareen K.N. Pain and dermatology Pediatric Pain: Current Aspects. 2016:77-96.

  • Tareen R.S., Tareen K.N. Psychoneuroimmunology of stress and psychodermatologic disorders Stress and Skin Disorders: Basic and Clinical Aspects. 2016:1-10.

  • Thorndike A.N., Achtyes E.D., Cather C., Pratt S., Pachas G.N., Hoeppner S.S., Eden Evins A. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2016;77(3):e320-e326.

  • Tsai L.T., Lo F.E., Yang C.C., Lo W.M., Keller J.J., Hwang C.W., Lin C.F., Lyu S.Y., Morisky D.E. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2016;13

  • Warner W.A., Kuang S.N., Hernandez R., Chong M.C., Ewing P.J., Fleischer J., Meng J., Chu S., Terashita D., English L., Chen W., Xu H.H. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2016;16(1)

  • Acharya D., Harper D.G., Achtyes E.D., Seiner S.J., Mahdasian J.A., Nykamp L.J., Adkison L., Van White L.D.S., McClintock S.M., Ujkaj M., Davidoff D.A., Forester B.P. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2015;30(3):265-273.

  • Achtyes E.D., Halstead S., Smart L.A., Moore T., Frank E., Kupfer D.J., Gibbons R. Psychiatric Services. 2015;66(10):1091-1096.

  • Bornstein R., Huprich S. Prologue: Toward an empirically informed 21st-century psychoanalysis: Challenges and opportunities Psychoanalytic Inquiry. 2015;35:2-4.

  • Bruijnzeel D., Yazdanpanah M., Suryadevara U., Tandon R. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. 2015;16(10):1559-1565.

  • Brundin L., Erhardt S., Bryleva E.Y., Achtyes E.D., Postolache T.T. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2015;132(3):192-203.

  • Chang J.S., Owaga E., Keller J.J., Bai C.H. Obesity and iron deficiency anemia: A review of population based studies Human Health and Nutrition: New Research. 2015:1-16.

  • Constantine R., Andel R., McPherson M., Tandon R. Schizophrenia Research. 2015;166(1-3):194-200.

  • Driesenga S.A., Rodriguez J.L., Picard T. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. 2015;27(2):247-270.

  • Fountoulakis K.N., Gonda X., Baghai T.C., Baldwin D.S., Bauer M., Blier P., Gattaz W., Hasler G., M枚ller H.J., Tandon R., Vieta E., Kasper S. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice. 2015;19(3):158-167.

  • Huprich S., Bornstein R. Behind closed doors: Sadomasochistic enactments and psychoanalytic research Psychoanalytic Inquiry. 2015;35:185-195.

  • Huprich S., Bornstein R. Epilogue: Toward an empirically informed 21st-century psychoanalysis: challenges and opportunities: can we move forward? Psychoanalytic Inquiry. 2015;35:204-205.

  • Huprich S., Nelson S. Journal of Personality Assessment. 2015;97(5):467-477.

  • Huprich S., Paggeot A., Samuel D. Journal of Personality Assessment. 2015;97(1):13-21.

  • Huprich S., Paggeot A., Samuel D. Erratum: Comparing the personality disorder interview for DSM-IV (PDI-IV) and SCID-II borderline personality disorder scales: An item-response theory analysis (Journal of Personality Assessment (2015) 97:1 (13-21)) Journal of Personality Assessment. 2015;97(2):221.

  • Huprich S.K., McWilliams N., Lingiardi V., Bornstein R.F., Gazzillo F., Gordon R.M. The Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (PDM) and the PDM-2: Opportunities to significantly affect the profession Psychoanalytic Inquiry. 2015;35:60-73.

  • Huprich S.K., Pouliot G.S., Nelson S.M., Pouliot S.K., Porcerelli J.H., Cawood C.D., Albright J.J. Journal of Personality Assessment. 2015;97(6):605-615.

  • Keeler J., Roth E.A., Neuser B.L., Spitsbergen J.M., Waters D.J.M., Vianney J.M. The neurochemistry and social flow of singing: Bonding and oxytocin Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2015;9(September)

  • Keller J.J., Muo C.H., Lan Y.C., Sung F.C., Lo F.E., Chiang K.Y., Lyu S.Y., Tsai S.T. Hernia. 2015;19:735-740.

  • Keller J.J., Wang J., Hwang Y.L., Chou C.C., Wang L.H., Hsu J.L., Bai C.H., Chiou H.Y. International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 2015;30:645-653.

  • Keshavan M.S., Tandon R. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2015;16:84-86.

  • Lengu K.J., Evich C.D., Nelson S.M., Huprich S.K. Psychiatry Research. 2015;229(3):801-808.

  • Magura S., Achtyes E.D., Batts K., Platt T., Moore T.L. American Journal on Addictions. 2015;24(5):396-399.

  • Nasrallah H.A., Harvey P.D., Casey D., Csoboth C.T., Hudson J., Julian L., Lentz E., Nuechterlein K.H., Perkins D.O., Kotowsky N., Skale T.G., Snowden L.R., Tandon R., Tek C., Velligan D., Vinogradov S., O'Gorman C. Schizophrenia Research. 2015;166(1-3):69-79.

  • Ou H.Y., Kuang S.N., He X., Molgora B.M., Ewing P.J., Deng Z., Osby M., Chen W., Xu H.H. Scientific Reports. 2015;5

  • Tandon R. Bipolar and depressive disorders in diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders-5: Clinical implications of revisions from diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders-IV Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. 2015;37(1):1-4.

  • Tandon R., Rankupalli B., Suryadevara U., Thornton J. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2015;17:135-137.

  • Tareen R.S., Tareen K. Dermatological infections in geriatric population Geriatric Psychodermatology: Psychocutaneous Disorders in the Elderly. 2015:243-259.

  • Tareen R.S., Tareen K.N. Psychotherapies for late life psychiatric issues Geriatric Psychodermatology: Psychocutaneous Disorders in the Elderly. 2015:27-39.

  • Tsai L.T., Lo F.E., Yang C.C., Keller J.J., Lyu S.Y. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2015;12:829-840.

  • Yalavarthi S., Gould T.J., Rao A.N., Mazza L.F., Morris A.E., N煤帽ez-脕lvarez C., Hern谩ndez-Ram铆rez D., Bockenstedt P.L., Liaw P.C., Cabral A.R., Knight J.S. Arthritis and Rheumatology. 2015;67(11):2990-3003.