Timothy A Garrow, PhD

Timothy A Garrow, PhD
Timothy A Garrow, PhD

Adjunct Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences

Contact Information



Timothy Garrow earned a BS in Nutrition Science, an MS in Nutrition, an MS in Exercise Physiology, and a PhD in Biochemistry. In 1994, he joined the faculty in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition (FSHN), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and earned the rank of Professor in 2005. He served four years as FSHNs Associate Head for Graduate Programs (2007-2011), and two years as FSHN's Associate Head for Undergraduate Programs (2014-2016).

While at UIUC, Dr. Garrow's research program focused on sulfur amino acid and one carbon metabolism, and in particular on the structure and function of the betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase (BHMT) and BHMT-2 enzymes, and the molecular biology of the bhmt gene including the effects of nutrition on bhmt gene expression. He has publications in a wide breadth of journals including the Journal of Nutrition, American Journal of Physiology, Metabolism, Biochemistry, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Structure, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), among others. At UIUC, he received college, national and international recognition as an outstanding researcher, and has presented invited lectures at national and international conferences on sulfur amino acid and one carbon metabolism, including presentations at the biennial FASEB Summer Research Conference on Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 and One Carbon Metabolism. Dr. Garrow has authored or co-authored two US patents, four book chapters, 61 original research articles, 12 serial and conference proceedings and obtained multiple grants from the National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association.

At 明遊訳app, Dr. Garrow is the Course Director for Molecular Foundations of Medicine, and does considerable teaching in the Genetics and Metabolic Disorders course. He is the Biochemistry Discipline Director, and the Nutrition Thread co-Director. He also is the Director of the MS program in Biomedical Sciences.

  • 明遊訳app and Training

    • MS 2014, Kinesiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    • PhD 1992, Comparative Biochemistry, University of California-Berkeley
    • MS 1988, Nutrition, University of California-Davis
    • BS 1986, Nutrition Science, University of California-Davis
  • Publications

    • Zhou Z., Garrow T.A., Dong X., Luchini D.N., Loor J.J. Journal of Nutrition. 2017;147:11-19.

    • Ganu R., Ishida Y., Koutmos M., Kolokotronis S.O., Roca A.L., Garrow T.A., Schook L.B. PLoS ONE. 2015;10

    • Garrow T.A. Betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase Food and Nutritional Components in Focus. 2015;2015-January:90-101.

    • Ml叩dkov叩 J., Hlad鱈lkov叩 J., Diamond C.E., Tryon K., Yamada K., Garrow T.A., Jungwirth P., Koutmos M., Jir叩ek J. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. 2014;82:2552-2564.

    • Ganu R., Garrow T., Koutmos M., Rund L., Schook L.B. Gene. 2013;529:228-237.

    • Piha J., Vaek V., Budsisky M., Mladkov叩 J., Garrow T.A., Jiacek J. The development of a new class of inhibitors for betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2013;65:256-275.

    • Lee M.B., Kooistra M., Zhang B., Slow S., Fortier A.L., Garrow T.A., Lever M., Trasler J.M., Baltz J.M. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012;287:33094-33103.

    • Ml叩dkov叩 J., Van棚k V., Bud棚鱈nsk箪 M., Elbert T., Demianov叩 Z., Garrow T., Jir叩ek J. Erratum: Double-headed sulfur-linked amino acids as first inhibitors for betaine-homocysteine s -methyltransferase 2 (Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2012) 55 (6822-6831) DOI:10.1021/jm300571h) Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2012;55:8974.

    • Ml叩dkov叩 J., Vank V., Bud邸鱈nsk箪 M., Elbert T., Demianov叩 Z., Garrow T., Jir叩ek J. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2012;55:6822-6831.

    • Ganu R., Garrow T.A., Sodhi M., Rund L.A., Schook L.B. Gene. 2011;473:133-138.

    • Strakova J., Gupta S., Kruger W., Dilger R., Tryon K., Li L., Garrow T. Nutrition Research. 2011;31:563-571.

    • Teng Y.W., Mehedint M.G., Garrow T.A., Zeisel S.H. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2011;286:36258-36267.

    • Liu H.H., Lu P., Guo Y., Farrell E., Zhang X., Zheng M., Bosano B., Zhang Z., Allard J., Liao G., Fu S., Chen J., Dolim K., Kuroda A., Usuka J., Cheng J., Tao W., Welch K., Liu Y., Pease J., De Keczer S.A., Masjedizadeh M., Hu J.S., Weller P., Garrow T., Peltz G. Genome Research. 2010;20:28-35.

    • Strakova J., Williams K.T., Gupta S., Schalinske K.L., Kruger W.D., Rozen R., Jiracek J., Li L., Garrow T.A. Nutrition Research. 2010;30:492-500.

    • Vank V., Bud邸鱈nsk箪 M., Kabeleov叩 P., anda M., Koz転鱈邸ek M., Hanlov叩 I., Ml叩dkov叩 J., Brynda J., Rosenberg I., Koutmos M., Garrow T.A., Jir叩ek J. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2009;52:3652-3665.

    • Castro C., Millian N.S., Garrow T.A. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2008;472:26-33.

    • Szegedi S.S., Castro C.C., Koutmos M., Garrow T.A. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2008;283:8939-8945.

    • Williams K.T., Garrow T.A., Schalinske K.L. Journal of Nutrition. 2008;138:2064-2069.

    • Dilger R.N., Garrow T.A., Baker D.H. Journal of Nutrition. 2007;137:2224-2228.

    • Sch辰fer C., Hoffmann L., Heldt K., Lornejad-Sch辰fer M., Brauers G., Gehrmann T., Garrow T., H辰ussinger D., Mayatepek E., Schwahn B., Schliess F. American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 2007;292

    • Collinsova M., Strakova J., Jiracek J., Garrow T.A. Journal of Nutrition. 2006;136:1493-1497.

    • Jiracek J., Collinsova M., Rosenberg I., Budesinsky M., Protivinska E., Netusilova H., Garrow T. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2006;49:3982-3989.

    • Nieman K., Hartz C.S., Szegedi S.S., Garrow T.A., Sparks J.D., Schalinske K.L. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2006;291

    • Ratnam S., Wijekoon E.P., Hall B., Garrow T.A., Brosnan M.E., Brosnan J.T. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2006;290

    • Slow S., Garrow T.A. Journal of Nutrition. 2006;136:2279-2283.

    • Augspurger N.R., Scherer C.S., Garrow T.A., Baker D.H. Journal of Nutrition. 2005;135:1712-1717.

    • Delgado-Reyes C., Garrow T. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 2005;288

    • Miller C., Szegedi S.S., Garrow T.A. Biochemical Journal. 2005;392:443-448.

    • Castro C., Gratson A.A., Evans J.C., Jiracek J., Collinsov叩 M., Ludwig M.L., Garrow T.A. Biochemistry. 2004;43:5341-5351.

    • Nieman K.M., Rowling M.J., Garrow T.A., Schalinske K.L. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2004;279:45708-45712.

    • Schwahn B., Wendel U., Lussier-Cacan S., Mar M., Zeisel S., Leclerc D., Castro C., Garrow T., Rozen R. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental. 2004;53:594-599.

    • Schwahn B.C., Laryea M.D., Chen Z., Melnyk S., Pogribny I., Garrow T., James S.J., Rozen R. Biochemical Journal. 2004;382:831-840.

    • Szegedi S., Garrow T. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2004;426:32-42.

    • Tanghe K.A., Garrow T.A., Schalinske K.L. Journal of Nutrition. 2004;134:2913-2918.

    • Collinsov叩 M., Castro C., Garrow T., Yiotakis A., Dive V., Jir叩ek J. Combining combinatorial chemistry and affinity chromatography: Highly selective inhibitors of human betaine - Homocysteine S-methyltransferase Chemistry and Biology. 2003;10:113-122.

    • Morin I., Platt R., Weisberg I., Sabbaghian N., Wu Q., Garrow T.A., Rozen R. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 2003;119 A:172-176.

    • Schwahn B.C., Chen Z., Laryea M.D., Wendel U., Lussier-Cacan S., Genest J., Mar M.H., Zeisel S.H., Castro C., Garrow T., Rozen R. The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 2003;17:512-514.

    • Weisberg I., Park E., Ballman K., Berger P., Nunn M., Suh D., Breksa A., Garrow T., Rozen R. Atherosclerosis. 2003;167:205-214.

    • Breksa A., Garrow T. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2002;399:73-80.

    • Evans J.C., Huddler D.P., Jiracek J., Castro C., Millian N.S., Garrow T.A., Ludwig M.L. Structure. 2002;10:1159-1171.

    • Halsted C.H., Villanueva J.A., Devlin A.M., Niemel辰 O., Parkkila S., Garrow T.A., Wallock L.M., Shigenaga M.K., Melnyk S., James S.J. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2002;99:10072-10077.

    • Koval D., Ka邸ika V., Jir叩ek J., Collinsov叩 M., Garrow T.A. Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences. 2002;770:145-154.

    • Delgado-Reyes C., Wallig M., Garrow T. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2001;393:184-186.

    • Neece D., Griffiths M., Garrow T. Gene. 2000;250:31-40.

    • Sandu C., Nick P., Hess D., Schiltz E., Garrow T., Brandsch R. Biological Chemistry. 2000;381:619-622.

    • Breksa A., Garrow T. Biochemistry. 1999;38:13991-13998.

    • Chen P., Poddar R., Tipa E.V., Dibello P.M., Moravec C.D., Robinson K., Green R., Kruger W.D., Garrow T.A., Jacobsen D.W. Advances in Enzyme Regulation. 1999;39:93-109.

    • Park E.I., Garrow T.A. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1999;274:7816-7824.

    • Sowden M.P., Collins H.L., Smith H.C., Garrow T.A., Sparks J.D., Sparks C.E. Biochemical Journal. 1999;341:639-645.

    • Emmert J., Webel D., Biehl R., Griffiths M., Garrow L., Garrow T., Baker D. Journal of Animal Science. 1998;76:606-610.

    • Millian N., Garrow T. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 1998;356:93-98.

    • Mulligan J., Laurie T.J., Garrow T.A. An assay for betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase activity based on the microbiological detection of methionine Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 1998;9:351-354.

    • Park E.I., Garrow L.S., Mulligan J., Millan N.S., Renduchintala M.S., Griffiths M.A., Garrow T.A. The interaction of methionine (Met) deficiency and dietary methyl donors on hepatic betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase (BHMT) gene expression FASEB Journal. 1998;12

    • Rao P.V., Garrow T.A., John F., Garland D., Millian N.S., Zigler J.S. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1998;273:30669-30674.

    • Atkinson I., Garrow T., Brenner A., Shane B. Methods in Enzymology. 1997;281:134-140.

    • Park E., Garrow L., Renduchintala M., Garrow T. Methionine deficiency increases betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase (BHMT) activity and mRNA levels in rat liver FASEB Journal. 1997;11

    • Park E., Renduchintala M., Garrow T. Diet-induced changes in hepatic betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase activity are mediated by changes in the steady-state level of its mRNA Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 1997;8:541-545.

    • Renduchintala M., Sunden S., Park E., Miklasz S., Garrow T. Tissue specific expression of betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase (BHMT), and chromosomal localization of the human gene FASEB Journal. 1997;11

    • Sunden S., Renduchintala M., Park E., Miklasz S., Garrow T. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 1997;345:171-174.

    • Zigler J., Garrow T., John F., Rao P. High concentration of be' aine-homocysteine methyltransferase in rhesus monkey lens Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 1997;38

    • Chen L., Qi H., Korenberg J., Garrow T.A., Choi Y.J., Shane B. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1996;271:13077-13087.

    • Emmert J., Garrow T., Baker D. Journal of Animal Science. 1996;74:2738-2744.

    • Emmert J., Garrow T., Baker D. Journal of Nutrition. 1996;126:2050-2058.

    • Garrow T.A. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1996;271:22831-22838.

    • Laune T., Garrow T. A microbiological assay for betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase (BHMT) using microtiter plates FASEB Journal. 1996;10

    • Lin B.F., Kim J.S., Hsu J.C., Osborne C., Lowe K., Garrow T., Shane B. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research. 1996;40:95-106.

    • Egan M.G., Sirlin S., Rumberger B., Garrow T.A., Shane B., Sirotnak F.M. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1995;270:5462-5468.

    • Lenz H.J., Danenberg K., Schnieders B., Goeker E., Peters G.J., Garrow T., Shane B., Bertino J.R., Danenberg P.V. Oncology Research. 1994;6:329-335.

    • Garrow T.A., Brenner A.A., Whitehead V., Chen X.N., Duncan R.G., Korenberg J.R., Shane B. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1993;268:11910-11916.

    • Garrow T.A., Shane B. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 1993;338:659-662.

    • Shane B., Garrow T., Brenner A., Chen L., Choi Y.J., Hsu J.C., Stover P. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 1993;338:629-634.

    • Garrow T.A., Admon A., Shane B. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1992;89:9151-9155.

    • Garrow T.A., Clegg M.S., Metzler G., Keen C.L. Hypertension. 1991;17:793-797.