Tracey L Mersfelder, PharmD

Tracey L Mersfelder, PharmD
Tracey L Mersfelder, PharmD

Adjunct Clinical Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences

Contact Information



Tracey Mersfelder, PharmD, is a professor of pharmacy with Ferris State University who also serves a clinical pharmacy consultant for Borgess Medical Center's internal medicine residency program. She is a graduate of University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, Ohio, which is also where she earned her doctorate in pharmacy. She completed two residencies, one in pharmacy practice and one in adult internal medicine pharmacy with Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina.

  • Board Certification

    • Board of Pharmacy Specialties (Pharmacotherapy)
  • 汤头条app and Training

    • Residency 1999, Adult Internal Medicine Pharmacy, Medical University of South Carolina
    • Residency 1998, Pharmacy Practice, Medical University of South Carolina
    • PharmD 1997, Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Cincinnati
    • BS 1994, Pharmacy, University of Cincinnati
  • Research

    • Pharmacy
  • Publications

    • Shamsi W.E., Mersfelder T.L., Kavanaugh K.J. Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2024;37:88-92.

    • Kumar D., Rehman M.E., Mersfelder T., Patel P. BMJ case reports. 2021;14

    • Mersfelder T.L., Sohn M., Girand H.L. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 2021;13:796-803.

    • Vaillant J.J., Mersfelder T.L., Maynard R.S., Kavanaugh K. Procalcitonin-Guided Antibiotic Discontinuation: An Antimicrobial Stewardship Initiative to Assist Providers Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management. 2020;27:111-114.

    • Mersfelder T.L., Jacob C., Lam J., Kavanaugh K.J., Molnar C.M. Evaluation of a pharmacist-driven protocol to reduce inappropriate use of acid-suppressive medications in the Non-ICU Setting P and T. 2019;44:471-473.

    • Mersfelder T.L., Shiltz D.L. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2019;53:1249-1258.

    • Motin S., Mersfelder T., Hays B. American Journal of Therapeutics. 2018;25(6):E661-E662.

    • VanGalder K., Mersfelder T., VanLangen K. Pharmacists' knowledge of the cost of laboratory testing Hospital Pharmacy. 2017;52(5):357-360.

    • Attaway A., Sroujieh L., Mersfelder T.L., Butler C., Ouellette D. 'Ping-pong gaze' secondary to monoamine oxidase inhibitor overdose Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics. 2016;7(1):34-37.

    • Jones R.T., Evans W., Mersfelder T.L., Kavanaugh K. American Journal of Therapeutics. 2016;23(3):e944-e946.

    • Mersfelder T., Nichols W. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2016;50(3):229-233.

    • Mersfelder T., Nichols W. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2016;50(8):692.

    • Abdoh M., Mersfelder T.L., Melgar T.A. American Journal of Therapeutics. 2014;21

    • Attaway A., Mersfelder T.L., Vaishnav S., Baker J.K. Bullous pemphigoid associated with dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors. A case report and review of literature Journal of Dermatological Case Reports. 2014;8(1):24-28.

    • Mersfelder T., Bouthillier M. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2012;46(4):541-548.

    • Gregory M.D., Mersfelder T.L., Jamieson T. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2010;44(2):391-393.

    • Ward K., Archambault R., Mersfelder T. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 2010;67(3):206-213.

    • Mersfelder T., Bickel R. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 2009;66(12):1075-1076.

    • LaPlante K.L., Mersfelder T.L., Ward K.E., Quilliam B.J. Pharmacotherapy. 2008;28(1):82-89.

    • Mersfelder T., Bickel R. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 2008;65(23):2273-2275.

    • Ward K., Mersfelder T., LaPlante K. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 2006;15(4):417-429.

    • Beste L., Mersfelder T.L. American Journal Geriatric Pharmacotherapy. 2005;3(4):262-265.

    • Mersfelder T. Medicine and health, Rhode Island. 2005;88(12):441-442.

    • Mersfelder T.L. Medicine and health, Rhode Island. 2005;88(8):277-278.

    • Mersfelder T.L., Smith C.L. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 2005;62(5)

    • Hogue J.H., Mersfelder T.L., Morand B.R., Laplante S. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2002;36(4):679-686.

    • Mersfelder T.L. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2001;68(3):208-223.

    • Chong B., Mersfelder T. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2000;34(9):1056-1065.

    • Mersfelder T.L., Stewart L. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2000;34(3):325-327.

    • Mersfelder T., Armitstead J., Ivey M., Cedars M. Pharmacy practice management quarterly. 1999;18(4):50-58.

  • Presentations

    • A quality improvement project: Utility of a heart failure medication poster in an internal medicine/medicine-pediatric/family medicine clinic. Garber K, Thomas T, Milbocker R, Mullikin A, Mersfelder T, Kavanaugh K, 42nd Annual Kalamazoo Community and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2024
    • Weight management: A resource poster for enhancing treatment selection. Zahid I, Terrio M, Crumm I, Khan Z, Graham B, Ranjith A, Mersfelder T, Kavanaugh K, 42nd Annual Kalamazoo Community and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2024
    • A case of tizanidine and lisinopril interaction causing hypotension. Setzer KM, Baldwin NP, Mersfelder TL, Kelly ME, 42nd Annual Kalamazoo Community and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2024
    • Avelumab-Induced rhabdomyolysis: A case report on rare immune-related adverse reac on in urothelial cancer . Sadasivan R, Zahid I, Mersfelder TL, Meck B, 42nd Annual Kalamazoo Community and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2024
    • A Case of Nitrofurantoin Causing Liver Damage. Thomas T, Maticevic M, Mersfelder T, Baker J, Bannon S, 41st Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical & Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 05/2023
    • A Quality Improvement Project: Utility and Usability of a Diabetes Medication Poster in an Internal Medicine/Medicine-Pediatric Clinic. Shamsi W, Muthukumarasamy N, Weber L, Van Maele R, SurVance E, Kavanaugh K, Mersfelder T, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021