James M McKim, PhD

James M McKim, PhD
James M McKim, PhD

Research Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences

Contact Information



James McKim, PhD, is founder and president of IONTOX, a biotechnology company founded in 2014 dedicated to providing expertise to the area of in vitro toxicology, with a mission to build improved methods for predicting human adverse effects from chemical exposure. IONTOX offers advanced in vitro solutions that promise to increase the reliability of in vitro toxicology. This in-turn will reduce animal usage, improve the success of new drug candidates, and provide an advanced method of understanding systemic toxicity.

Dr. McKim is a graduate of Florida Technical College in Orlando, Florida. He earned his doctorate in biochemical and molecular toxicology from Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, and also completed a postdoctoral fellowship in cellular and molecular toxicology with University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City, Kansas. Prior to founding IONTOX, he was founder, president, and CEO for CeeTox, and a senior research advisor with Pharmacia, serving as group leader for predictive toxicology.

  • 汤头条app and Training

    • Postdoctoral Fellowship 1992, Cellular and Molecular Toxicology, Medical Center, University of Kansas
    • PhD 1989, Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, Oregon State University
    • AS 1982, Ocean Engineering, Florida Technical College
    • BS 1982, Environmental Science, Florida Technical College
  • Research

    • Toxicology
  • Publications

    • Kolanczyk R.C., Solem L.E., Schmieder P.K., McKim J.M. A Comparative Study of Phase I and II Hepatic Microsomal Biotransformation of Phenol in Three Species of Salmonidae: Hydroquinone, Catechol, and Phenylglucuronide Formation Fishes. 2024;9

    • Kolanczyk R.C., Solem L.E., Tapper M.A., Hoffman A.D., Sheedy B.R., Schmieder P.K., McKim J.M. Sex-Linked Changes in Biotransformation of Phenol in Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) over an Annual Reproductive Cycle Fishes. 2024;9

    • McKim J.M., Nichols J.W. Use of physiologically based toxicokinetic models in a mechanistic approach to aquatic toxicology Aquatic Toxicology: Molecular, Biochemical, and Cellular Perspectives. 2018:469-520.

    • McKim J.M., Lien G.J. Toxic responses of the skin Target Organ Toxicity in Marine and Freshwater Teleosts: Organs. 2017:151-223.

    • Poth A., Wolf M., Carraway J., McKim J., Coleman K., Hutchinson R., Brown R., Krug H., Bahinski A., Hartung T. Altex. 2017;34(4):479-500.

    • {} Journal of Applied Toxicology. 2015;35(11):1361-1371.

    • Stephens M., Taalman R., Knudsen T., McKim J., Harris G., Pamies D., Hartung T. Altex. 2014;31(3):341-356.

    • Magee T.V., Brown M.F., Starr J.T., Ackley D.C., Abramite J.A., Aubrecht J., Butler A., Crandon J.L., Dib-Hajj F., Flanagan M.E., Granskog K., Hardink J.R., Huband M.D., Irvine R., Kuhn M., Leach K.L., Li B., Lin J., Luke D.R., Macvane S.H., Miller A.A., McCurdy S., McKim J.M., Nicolau D.P., Nguyen T.T., Noe M.C., O'Donnell J.P., Seibel S.B., Shen Y., Stepan A.F., Tomaras A.P., Wilga P.C., Zhang L., Xu J., Chen J.M. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2013;56:5079-5093.

    • {} ALTEX. 2012;29(1):3-91.

    • {} Altex. 2011;28(3):183-209.

    • Kleinow K.M., Nichols J.W., Hayton W.L., McKim J.M., Barron M.G. Toxicokinetics in fishes The Toxicology of Fishes. 2008:55-152.

    • Erickson R., McKim J., Lien G., Hoffman A., Batterman S. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2006;25(6):1512-1521.

    • Erickson R., McKim J., Lien G., Hoffman A., Batterman S. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2006;25(6):1522-1532.

    • Kolanczyk R., Fitzsimmons P., McKim J., Erickson R., Schmieder P. Aquatic Toxicology. 2003;64(2):177-184.

    • Lien G., McKim J., Hoffman A., Jenson C. Aquatic Toxicology. 2001;51(3):335-350.

    • Hoffman A., Jenson C., Lien G., McKim J. Individual tissue weightto total body weight relationships and total, polar, and nonpolar lipids in tissues of hatchery lake trout Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 1999;128(1):178-181.

    • McKim J.M., Kolanczyk R.C., Lien G.J., Hoffman A.D. Dynamics of renal excretion of phenol and major metabolites in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Aquatic Toxicology. 1999;45(4):265-277.

    • McKim J.M., Lien G.J., Hoffman A.D., Jenson C.T. Respiratory-cardiovascular physiology and xenobiotic gill flux in the lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - A Molecular and Integrative Physiology. 1999;123(1):69-81.

    • McKim J., Nichols J., Lien G., Hoffman A., Gallinat C., Stokes G. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology. 1996;31(2):218-228.

    • Nichols J., McKim J., Lien G., Hoffman A., Bertelsen S., Elonen C. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology. 1996;31(2):229-242.

    • Lien G., Nichols J., McKim J., Gallinat C. Modeling the accumulation of three waterborne chlorinated ethanes in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas): A physiologically based approach Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1994;13(7):1195-1205.

    • McKim J.M., Nichols J.W., Lien G.J., Bertelsen S.L. Respiratory鈥恈ardiovascular physiology and chloroethane gill flux in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus Journal of Fish Biology. 1994;44(3):527-547.

    • Nichols J., Rheingans P., Lothenbach D., McGeachie R., Skow L., McKim J. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1994;102(11):952-956.

    • Lien G.J., McKim J.M. Predicting branchial and cutaneous uptake of 2,2鈥,5,5鈥-tetrachlorobiphenyl in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) and Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes): Rate limiting factors Aquatic Toxicology. 1993;27(1-2):15-31.

    • Mckim J.M., Naumann S., Hammermeister D.E., Hoffman A.D., Klaassen C.D. Toxicological Sciences. 1993;20(2):190-198.

    • Nichols J., McKim J., Lien G., Hoffman A., Bertelsen S., Gallinat C. Physiologically-based toxicokinetic modeling of three waterborne chloroethanes in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus Aquatic Toxicology. 1993;27(1-2):83-111.

    • Nichols J., McKim J., Lien G., Hoffman A., Bertelsen S. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 1991;110(3):374-389.

    • Niemi G.J., Bradbury S.P., McKim J.M. Use of fish physiology literature for predicting fish acute toxicity syndromes ASTM Special Technical Publication. 1991(1124):245-260.

    • Erickson R., McKim J. A model for exchange of organic chemicals at fish gills: flow and diffusion limitations Aquatic Toxicology. 1990;18(4):175-197.

    • Erickson R., McKim J. A simple flow鈥恖imited model for exchange of organic chemicals at fish gills Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1990;9(2):159-165.

    • Nichols J.W., McKim J.M., Andersen M.E., Gargas M.L., Clewell H.J., Erickson R.J. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 1990;106(3):433-447.

    • Bradbury S., McKim J.M., Coats J.R. Physiological response of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) to acute fenvalerate intoxication Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 1987;27(3):275-288.

    • McKim J.M., Bradbury S.P., Niemi G.J. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1987;Vol. 71:171-186.

    • McKim J.M., Schmieder P.K., Carlson R.W., Hunt E.P., Niemi G.J. Use of respiratory鈥恈ardiovascular responses of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) in identifying acute toxicity syndromes in fish: Part 1. pentachlorophenol, 2,4鈥恉initrophenol, tricaine methanesulfonate and 1鈥恛ctanol Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1987;6(4):295-312.

    • McKim J.M., Schmieder P.K., Niemi G.J., Carlson R.W., Henry T.R. Use of respiratory鈥恈ardiovascular responses of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) in identifying acute toxicity syndromes in fish: Part 2. malathion, carbaryl, acrolein and benzaldehyde Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1987;6(4):313-328.

    • Bradbury S., Coats J., McKim J. Toxicokinetics of fenvalerate in rainbow trout (Salmo Gairdneri) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1986;5(6):567-576.

    • McKim J., Schmieder P., Erickson R. Toxicokinetic modeling of [<sup>14</sup>C]pentachlorophenol in the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) Aquatic Toxicology. 1986;9(1):59-80.

    • Bradbury S., Coats J., McKim J. Differential toxicity and uptake of two fenvalerate formulations in fathead minnows Pimephales promelas Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1985;4(4):533-541.

    • McKim J., Schmieder P., Veith G. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 1985;77(1):1-10.

    • McKim J., Heath E. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 1983;68(2):177-187.

    • McKim J.M., Goeden H. A direct measure of the uptake efficiency of a xenobiotic chemical across the gills of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) under normoxic and hypoxic conditions Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C, Comparative. 1982;72(1):65-74.

    • McKim J.M., Syrett R. Mobile surgical table with automatic solenoid system for fishery applications Progressive Fish-Culturist. 1982;44(2):75-78.

    • Eaton J., McKim J., Holcombe G. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1978;19(1):95-103.

    • McKim J., Eaton J., Holcombe G. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1978;19(1):608-616.

    • McKim J., Anderson R., Benoit D., Spehar R., Stokes G. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation. 1976;48(6):1544-1620.

    • McKim J., Olson G., Holcombe G., Hunt E. Long term effects of methylmercuric chloride on three generations of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis): Toxicity, accumulation, distribution, and elimination J.FISH.RES.BOARD CANADA. 1976;33(12):2726-2739.

    • McKim J., Arthur J., Thorslund T. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1975;14(1):1-7.

    • McKim J., Benoit D., Biesinger K., Brungs W., Siefert R. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation. 1975;47(6):1711-1768.

    • McKim J., Christensen G., Tucker J., Benoit D., Lewis M. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation. 1974;46(6):1540-1591.

    • McKim J., Cristensen G., Tucker J., Lewis M. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation. 1973;45(6):1370-1407.

    • Christensen G., McKim J., Brungs W., Hunt E. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 1972;23(3):417-427.