Steven Eric Butt, PhD, MS

Steven Eric Butt, PhD, MS
Steven Eric Butt, PhD, MS

Professor, Department of Surgical Services


Steven Butt, PhD, MS, is Professor and Chair of the Department of Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering & Engineering Management and the Chair of the Department of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems at Western Michigan University, as well as Professor in the Program in Medical Engineering at 汤头条app.

Dr. Butt is a graduate of Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana. He earned both his masters degree and PhD in industrial engineering and operations research from The Pennsylvania State University in University Park, Pennsylvania.

  • 汤头条app and Training

    • PhD 1994, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Pennsylvania State University
    • MS 1991, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Pennsylvania State University
    • BA 1986, Mathematics and Chemistry, Earlham College
  • Research

    • Industrial Engineering
  • Publications

    • Albalawi O.H., Houshyar A., White B.E., Butt S.E., Asumadu J. Sustainability Application for Building the Most Sustainable and Environmental Power Plant 16th International Computer Engineering Conference, ICENCO 2020. 2020:130-134.

    • Hammond M.A., Martinez J.Y., Butt S.E., Fredericks T.K., Bellingar T.A. Studying objective measures of pressure redistribution during prolonged task seating IISE Annual Conference and Expo 2019. 2019

    • Martinez J.Y., Hammond M.A., Fredericks T.K., Butt S.E., Bellingar T.A. Modeling the relationship between trunk flexion and center of pressure in a seated position IISE Annual Conference and Expo 2019. 2019

    • Al-Bayati A.J., Abudayyeh O., Fredericks T., Butt S.E. Managing Cultural Diversity at U.S. Construction Sites: Hispanic Workers' Perspectives Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2017;143(9)

    • Al-Bayati A.J., Abudayyeh O., Fredericks T., Butt S.E. Reducing fatality rates of the Hispanic workforce in the U.S. Construction industry: Challenges and strategies Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2017;143(3)

    • Kuk M., Butt S., Fredericks T., Abudayyeh O., Kumar A. Statistical investigation of modeling EMS response time: Michigan case study 67th Annual Conference and Expo of the Institute of Industrial Engineers 2017. 2017:830-835.

    • Acar I., Butt S.E. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2016;64:192-206.

    • Fredericks T.K., Butt S.E., Kumar A.R., Bellingar T. Ergonomics. 2016;59(7):901-912.

    • Ramrattan S., Butt S., Makino H. Dynamic testing of green sand 72nd World Foundry Congress, WFC 2016. 2016:119-120.

    • Amin-Kumar S., Fredericks T., Butt S., Kumar A. Determining the time allocated to different activities by nurses in NICU IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2015. 2015:1342-1351.

    • Burns J., Butt S.E. Disrupted supply networks: Modeling capacity acquisition decisions for recovery IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2015. 2015:2791-2798.

    • Fredericks T., Kumar A., Oda N., Butt S. Psychophysically determined user acceptable oral reading speed (UAORS) for an 8-h work day International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 2015;50:52-61.

    • Kumar A.R., Fredericks T.K., Butt S.E. Using a psychophysical approach to identify a user's self selected thermal comfort on a task chair International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 2015;46:36-43.

    • Amin S.G., Fredericks T.K., Butt S.E., Kumar A.R. Measuring mental workload in a hospital unit using EEG - A pilot study IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2014. 2014:1411-1418.

    • Butt S.E., Fredericks T.K., Kumar A.R., Amin S.G., Bellingar T. An investigation to determine postures selected by users for an office side chair IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2014. 2014:2308-2315.

    • Fredericks T.K., Butt S.E., Kumar A.R., Amin S.G., Utkan F., Bellingar T. Influence of armrest width and task on armrest usage IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2014. 2014:2326-2335.

    • Houshyar A., White B., Butt S.E., Fredericks T.K. Development and implementation of the industrial and entrepreneurial engineering program at Western Michigan university ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2014

    • Rodriguez J., Butt S., Fredericks T. Pre-college activities to promote positive perception of engineering and engineering technology careers Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL 2014. 2014:715-719.

    • Butt S.E., Fredericks T.K., Cure L., Burns J.D., Harms K.S. Effects of stretcher mobility related design features on healthcare workers IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2013. 2013:1854-1860.

    • Fredericks T.K., Butt S.E., Prieto D.M., Burns J., Harms K.S., Nauman K.P., Larson-Jaramillo D.E. Investigating vertical displacement within the aesthesiometric threshold of the thigh 62nd IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2012. 2012:2374-2379.

    • Utkan F., Fredericks T.K., Butt S.E. The effect of scoliosis curvature on lumbar support for task seating 61st Annual IIE Conference and Expo Proceedings. 2011

    • Amin-Kumar S., Butt S., Fredericks T., Utkan F., Glick A., Hovenkamp A., Bellingar T. Determining the aesthesiometric thresholds at the low back region: A pilot study IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2008. 2008:1843-1848.

    • Butt S.E., Acar I.P. Modeling independent pharmacy staff scheduling IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2008. 2008:1861-1866.

    • Rodriguez J., Fredericks T., Butt S., Rodriguez L. Students and faculty experiences in technology and engineering workshops for middle and high schools ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2007

    • Abudayyeh O., Fredericks T.K., Butt S.E., Shaar A. An investigation of management's commitment to construction safety International Journal of Project Management. 2006;24(2):167-174.

    • Tsang E., Halderson C., Abdel-Qader I., Aller B., Butt S., Kline A., Miller D., Place T., Yehia S., Kallen K. Assessment of faculty mentoring strategies of student learning communities at Western Michigan University College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Proceedings - Frontiers in 汤头条app Conference, FIE. 2006

    • Fredericks T.K., Choi S.D., Hart J., Butt S.E., Mital A. An investigation of myocardial aerobic capacity as a measure of both physical and cognitive workloads International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 2005;35(12):1097-1107.

    • Butt S.E., Fredericks T.K., White B.E. Elements of an activity-based statistics course for engineers ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 2004:4569-4577.

    • Fredericks T.K., Rodriguez J., Butt S., Harris C., Smith H., Velasquez-Bryant N. The impact of a summer institute on high school students' perceptions of engineering and technology ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 2004:6707-6713.

    • Choudhury A., Ramrattan S., Butt S. Remote data collection and transfer as a teaching tool for process monitoring and control ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 2003:12843-12850.

    • Butt S.E., Houshyar A. Applied operations scheduling and routing Scientia Iranica. 2002;9(3):187-192.

    • Butt S.E., Ryan D.M. An optimal solution procedure for the multiple tour maximum collection problem using column generation Computers and Operations Research. 1999;26(4):427-441.

    • Butt S.E., Cavalier T.M. Facility location in the presence of congested regions with the rectilinear distance metric Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 1997;31(2):103-113.

    • Butt S.E., Cavalier T.M. An efficient algorithm for facility location in the presence of forbidden regions European Journal of Operational Research. 1996;90(1):56-70.

    • Butt S.E., Cavalier T.M. A heuristic for the multiple tour maximum collection problem Computers and Operations Research. 1994;21(1):101-111.