Research and Scholarly Activity

In the Department of Emergency Medicine, we have an active, ongoing program that provides ample opportunities for our students, residents, and fellows to participate in research and scholarly activities. Together, we offer experiences that enable discovery and promote creativity, and we are committed to pursuing inquiry, disseminating knowledge, and fostering critical thinking that encourages lifelong learning.

Our residency curriculum includes the principles of research design, methodology, biostatistics and analysis, and the ethical principles of clinical and translational research. Many of our residents’ projects are presented at the annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Day and other prestigious regional and national venues. Many projects are published in peer-reviewed journals.

Our faculty provide research mentorship in a wide variety of interests.

Research and Scholarly Activity, 2019-24

Department of Emergency Medicine Research and Scholarly Activity 2019-24

Recent Publications

  • Autrey C.M., Martinez S.A., Remaly M., Boccio E. Severely Painful and Pruritic Forearm Rash: A Case of Caterpillar Envenomation in South Florida Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine. 2024;8:147-150.

  • Cole J.B., Stang J.L., Collins J.D., Klein L.R., DeVries P.A., Smith J., Pepin L.C., Fuchs R.T., Driver B.E. Comparing Intubation Rates in Patients Receiving Parenteral Olanzapine With and Without a Parenteral Benzodiazepine in the Emergency Department Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2024

  • Holcomb J.B., Butler F.K., Schreiber M.A., Taylor A.L., Riggs L.E., Krohmer J.R., Dorlac W.C., Jenkins D.H., Cox D.B., Beckett A.N., O'Connor K.C., Gurney J.M. Transfusion. 2024;64:1543-1550.

  • Kazi R., Hoyle J.D., Huffman C., Ekblad G., Ruffing R., Dunwoody S., Hover T., Cody S., Fales W. Prehospital Emergency Care. 2024;28:43-49.

  • Lenning J.C., Messman A.M., Kline J.A. Application of motor learning theory to teach the head impulse test to emergency medicine resident physicians AEM ÌÀÍ·Ìõapp and Training. 2024;8

  • McGlinchey Ford M., Rogotzke C.D., Bencik S.L., Billian J.R., Young J.L., Bencik C.D., Mastenbrook J.D. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2024;83:385-393.

  • Paxton J.H., Keenan K.J., Wilburn J.M., Wise S.L., Klausner H.A., Ball M.T., Dunne R.B., Kreitel K.D., Morgan L.F., Fales W.D., Madhok D., Barazangi N., McLean S.T., Cross K., Distenfield L., Sykes J., Lovoi P., Johnson B., Smith W.S. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2024

  • Redinger M.J., Gibb T.S., Redinger K.E. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2024;99:699-701.

  • Schaefer R.M., Bank E.A., Krohmer J.R., Haskell A., Taylor A.L., Jenkins D.H., Holcomb J.B. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2024;97:S138-S144.

  • Steuerwald M.T., MacDonald R.D., Guyette F.X., Hanson K., Hinckley W.R., Lyng J., Martin P.S., Martin-Gill C., Savino P.B., Schwerin D., Selde W. Prehospital Emergency Care. 2024;28:413-417.

  • Alfaro S., Sen-Crowe B., Autrey C., Elkbuli A. Journal of Public Health (United Kingdom). 2023;45(2):E250-E259.

  • Calatroni R., Kachmar M., Katz D. Rare giant adrenal cyst in pediatric patient Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports. 2023;89

  • Chinn E., Brunette N.D., Driver B.E., Klein L.R., Stang J.L., DeVries P., Mojica E., Raiter A., Miner J.R., Cole J.B. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2023;65:109-112.

  • Davis D.P., Olvera D., Selde W., Wilmas J., Stuhlmiller D. Air Medical Journal. 2023;42:36-41.

  • DeWaard S., Dewyer Z., Al Assil T., Gallap R., Patrick L., Fukuda N., Ford M. Infection, Disease and Health. 2023;28:276-281.

  • Driver B.E., Prekker M.E., Wagner E., Cole J.B., Puskarich M.A., Stang J., DeVries P., Maruggi E., Miner J.R. Chest. 2023;163(2):313-323.

  • Goolsby C., Schuler K., Krohmer J., Gerstner D.N., Weber N.W., Slattery D.E., Kuhls D.A., Kirsch T.D. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2023;236(1):168-175.

  • Hunt R.C., Braunstein S.P., Cuddy Egbert L., Gorbach K.A., Rao M., Pearson J.D., Armistad A.J., Arora S., Bennett C.A., Dezan A.M., Herrmann J., Redd J.T., Jolly B.T., Krohmer J.R., Struminger B.B. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 2023;17(2)

  • Lenning J., Nay A., Ogren M., Dolcourt B., Mangan K., Messman A. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2023;24:23-29.

  • McGuire S.S., Keim A., Blakeney C.A., Brand S.I., Klassen A.B., Luke A., Maher S.A., Wood J.M., Sztajnkrycer M.D. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 2023;38:168-173.

  • O'Connor H.A., Thanel P.F., Dirks S.K., Alchaki A.R. Rapid expansion of post traumatic syringomyelia following parathyroidectomy: A case report and review of the literature Surgical Neurology International. 2023;14

  • Shehadeh A., Feng J., Selde W., Billian J., Mastenbrook J. Air Medical Journal. 2023;42:471-476.

  • Ziccarello J., Bauler L., Mastenbrook J. The importance of patient advocacy in foreign body identification and management: A case report Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2023;30

  • Aydemir B., Hoyle C., Hakmeh W. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2022;61:234.e1-234.e3.

  • Boserup B., Sen-Crowe B., Autrey C., McKenney M., Elkbuli A. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2022;56:336-337.

  • Elkbuli A., Autrey C., McKenny M. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2022;56:294-295.

  • Elkbuli A., Boserup B., Sen-Crowe B., Autrey C., McKenney M. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2022;57:202-206.

  • Gibb T.S., Redinger K.E., Barker H. American Journal of Bioethics. 2022;22:95-97.

  • Harrison N.E., Ehrman R., Favot M., Gowland L., Lenning J., Abidov A., Henry S., Gupta S., Welch R., Levy P. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2022;52:25-33.

  • Harrison N.E., Favot M.J., Gowland L., Lenning J., Henry S., Gupta S., Abidov A., Levy P., Ehrman R. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2022;29:1306-1319.

  • Hoang K., Pazderka P., Hakmeh W. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2022;52:267.e5-267.e7.

  • Hodgson N.R., Kunze K.L., Lim E.S., Maher S.A., Traub S.J. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2022;23:439-442.

  • Howing C.E., Razi F., Hakmeh W. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2022;54:328.e1-328.e2.

  • Hoyle J.D., Ekblad G., Woodwyk A., Brandt R., Fales B., Lammers R.L. Prehospital Emergency Care. 2022;26:511-518.

  • Lammers R.L., Willoughby-Byrwa M.J., Vos D.G., Fales W.D. Prehospital Emergency Care. 2022;26:463-475.

  • Lee D.H., Driver B.E., Prekker M.E., Puskarich M.A., Plummer D., Mojika E.Y., Smith J.C., DeVries P.A., Stang J.L., Reardon R.F. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2022;58:114-119.

  • Levy M.J., Krohmer J., Goralnick E., Charlton N., Nemeth I., Jacobs L., Goolsby C.A. A framework for the design and implementation of Stop the Bleed and public access trauma equipment programs JACEP Open. 2022;3(5)

  • Lewis-Thames M.W., Fank P., Gates M., Robinson K., Delfino K., Paquin Z., Seaman A.T., Molina Y. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022;19(6)

  • Lichenstein R., Monroe D., Quayle K.S., Miskin M., Cooper A., Gerardi M.J., Callahan J.M., Dayan P.S., Holmes J.F., Kuppermann N., Tunik M., Tsung J., Melville K., Lee L., Mahajan P., Nadel F., Powell E., Atabaki S., Brown K., Glass T., Hoyle J., Jacobs E., Borgialli D., Gorelick M., Bandyopadhyay S., Bachman M., Schamban N., Stanley R., Badawy M., Babcock-Cimpello L., Schunk J., Jaffe D., Lillis K., Alpern E., Chamberlain J., Dean J.M., Johns C., Levick N., Maio R., Miller S., Ruddy R., Treloar D., Walker A., Kavanaugh D., Park H., Dean M., Holubkov R., Knight S., Donaldson A., Chamberlain J., Brown M., Corneli H., Goepp J., Holubkov R., Holubkov R., Stremski E., Foltin G., Joseph J., Moler F., Teach S., Johns C., Mann N.C., Shaw K., Teitelbaum D., Alexander D., Gregor M., Nordberg B., Shults M., Brennan J., Brown J., Schalick W., Singh T., Wright J. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2022;38:326-331.

  • Mahajan P., VanBuren J.M., Tzimenatos L., Cruz A.T., Vitale M., Powell E.C., Leetch A.N., Pickett M.L., Brayer A., Nigrovic L.E., Dayan P.S., Atabaki S.M., Ruddy R.M., Rogers A.J., Greenberg R., Alpern E.R., Tunik M.G., Saunders M., Muenzer J., Levine D.A., Hoyle J.D., Lillis K.G., Gattu R., Crain E.F., Borgialli D., Bonsu B., Blumberg S., Anders J., Roosevelt G., Browne L.R., Cohen D.M., Linakis J.G., Jaffe D.M., Bennett J.E., Schnadower D., Park G., Mistry R.D., Glissmeyer E.W., Cator A., Bogie A., Quayle K.S., Ellison A., Balamuth F., Richards R., Ramilo O., Kuppermann N. Pediatrics. 2022;150

  • Nesbit C.E., Mastenbrook J.D., Ball M.T., Rinnert K.J., Edgar L. Emergency medical services Milestones 2.0: What has changed? AEM ÌÀÍ·Ìõapp and Training. 2022;6

  • Newsome K., Sen-Crowe B., Autrey C., Alfaro S., Levy M., Bilski T., Ibrahim J., Elkbuli A. Journal of Surgical Research. 2022;280:103-113.

  • Ouellette L., McCoy J., Bush C., Rossman L., Kolacki C., Rossman P., Jones J.S. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2022;51:124-126.

  • Poluch M., Feingold-Link J., Ankam N., Kilpatrick J., Cameron K., Chandra S., Doty A., Klein M., McCarthy D., Rising K., Salzman D., Ziring D., Papanagnou D. MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources. 2022;18:11218.

  • Redinger K., Gibb T., Caras K.S., Donmoyer I. Medical education. 2022;56:557-558.

  • Redinger K., Rozin E., Schiller T., Zhen A., Vos D. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2022;62(1):103-108.

  • Sabak M., Al-Hadidi A., Demashkieh L., Zengin S., Hakmeh W. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Dergisi. 2022;28:1312-1316.

  • Sauder M., Newsome K., Zagales I., Autrey C., Das S., Ang D., Elkbuli A. American Surgeon. 2022;88(7):1590-1600.

  • Sauder M., Newsome K., Zagales I., Autrey C., Das S., Zagales R., Bilski T., Elkbuli A. Journal of Surgical Research. 2022;277:7-16.

  • Sen-Crowe B., Autrey C., Newsome K., Mckenney M., Elkbuli A. American Surgeon. 2022;88(11):2695-2702.

  • Soyland D.J., Thanel P.F., Sievers M.E., Wagner K., Vuong S.M. Primary epidural sporadic Burkitt lymphoma in a 3-year-old: Case report and literature review Surgical Neurology International. 2022;13

  • Versalle D., Qi J., Noyes S.L., Moriarity A., George A., Cher M.L., Lane B.R. Urology. 2022;164:191-196.

  • Wenger A., Potilechio M., Redinger K., Billian J., Aguilar J., Mastenbrook J. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2022;64:e71-e76.

  • Wurster A., Bauler L., Howing C., McGlinchey Ford M. Lupus. 2022;31:1276-1279.

  • Alfaro S., Autrey C., Sen-Crowe B., Elkbuli A. Obesity implications on SARS-CoV-2 infections' prevalence, hospitalizations, critical care needs, fatalities & vaccination rates: A public health crisis Annals of Medicine and Surgery. 2021;72

  • Cole J.B., Stang J.L., DeVries P.A., Martel M.L., Miner J.R., Driver B.E. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2021;78(2):274-286.

  • Dennison R., Kerkhof D.L., Honda T., Calatroni R., Corrado G.D. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 2021;31(5):407-413.

  • Elkbuli A., Boserup B., Sen-Crowe B., Autrey C., McKenney M. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2021;50:264-269.

  • Florin T.A., Ramilo O., Hoyle J.D., Jaffe D.M., Tzimenatos L., Atabaki S.M., Cohen D.M., Vanburen J.M., Mahajan P., Kuppermann N. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2021;37:E221-E226.

  • Gendel G., Nolan R. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2021;44:439-440.

  • Gibb T.S., Redinger K., Fealko C., Parikh S. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021;18:1-11.

  • Hunt R.C., Struminger B.B., Redd J.T., Herrmann J., Jolly B.T., Arora S., Armistad A.J., Dezan A.M., Bennett C.A., Krohmer J.R., Brown L.H. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2021;78(2):223-228.

  • Klesick E., Hakmeh W. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2021;22:119-123.

  • Krohmer J.R. History of emergency medical services Emergency Medical Services: Clinical Practice and Systems Oversight: Third Edition. 2021;1-2:1-18.

  • Lu Y.N., Kavianpour S., Zhang T., Zhang X., Nguyen D., Thombre R., He L., Wang J. PLoS Biology. 2021;19(3)

  • Mastenbrook J., Zamihovsky R., Brunken N., Olsen T. BMJ Case Reports. 2021;14

  • McCorkle C.E., Seethala R.R., Gillman G.S. American Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery. 2021;42(2)

  • McGlinn E., Parviz J., Pazderka P. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2021;48:378.e3-378.e5.

  • Monsef B., Carpp N. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2021;61(4):e51-e53.

  • Ngatuvai M., Autrey C., McKenny M., Elkbuli A. Significance and implications of accurate and proper citations in clinical research studies Annals of Medicine and Surgery. 2021;72

  • Obinwanne V., Bauler L., Bergeon D., Trichler T. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2021;61:e133-e136.

  • Pieper J., Patel V.N., Escolero S., Nelson J.R., Poitrasson-Rivière A., Shreves C.K., Freiburger N., Hubers D., Rothley J., Corbett J.R., Oliverio J., Ficaro E.P., Weinberg R.L., Murthy V.L. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology. 2021;28(1):295-299.

  • Redinger K.E., Greene J.D. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2021;22(3):792-798.

  • Rostampour M., Bailey B., Autrey C., Ferrer K., Vantoorenburg B., Patel P.K., Calvo-Marzal P., Chumbimuni-Torres K.Y. Single-step integration of poly(3-octylthiophene) and single-walled carbon nanotubes for highly reproducible paper-based ion-selective electrodes Analytical Chemistry. 2021;93(3):1271-1276.

  • Rowland D., Vryhof N., Overton D., Mastenbrook J. Prehospital Emergency Care. 2021;25:274-280.

  • Rowland D., Vryhof N., Overton D., Mastenbrook J. Tension Hemopneumothorax in the Setting of Mechanical CPR during Prehospital Cardiac Arrest Prehospital Emergency Care. 2021;25:274-280.

  • Stang J.L., DeVries P.A., Klein L.R., Cole J.B., Martel M., Reing M.L., Raiter A.M., Driver B.E. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2021;42:38-42.

  • Strauss-Riggs K., Kirsch T.D., Prytz E., Hunt R.C., Jonson C.O., Krohmer J., Nemeth I., Goolsby C. Recommended Process Outcome Measures for Stop the Bleed ÌÀÍ·Ìõapp Programs AEM ÌÀÍ·Ìõapp and Training. 2021;5(1):139-142.

  • Thimm T.N., Kiefer C.S., Aloi M.S., Davenport M., Kilpatrick J., Bush J.S., Jennings L., Davis S.M., Quedado K., Shaver E.B. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2021;22(5):1102-1109.

  • Wang E., Thombre R., Shah Y., Latanich R., Wang J. Nucleic Acids Research. 2021;49(9):4816-4830.

  • Welsh A., Hoyle J.D. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2021;37:E1753-E1755.

  • Zhen J., USAF C., Hakmeh W. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2021;42:262.e3-262.e4.

  • Anloague A., Mahoney A., Ogunbekun O., Hiland T.A., Thompson W.R., Larsen B., Loghmani M.T., Hum J.M., Lowery J.W. BMC Research Notes. 2020;13(1)

  • Cheng A.W., McCreesh P., Moffatt S., Maziarz R., Vos D., Mastenbrook J. Going vertical: triage flags improve extraction times for priority patients JACEP Open. 2020;1:1185-1193.

  • Cicero M.X., Adelgais K., Hoyle J.D., Lyng J.W., Harris M., Moore B., Gausche-Hill M. Prehospital Emergency Care. 2020;25:294-306.

  • Crutchfield P., Gibb T.S., Redinger M.J., Fales W. American Journal of Bioethics. 2020;20:84-86.

  • Dobbins A.B., Krumme J., Gaddis M., Park S.H., Varghese M., Brancato M.R., Shaw C.M., Wambach K. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020;21(5):1242-1248.

  • Doyle M.P., McCarty J.P., Lazzara A.A. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020;58:e237-e241.

  • Goralnick E., Ezeibe C., Chaudhary M.A., McCarty J., Herrera-Escobar J.P., Andriotti T., De Jager E., Ospina-Delgado D., Goolsby C., Hunt R., Weissman J.S., Haider A., Jacobs L., Andrade E., Brown J., Bulger E.M., Butler F.K., Callaway D., Caterson E.J., Choudhry N.K., Davis M.R., Eastman A., Eastridge B.J., Epstein J.L., Evans C.L., Gausche-Hill M., Gestring M.L., Goldberg S.A., Hanfling D., Holcomb J.B., Jonson C.O., King D.R., Kivlehan S., Kotwal R.S., Krohmer J.R., Levy-Carrick N., Levy M., Meléndez Lugo J.J., Mooney D.P., Neal M.D., Niskanen R., O'Neill P., Park H., Pons P.T., Prytz E., Rasmussen T.E., Remley M.A., Riviello R., Salim A., Shackelfold S., Smith E.R., Stewart R.M., Swaroop M., Ward K., Uribe-Leitz T., Jarman M.P., Ortega G. JAMA Network Open. 2020;3(7)

  • Hart D., Rischall M., Durgin K., Donoghue M., Pham T., Wyatt T., Stang J., DeVries P., Driver B. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020;38(11):2383-2386.

  • Herrman N.W.C., Hatton C., Fung C. Australasian Emergency Care. 2020;23(3):193-195.

  • Herrman N.W.C., Kalisieski M.J., Fung C. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020;58(2):e47-e50.

  • Ho J.D., Dawes D.M., Kunz S.N., Klein L.R., Driver B.E., DeVries P.A., Jones G.A., Stang J.L. Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology. 2020;16(3):406-414.

  • Hoyle J.D., Ekblad G., Hover T., Woodwyk A., Brandt R., Fales B., Lammers R.L. Prehospital Emergency Care. 2020;24:204-213.

  • Khan A., Mastenbrook J., Bauler L. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020;38:1046.e1-1046.e3.

  • McCorkle C., Graffeo V. A rare case of dual expression of CD5 and CD10 in primary central nervous system diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with prominent starry sky appearance Clinical Case Reports. 2020;8(12):2973-2975.

  • McCoy J.J., Aldy K., Arnall E., Petersen J. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020;59:12-20.

  • Mohamed M., Long R., Krichevskiy O., Hughes M.J. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2020;75(2):306-314.

  • Mosier J., Reardon R.F., DeVries P.A., Stang J.L., Nelsen A., Prekker M.E., Driver B.E. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020;59(5):637-642.

  • Nguyen A., Bauler L., Hoehn C., Mastenbrook J. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020;59:e175-e178.

  • Ramaseshan K., Bauler L.D., Mastenbrook J. BMJ Case Reports. 2020;13

  • Romero E.O., Reidy C.P., Bootsma A.N., Prefontaine N.M., Vryhof N.W., Wierenga D.C., Anderson C.E. Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2020;85:3990-3991.

  • Stroik D.R., Ceholski D.K., Bidwell P.A., Mleczko J., Thanel P.F., Kamdar F., Autry J.M., Cornea R.L., Thomas D.D. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 2020;138:59-65.

  • Truba N., Hoyle J.D. Recognition and treatment of pain in childhood Journal of Pain Management. 2020;13:265-277.

  • Baxter M., McCorkle C., Trevino Guajardo C., Zuniga M.G., Carter A.M., Della Santina C.C., Minor L.B., Carey J.P., Ward B.K. Otology and Neurotology. 2019;40(2):204-212.

  • Bui P.V., Haas N.L., Herrman N.W.C., Macias M., Hoch V., Schaeffer W., Wallace C. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2019;56(4):444-447.

  • Hui L., Soliman M.L., Geiger N.H., Miller N.M., Afghah Z., Lakpa K.L., Chen X., Geiger J.D. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2019;67(1):393-410.

  • Kuppermann N., Dayan P.S., Levine D.A., Vitale M., Tzimenatos L., Tunik M.G., Saunders M., Ruddy R.M., Roosevelt G., Rogers A.J., Powell E.C., Nigrovic L.E., Muenzer J., Linakis J.G., Grisanti K., Jaffe D.M., Hoyle J.D., Greenberg R., Gattu R., Cruz A.T., Crain E.F., Cohen D.M., Brayer A., Borgialli D., Bonsu B., Browne L., Blumberg S., Bennett J.E., Atabaki S.M., Anders J., Alpern E.R., Miller B., Casper T.C., Dean J.M., Ramilo O., Mahajan P. JAMA Pediatrics. 2019;173:342-351.

  • Lu J., Periz G., Lu Y.N., Tang Q., Liu Y., Zhang T., Shah Y., Thombre R., Aljumaah R., Li W., Mojsilovic-Petrovic J., Ji Y., Johnson K., Kalb R., Wang J. Nature Neuroscience. 2019;22(6):875-886.

  • Lu J., Periz G., Lu Y.N., Tang Q., Liu Y., Zhang T., Shah Y., Thombre R., Aljumaah R., Li W., Mojsilovic-Petrovic J., Ji Y., Johnson K., Kalb R., Wang J. Nature Neuroscience. 2019;22(7):1196.

  • Maraqa T., Mohamed M.A.T., Wilson K.L., Perinjelil V., Sachwani-Daswani G.R., Mercer L. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery. 2019;14(1)

  • Nguyen D.K.H., Thombre R., Wang J. Neuroscience Letters. 2019;697:34-48.

  • Odom M., Byrnes J., Herrman N.W.C., Micheller D., Seleno N., Majkrzak A. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2019;57(6):844-847.

  • Odom M., Herrman N.W.C., Huang R., Fung C., Theyyunni N., Cover M. CJEM. 2019;21(5):E15.

  • Odom M., Herrman N.W.C., Huang R., Fung C., Theyyunni N., Cover M. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2019;21(5):680-682.

  • Patel J., Hayes B., Bauler L., Mastenbrook J. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2019;57:e35-e39.

  • Patel K., Mastenbrook J., Pfeifer A., Bauler L. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2019;57:383-386.

  • Prieto D., Soto-Ferrari M., Tija R., Peña L., Burke L., Miller L., Berndt K., Hill B., Haghsenas J., Maltz E., White E., Atwood M., Norman E. Literature review of data-based models for identification of factors associated with racial disparities in breast cancer mortality Health Systems. 2019;8:75-98.

  • Rogers A.J., Kuppermann N., Anders J., Roosevelt G., Hoyle J.D., Ruddy R.M., Bennett J.E., Borgialli D.A., Dayan P.S., Powell E.C., Casper T.C., Ramilo O., Mahajan P. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2019;56:583-591.

  • Castro-Marin F., Maher S., Navarro T., Nuño T., Whitney J., McDonald A., Razo A., Marcuzzo C., Chick R., Gaither J. Prehospital Emergency Care. 2018;22(3):326-331.

  • Goolsby C., Jacobs L., Hunt R.C., Goralnick E., Singletary E.M., Levy M.J., Goodloe J.M., Epstein J.L., Strauss-Riggs K., Seitz S.R., Krohmer J.R., Nemeth I., Rowe D.W., Bradley R.N., Gestring M.L., Kirsch T.D. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2018;84(1):205-210.

  • Hodgson N.R., Saghafian S., Mi L., Buras M.R., Katz E.D., Pines J.M., Sanchez L., Silvers S., Maher S.A., Traub S.J. American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2018;36(10):1865-1869.

  • Lammers R., Sheakley M.L., Hendren S. MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources. 2018;14:10678.

  • Mahajan P., Browne L.R., Levine D.A., Cohen D.M., Gattu R., Linakis J.G., Anders J., Borgialli D., Vitale M., Dayan P.S., Casper T.C., Ramilo O., Kuppermann N., Powell E.C., Tunik M.G., Nigrovic L.E., Roosevelt G., Alpern E.R., Saunders M., Atabaki S.M., Ruddy R.M., Browne L., Hoyle J.D., Blumberg S., Crain E.F., Bonsu B., Bennett J.E., Greenberg R., Jaffe D.M., Muenzer J., Cruz A.T., Macias C., Tzimenatos L., Rogers A.J., Brayer A., Lillis K. Journal of Pediatrics. 2018;203:86-91.e2.

  • Maher S.A., Temkit M., Buras M.R., McLemore R., Butler R.K., Chowdhury Y., Lipinski C.A., Traub S.J. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2018;19(5):827-833.

  • Maraqa T., Mohamed M.A.T., Salib M., Morris S., Mercer L., Sachwani-Daswani G.R. Journal of Burn Care and Research. 2018;39(6):1043-1047.

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