Leonard C Ginsberg, PhD

Leonard C Ginsberg, PhD
Leonard C Ginsberg, PhD

Community Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences

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Leonard Ginsbert, PhD, is a community professor with the Department of Biomedical Sciences at 汤头条app in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He is a graduate of Albright College in Reading, Pennsylvania. He earned both a master's degree and a doctorate in developmental biology at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Dr. Ginsberg is professor emeritus with Western Michigan University Department of Biomedical Sciences, which is where he spent the majority of his career. He served as Associate Dean for the College of Arts and Sciences as well as Associate Vice President for Research for WMU.

Dr. Ginsberg's research interests include molecular biology and in vitro toxicology, the teaching of science, and teaching with technology.

  • 汤头条app and Training

    • PhD 1974, Developmental Biology, Temple University
    • MS 1971, Developmental Biology, Temple University
    • BS 1969, Biology, Albright College
  • Publications

    • Fisher K.A., Lee S.H., Walker J., Dileto-Fang C., Ginsberg L., Stapleton S.R. American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology. 2001;280

    • Fisher K., Lee S., Walker J., Dileto-Fang C., Ginsberg L., Stapleton S. Chronic regulation of the renal Na<sup>+</sup>/H<sup>+</sup> antiporter isoform NHE-3 with depressed effective arterial volume FASEB Journal. 1998;12

    • Cramer C., Cooke S., Ginsberg L., Kletzien R., Stapleton S., Ulrich R. Journal of Biochemical Toxicology. 1995;10:293-298.

    • Holmen S., Vanbrocklin M., Eversole R., Stapleton S., Ginsberg L. In Vitro Cellular &amp; Developmental Biology - Animal: Journal of the Society for In Vitro Biology. 1995;31:347-351.

    • Rank K., Harris P.K., Ginsberg L.C., Stapleton S.R. BBA - Gene Structure and Expression. 1994;1217:81-89.

    • Stapleton S.R., Stevens G.J., Teel J.F., Rank K., Berg E.A., Wu J.Y., Ginsberg L.C., Kletzien R.F. Biochimie. 1993;75:971-976.

    • Rank K., McManus T.P., Ginsberg L.C., Ficsor G. Mutation Research Letters. 1991;264:67-69.

    • Ulrich R.G., Kilgore K., Sun E.L., Cramer C.T., Ginsberg L.C. An in vitro fluorescence assay for the detection of drug-induced cytoplasmic lamellar bodies Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods. 1991;1:89-105.

    • Cox J., Dring L., Ginsberg L., Larson P., Constable D., Ulrich R. Drug Metabolism and Disposition. 1990;18:726-731.

    • Ficsor G., Ginsberg L.C., Klepetka J.F., McManus T.P., Janca F.C., Safron A.D., Rank K. Progress in clinical and biological research. 1990;340 C:213-222.

    • Ulrich R., Aspar D., Cramer C., Kletzien R., Ginsberg L. In Vitro Cellular &amp;Developmental Biology. 1990;26:815-823.

    • Cox J.W., Ulrich R.G., Wynalda M.A., Mckenna R., Larsen E.R., Ginsberg L.C., Epps D.E. Biochemical Pharmacology. 1989;38:3535-3541.

    • Speziale S., Ginsberg L., Paslay J. Lymphokine Research. 1989;8:1-8.

    • Panda B.B., Ficsor G., Ginsberg L.C. Experientia. 1988;44:253-254.

    • Holm M., Berger A.E., Swanson K., Ficsor G., Ginsberg L.C. Toxicology. 1987;46:281-294.

    • Holm M., Berger A.E., Swanson K., Ginsberg L.C. Biology of reproduction. 1987;37:282-287.

    • Waibel R., Granet R., Ficsor G., Ginsberg L. Caproyl esterase from rat testis: Purification and action on cumulus cells Gamete Research. 1985;12:75-84.

    • Ficsor G., Oldford G.M., Loughlin K.R., Panda B.B., Dubien J.L., Ginsberg L.C. Environmental Mutagenesis. 1984;6:287-298.

    • Waibel R., Ginsberg L.C., Ficsor G. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. 1984;32:63-66.

    • Waibel R., Oldford G.M., Ficsor G., Ginsberg L.C. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. 1984;70:151-155.

    • Ficsor G., Ginsberg L.C., Oldford G.M., Snoke R.E., Becker R.W. Fertility and Sterility. 1983;39:548-552.

    • Bauer B.J., Blashfield K., Norris R., Buthala D.A., Ginsberg L.C. Atherosclerosis. 1982;44:153-160.

    • Copeland E.J., Ginsberg L.C. Journal of Heredity. 1982;73:311-313.

    • Copeland J., Blashfield K., Bauer B., Gerritsen G., Ginsberg L. Experientia. 1982;38:301-302.

    • Ficsor G., Salama N.M., Block K.K., McIntire C.L., Ginsberg L.C. Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis. 1982;2:13-18.

    • Ginsberg L.C., Johnson S.C., Salama N., Ficsor G. Mutation Research Letters. 1981;91:413-418.

    • Ginsberg L.C., Wyse B.M., Chang A. Diabetes. 1981;30:393-395.

    • Ficsor G., Ginsberg L.C. Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis. 1980;70:383-387.

    • Di Ferrante N., Ginsberg L.C., Donnelly P.V., Di Ferrante D.T., Caskey C.T. Science. 1978;199:79-81.

    • Ginsberg L.C., Donnelly P.V., Di Ferrante D.T., Ferrante N.D., Caskey C.T. Pediatric Research. 1978;12:805-809.

    • Ginsberg L.C., T. Di Ferrante D., Di Ferrante N. Carbohydrate Research. 1978;64:225-235.

    • Ginsberg L.C., Di Ferrante N. Biochemical medicine. 1977;17:80-86.

    • Ginsberg L., Tavella D., Di Ferrante N. Measurement of L idurono 2 sulfate sulfatase EXCERPTA MED.,AMSTERDAM,I.C.S.. 1976;No. 397

    • Ginsberg L., Hillman N. Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology. 1975;33:715-723.

    • Ginsberg L., Hillman N. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. 1975;43:83-90.

    • Ginsberg L., Hillman N. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. 1974;38:157-163.

    • Ginsberg L., Hillman N. Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology. 1973;30:267-282.