Dale D Vandre, PhD

Dale D Vandre, PhD
Dale D Vandre, PhD

Professor Emeritus, Department of Biomedical Sciences

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Dale Vandré, PhD, is the former Associate Dean for Research at ÌÀÍ·Ìõapp, as well as Chair and Professor of the Department of Biomedical Sciences. He retired in 2020. He is a graduate of University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. He earned his doctorate in biochemistry from University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa.

Dr. Vandré came to ÌÀÍ·Ìõapp from Ohio State University's College of Medicine, where he served as the vice chair of the physiology and cell biology department, assistant dean for foundational science, and director of the integrated pathway program.

A biochemist and cell biologist, Dr. Vandré earned his PhD from the University of Iowa. He was an active researcher in the cellular and molecular biology of cancer, with consistent research funding from the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.

  • ÌÀÍ·Ìõapp and Training

    • PhD 1980, Biochemistry, University of Iowa
    • BS 1976, Microbiology, University of Arizona
  • Research

    • Biochemistry
  • Publications

    • Sheakley M.L., Bauler T.J., Vandre D.D., Woodwyk A., Dickinson B.L. Medical Teacher. 2019;41(7):795-801.

    • Keator C., Dickinson B.L., Lackey W.L., Morris A., Quesnelle K.M., Riddle D.R., Sheakley M.L., Vanden Heuvel G.B., Vandre D.D. Explorations: a New Approach to Self-Directed Learning in a Competency-Based Curriculum Medical Science Educator. 2016;26:777-785.

    • Keator C., Vandre D.D., Morris A.M. The Challenges of Developing a Project-Based Self-Directed Learning Component for Undergraduate Medical ÌÀÍ·Ìõapp Medical Science Educator. 2016;26:801-805.

    • Gonzalez I.M., Ackerman W.E., Vandre D.D., Robinson J.M. Placenta. 2014;35:442-449.

    • Ishikawa A., Omata W., Ackerman W.E., Takeshita T., Vandré D.D., Robinson J.M. Cytoskeleton. 2014;71:241-256.

    • Martin S.I., Way D.P., Verbeck N., Nagel R., Davis J.A., Vandre D.D. The impact of lecture attendance and other variables on how medical students evaluate faculty in a preclinical program Academic Medicine. 2013;88:972-977.

    • Omata W., Ackerman IV W.E., Vandre D.D., Robinson J.M. PLoS ONE. 2013;8

    • Walton J.R., Frey H.A., Vandre D.D., Kwiek J.J., Ishikawa T., Takizawa T., Robinson J.M., Ackerman W.E. Histochemistry and Cell Biology. 2013;139:487-500.

    • Vandré D.D., Ackerman IV W.E., Tewari A., Kniss D.A., Robinson J.M. Placenta. 2012;33:207-213.

    • Alcamo A.M., Davids A., Way D.P., Lynn D.J., Vandre D.D. The impact of a peer-designed and -led USMLE step 1 review course: Improvement in preparation and scores Academic Medicine. 2010;85

    • Lang C.T., Markham K.B., Behrendt N., Suarez A.A., Samuels P., Vandre D.D., Robinson J.M., Ackerman IV W.E. Placenta. 2009;30:711-718.

    • Robinson J., Vandré D., Ackerman IV W. Placenta. 2009;30:83-89.

    • Robinson J.M., Ackerman IV W.E., Behrendt N., Vandre D.D. Biology of Reproduction. 2009;81:33-39.

    • Robinson J.M., Ackerman IV W.E., Tewari A.K., Kniss D.A., Vandre D.D. Analytical Biochemistry. 2009;387:87-94.

    • Ackerman IV W.E., Summerfield T.L.S., Vandre D.D., Robinson J.M., Kniss D.A. Biology of Reproduction. 2008;78:68-76.

    • Robinson J.M., Ackerman IV W.E., Kniss D.A., Takizawa T., Vandré D.D. Placenta. 2008;29:135-143.

    • Vandré D.D., Ackerman IV W.E., Kniss D.A., Tewari A.K., Mori M., Takizawa T., Robinson J.M. Biology of Reproduction. 2007;77:533-542.

    • Kannanayakal T., Tao H., Vandre D., Kuret J. Acta Neuropathologica. 2006;111:413-421.

    • Marsee D., Venkateswaran A., Tao H., Vadysirisack D., Zhang Z., Vandre D.D., Jhiang S.M. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2004;279:43990-43997.

    • Robinson J., Takizawa T., Vandré D. Gold cluster immunoprobes: Light and electron microscopy Gold and Silver Staining: Techniques in Molecular Morphology. 2002:177-187.

    • Thomas J., Moore T., Kraut E., Balcerzak S., Galloway S., Vandre D. Cancer Investigation. 2002;20:192-198.

    • Brueggemeier R.W., Bhat A.S., Lovely C.J., Coughenour H.D., Joomprabutra S., Weitzel D., Vandre D.D., Yusuf F., Burak W.E. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2001;78:145-156.

    • Robinson J.M., Vandré D.D. Histochemistry and Cell Biology. 2001;116:119-130.

    • Robinson J., Takizawa T., Vandré D. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. 2000;48:487-492.

    • Robinson J.M., Takizawa T., Vandré D.D. Journal of Microscopy. 2000;199:163-179.

    • Vandré D.D., Feng Y., Ding M. Microscopy Research and Technique. 2000;49:458-466.

    • Weitzel D., Vandré D.D. Cell and Tissue Research. 2000;300:57-65.

    • Robinson J.M., Takizawa T., Vandré D.D., Burry R.W. Microscopy Research and Technique. 1998;42:13-23.

    • Robinson J.M., Vandre D.D. Neutrophil Microtubules Display Unusual Properties and are Highly Sensitive to Taxol Microscopy and Microanalysis. 1998;4:1038-1039.

    • Ding M., Feng Y., Vandré D.D. Experimental Cell Research. 1997;231:3-13.

    • Robinson J., Vandré D. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. 1997;45:631-642.

    • Ding M., Vandré D.D. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1996;271:12555-12561.

    • Kondratick C., Vandré D.D. Journal of Neurochemistry. 1996;67:2405-2416.

    • Ding M., Robinson J.M., Behrens B., Vandre D.D. European Journal of Cell Biology. 1995;66:234-245.

    • Robinson J.M., Vandré D.D. Journal of Cell Science. 1995;108:645-655.

    • Burry R., Vandre D., Hayes D. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. 1992;40:1849-1856.

    • Chiplonkar J.M., Vandré D.D., Robinson J.M. Journal of Cell Science. 1992;102:723-728.

    • Vandre D., Burry R. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. 1992;40:1837-1847.

    • Vandré D.D., Wills V.L. Journal of Cell Science. 1992;101:79-91.

    • Vandré D.D., Centonze V.E., Peloquin J., Tombes R.M., Borisy G.G. Journal of Cell Science. 1991;98:577-588.

    • Riabowol K., Draetta G., Brizuela L., Vandre D., Beach D. Cell. 1989;57:393-401.

    • Vandre D., Borisy G. Journal of Cell Science. 1989;94:245-258.

    • Iyer S., Zaheer S., Vandré D., Long C., Montgomery R. Journal of Biological Response Modifiers. 1986;5:548-561.

    • Vandré D., Davis F., Rao P., Borisy G. European Journal of Cell Biology. 1986;41:72-81.

    • Vandre D., Davis F., Rao P., Borisy G. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1984;81:4439-4443.

    • Vandré D., Montgomery R. Biochemistry. 1982;21:3343-3352.

    • Vandré D.D., Zaheer A., Squier S., Montgomery R. Biochemistry. 1982;21:5089-5096.

    • Shepherd V.L., Vandré D.D., Elting J., Montgomery R. Cancer Research. 1980;40:225-231.

    • Vandre D., Shepherd V., Montgomery R. Cancer Research. 1979;39:4091-4097.

    • Vandré D., Montgomery R. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 1979;193:560-563.

    • Bin Im W., Chiang C., Vandre D., Montgomery R. Macromomycin an anti tumor protein Federation Proceedings. 1977;36