David R Riddle, PhD

David R Riddle, PhD
David R Riddle, PhD

Assistant Dean

Chair, Department of Biomedical Sciences

Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences

Contact Information



David Riddle, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences with 汤头条app. Dr. Riddle is a graduate of University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and earned his doctorate in neurosciences from University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. In addition, he completed two postdoctoral fellowships at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina.

  • 汤头条app and Training

    • Postdoctoral Fellowship 1996, Neurodevelopment and Cortical Development, Medical Center, Duke University
    • Postdoctoral Fellowship 1994, Neurodevelopment, Medical Center, Duke University
    • PhD 1990, Neurosciences, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
    • BS 1984, Zoology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Research

    • Neurobiology
  • Publications

    • Porter-Stransky K.A., Vollbrecht P.J., Riddle D.R. A Case-Based Neuroanatomy Laboratory on the Neurobiology of Psychiatric Conditions for Second-Year Medical Students Medical Science Educator. 2021;31:15-16.

    • Keator C.S., Dickinson B.L., Lackey W.L., Morris A., Quesnelle K.M., Riddle D.R., Sheakley M.L., Vanden Heuvel G.B., Vandre D.D. Explorations: a New Approach to Self-Directed Learning in a Competency-Based Curriculum Medical Science Educator. 2016;26:777-785.

    • Melchior J.R., Ferris M.J., Stuber G.D., Riddle D., Jones S.R. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2015;134(5):833-844.

    • Forbes M.E., Paitsel M., Bourland J.D., Riddle D.R. Radiation Research. 2014;182:60-71.

    • Greene-Schloesser D., Payne V., Peiffer A., Hsu F., Riddle D., Zhao W., Chan M., Metheny-Barlow L., Robbins M. Radiation Research. 2014;181:33-44.

    • Peiffer A., Creer R., Linville C., Olson J., Kulkarni P., Brown J., Riddle D., Robbins M., Brunso-Bechtold J. International Journal of Radiation Biology. 2014;90:799-806.

    • Forbes M., Paitsel M., Bourland J., Riddle D. Radiation Research. 2013;180:326-333.

    • Willard S., Riddle D., Forbes M., Shively C. Biological Psychiatry. 2013;74:890-897.

    • Hua K., Schindler M., McQuail J., Forbes M., Riddle D. PLoS ONE. 2012;7

    • Lee T.C., Greene-Schloesser D., Payne V., Diz D.I., Hsu F.C., Kooshki M., Mustafa R., Riddle D.R., Zhao W., Chan M.D., Robbins M.E. Radiation Research. 2012;178:45-56.

    • Conner K.R., Forbes M.E., Lee W.H., Lee Y.W., Riddle D.R. Radiation Research. 2011;176:71-83.

    • McQuail J., Riddle D., Nicolle M. Neurobiology of Aging. 2011;32:2322.e1-2322.e4.

    • Schindler M., Bourland J., Forbes M., Hua K., Riddle D. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2011;306:129-137.

    • Sergeant S., McQuail J., Riddle D., Chilton F., Ortmeier S., Jessup J., Groban L., Nicolle M. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2011;66 A:521-533.

    • Conner K.R., Payne V.S., Forbes M.E., Robbins M.E., Riddle D.R. Radiation Research. 2010;173:49-61.

    • Ramanan S., Zhao W., Riddle D.R., Robbins M.E. Review article: Role of PPARs in radiation-induced brain injury PPAR Research. 2010

    • Adams M.M., Elizabeth Forbes M., Constance Linville M., Riddle D.R., Sonntag W.E., Brunso-Bechtold J.K. Growth Factors. 2009;27:181-188.

    • Hua K., Forbes M.E., Lichtenwalner R.J., Sonntag W.E., Riddle D.R. GLIA. 2009;57:1062-1071.

    • Ramanan S., Kooshki M., Zhao W., Hsu F.C., Riddle D.R., Robbins M.E. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2009;75:870-877.

    • Wiant D., Atwood T., Olson J., Papagikos M., Forbes M., Riddle D., Bourland J. Radiation research. 2009;172:625-631.

    • Adams M.M., Shi L., Linville M.C., Forbes M.E., Long A.B., Bennett C., Newton I.G., Carter C.S., Sonntag W.E., Riddle D.R., Brunso-Bechtold J.K. Experimental Neurology. 2008;211:141-149.

    • Collins E.J., Riddle D.S. Immunologic Research. 2008;41(3 SPEC. ISS.):267-294.

    • Ingraham J.P., Forbes M.E., Riddle D.R., Sonntag W.E. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2008;63:12-20.

    • Newton I., Forbes M., Linville M., Pang H., Tucker E., Riddle D., Brunso-Bechtold J. Neurobiology of Aging. 2008;29:1308-1318.

    • Riddle D.R., Schindler M.K. Brain aging research Reviews in Clinical Gerontology. 2008;17:225-239.

    • Riddle D.S., Miller P.J., Vincent B.G., Kepler T.B., Maile R., Frelinger J.A., Collins E.J. European Journal of Immunology. 2008;38(6):1511-1521.

    • Schindler M., Forbes M., Robbins M., Riddle D. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 2008;70:826-834.

    • Miller P.J., Pazy Y., Conti B., Riddle D., Appella E., Collins E.J. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2007;373(2):315-327.

    • Shi L., Adams M.M., Linville M.C., Newton I.G., Forbes M.E., Long A.B., Riddle D.R., Brunso-Bechtold J.K. Experimental Neurology. 2007;206:70-79.

    • Lichtenwalner R., Forbes M., Sonntag W., Riddle D. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 2006;83:199-210.

    • Sonntag W.E., Bennett C., Ingram R., Donahue A., Ingraham J., Chen H., Moore T., Brunso-Bechtold J.K., Riddle D. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2006;291

    • Grill J., Sonntag W., Riddle D. Growth Hormone and IGF Research. 2005;15:337-348.

    • Newton I.G., Forbes M.E., Legault C., Johnson J.E., Brunso-Bechtold J.K., Riddle D.R. Neurobiology of Aging. 2005;26:683-688.

    • Riddle D.R., Forbes M.E. Neurobiology of Aging. 2005;26:1035-1050.

    • Riddle D.S., Sanz L., Chong H., Thompson J., Vile R.G. Human Gene Therapy. 2005;16(7):830-844.

    • Vrana K., Hipp J., Goss A., McCool B., Riddle D., Walker S., Wettstein P., Studer L., Tabar V., Cunniff K., Chapman K., Vilner L., West M., Grant K., Cibelli J. Erratum: Nonhuman primate parthenogenetic stem cells (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (September 30, 2003) 100:1 (11911-11916)) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2004;101:693.

    • Riddle D.R., Sonntag W.E., Lichtenwalner R.J. Ageing Research Reviews. 2003;2:149-168.

    • Vrana K.E., Hipp J.D., Goss A.M., McCool B.A., Riddle D.R., Walker S.J., Wettstein P.J., Studer L.P., Tabar V., Cunniff K., Chapman K., Vilner L., West M.D., Grant K.A., Cibelli J.B. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2003;100:11911-11916.

    • Bateman A.R., Harrington K.J., Kottke T., Ahmed A., Melcher A.A., Gough M.J., Linardakis E., Riddle D., Dietz A., Lohse C.M., Strome S., Peterson T., Simari R., Vile R.G. Cancer Research. 2002;62(22):6566-6578.

    • Grill J., Riddle D. Brain Research. 2002;937:8-21.

    • Gough M.J., Melcher A.A., Crittenden M.R., Riddle D.S., Linardakis E., Ruchatz A.N., Emiliusen L.M., Vile R.G., Ahmed A. Cancer Research. 2001;61(19):7240-7247.

    • Lichtenwalner R.J., Forbes M.E., Bennett S.A., Lynch C.D., Sonntag W.E., Riddle D.R. Neuroscience. 2001;107:603-613.

    • Niblock M.M., Brunso-Bechtold J.K., Riddle D.R. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 2001;65:455-462.

    • Poe B.H., Linville C., Riddle D.R., Sonntag W.E., Brunso-Bechtold J.K. Neuroscience. 2001;107:231-238.

    • Sonntag W., Brunso-Bechtold J., Riddle D. Age-related decreases in growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1: Implications for brain aging Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine. 2001;4:311-329.

    • Sonntag W.E., Brunso-Bechtold J.K., Riddle D.R. Age-related decreases in growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I: Implications for brain aging Rejuvenation Research. 2001;4:311-329.

    • Grantcharova V.P., Riddle D.S., Baker D. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2000;97(13):7084-7089.

    • Niblock M.M., Brunso-Bechtold J.K., Riddle D.R. Journal of Neuroscience. 2000;20:4165-4176.

    • Plaxco K.W., Larson S., Ruczinski I., Riddle D.S., Thayer E.C., Buchwitz B., Davidson A.R., Baker D. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2000;298(2):303-312.

    • Riddle D.S., Grantcharova V.P., Santiago J.V., Aim E., Ruczinski I., Baker D. Nature Structural Biology. 1999;6(11):1016-1024.

    • Grantcharova V.P., Riddle D.S., Santiago J.V., Baker D. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. 1998;5(8):714-720.

    • Plaxco K.W., Riddle D.S., Grantcharova V., Baker D. Current Opinion in Structural Biology. 1998;8(1):80-85.

    • Riddle D.R., Katz L.C., Lo D.C. BioTechniques. 1997;23:928-937.

    • Riddle D.S., Santiago J.V., Bray-Hall S.T., Doshi N., Grantcharova V.P., Yi Q., Baker D. Nature Structural Biology. 1997;4(10):805-809.

    • Sporns O., Purves D., White L., Riddle D. Trends in Neurosciences. 1997;20:291-293.

    • Purves D., White L., Riddle D. Trends in Neurosciences. 1996;19:460-464.

    • Riddle D.R., Mcallister A.K., Lo D.C., Katz L.C. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. 1996;61:85-93.

    • Gu H., Yi Q., Bray S.T., Riddle D.S., Baker D., Shiau A. Protein Science. 1995;4(6):1108-1117.

    • Riddle D.R., Lo D.C., Katz L.C. Nature. 1995;378:189-191.

    • Riddle D.R., Purves D. Journal of Neuroscience. 1995;15:4184-4195.

    • Purves D., Riddle D., White L., Gutierrez-Ospina G., LaMantia A. Progress in Brain Research. 1994;102:343-355.

    • Purves D., Riddle D.R., White L.E., Gutierrez-Ospina G. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 1994;4:120-123.

    • Oakley B., Lawton A., Riddle D.R., Wu L.鈥. Microscopy Research and Technique. 1993;26:187-195.

    • Purves D., Riddle D., LaMantia A. Reply Trends in Neurosciences. 1993;16:180-181.

    • Riddle D.R., Gutierrez G., Zheng D., White L.E., Richards A., Purves D. Journal of Neuroscience. 1993;13:4193-4213.

    • Riddle D.R., Wong L.D., Oakley B. Journal of Neuroscience. 1993;13:3018-3033.

    • Oakley B., Riddle D.R. Experimental Neurology. 1992;115:50-54.

    • Purves D., Riddle D.R., LaMantia A.S. Trends in Neurosciences. 1992;15:362-368.

    • Riddle D.R., Oakley B. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 1992;324:575-589.

    • Riddle D.R., Richards A., Zsuppan F., Purves D. Journal of Neuroscience. 1992;12:3509-3524.

    • Riddle D.R., Oakley B. Journal of Neuroscience. 1991;11:3752-3762.

    • Riddle D.R., Hughes S.E., Belczynski C.R., DeSibour C.L., Oakley B. Brain Research. 1990;533:113-124.

    • RIDDLE D.R., OAKLEY B., HUGHES S.E., de SIBOUR C.L., BELCZYNSKI C.R. Hyperinnervation Produces Inhibitory Interactions between Two Taste Nerves Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1987;510:574-576.