Jerry R Colca, PhD

Jerry R Colca, PhD
Jerry R Colca, PhD

Research Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences

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Jerry Colca, PhD is President and Chief Scientific Officer, and a co-founder of MSDC. He is a widely recognized expert in the pathophysiology of insulin resistance and the pharmacological mechanisms of action of insulin sensitizing drugs. He has dedicated his career to studying the endocrine control of metabolism as it relates to diabetes and has been focused on insulin sensitizers from the early days of their discovery, especially on the safety and pharmacology of pioglitazone. His long-held commitment to treating and preventing diabetes underpins the mission of MSDC, which he co-founded in 2006. This vision forms the basis for the company鈥檚 research and development into compounds that may treat the root causes of age-related metabolic diseases like diabetes and Alzheimer鈥檚 disease. Under his leadership, MSDC is advancing its discovery of a novel mitochondrial protein complex that is believed to be the mechanism through which insulin sensitizing drugs achieve effective glucose control.

In 1984, Dr. Colca joined The Upjohn Company to study the mechanism of action of the thiazolidinediones and served as project leader for the selection and early development of pioglitazone hydrochloride (Actos庐), one of the most successful insulin sensitizers ever developed for the treatment of diabetes. Following The Upjohn Company鈥檚 decision to exit the diabetes field in 1993, Dr. Colca continued his metabolic disease research with the company through its mergers with Pharmacia, Monsanto-Searle, and Pfizer, building a new diabetes drug discovery capability in Sweden for Pharmacia, and developing a new target discovery effort in St. Louis for Pfizer.

Dr. Colca has published widely on the mechanism of action of insulin sensitizers, and is the author of more than 80 publications, chapters and presentations. He is a section editor for Expert Opinion in Investigational Drugs and is a member of numerous organizations including American Diabetes Association, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and The New York Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Colca received a BS in biology and an MS and PhD in physiology and biochemistry from the University of Houston, where his early studies focused on the regulation of the secretion of pancreatic hormones. His post-doctoral fellowship in the Department of Pathology at Washington University, School of Medicine in St. Louis concentrated on the biochemistry of isolated pancreatic islets and the study of stimulus-secretion coupling in the control of metabolism.

  • 汤头条app and Training

    • Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2005, Genomics and Biotechnology, Pfizer St. Louis
    • Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 1984, Juvenile Diabetes, Washington University in St. Louis
    • PhD 1980, Physiology/Biochemistry, University of Houston
    • MS 1975, Physiology/Biochemistry, University of Houston
    • BS 1972, General Biology, University of Houston
  • Publications

    • Colca J.R., Tanis S.P., Kletzien R.F., Finck B.N. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 2023;32:803-811.

    • Ferguson D., Eichler S.J., Yiew N.K.H., Colca J.R., Cho K., Patti G.J., Shew T.M., Lutkewitte A.J., Mukherjee S., McCommis K.S., Niemi N.M., Finck B.N. Molecular Metabolism. 2023;70

    • Zhu B., Wei X., Narasimhan H., Qian W., Zhang R., Cheon I.S., Wu Y., Li C., Jones R.G., Kaplan M.H., Vassallo R.A., Braciale T.J., Somerville L., Colca J.R., Pandey A., Jackson P.E.H., Mann B.J., Krawczyk C.M., Sturek J.M., Sun J. Science Immunology. 2023;8

    • Colca J.R., Finck B.N. Metabolic Mechanisms Connecting Alzheimer鈥檚 and Parkinson鈥檚 Diseases: Potential Avenues for Novel Therapeutic Approaches Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2022;9

    • Colca J.R., Scherer P.E. Molecular Metabolism. 2022;55

    • Mallet D., Goutaudier R., Barbier E.L., Carnicella S., Colca J.R., Fauvelle F., Boulet S. Re-routing Metabolism by the Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier Inhibitor MSDC-0160 Attenuates Neurodegeneration in a Rat Model of Parkinson鈥檚 Disease Molecular Neurobiology. 2022;59:6170-6182.

    • Kamm D.R., Pyles K.D., Sharpe M.C., Healy L.N., Colca J.R., McCommis K.S. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2021;296

    • Bardova K., Funda J., Pohl R., Cajka T., Hensler M., Kuda O., Janovska P., Adamcova K., Irodenko I., Lenkova L., Zouhar P., Horakova O., Flachs P., Rossmeisl M., Colca J., Kopecky J. Nutrients. 2020;12:1-23.

    • Colca J. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 2020;29:191-196.

    • Davison B.A., Harrison S.A., Cotter G., Alkhouri N., Sanyal A., Edwards C., Colca J.R., Iwashita J., Koch G.G., Dittrich H.C. Journal of Hepatology. 2020;73:1322-1332.

    • Harrison S.A., Alkhouri N., Davison B.A., Sanyal A., Edwards C., Colca J.R., Lee B.H., Loomba R., Cusi K., Kolterman O., Cotter G., Dittrich H.C. Journal of Hepatology. 2020;72:613-626.

    • Peelaerts W., Bergkvist L., George S., Johnson M., Meyerdirk L., Schulz E., Steiner J.A., Madaj Z., Ma J., Becker K., Nilsson K.P.R., Colca J.R., Brundin P. Inhibiting the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier does not amelio-rate synucleinopathy in the absence of inflammation or metabolic deficits Free Neuropathology. 2020;1

    • Tanis S.P., Colca J.R., Parker T.T., Artman G.D., Larsen S.D., Gadwood R.C., Zeller J.R. The development of improved syntheses of PPAR纬-sparing, insulin sensitizing thiazolidinedione-ketones Tetrahedron Letters. 2019;60

    • Colca J.R., McDonald W.G., Adams W. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 2018;27(7):631-636.

    • McCommis K., Colca J., Finck B. Hepatology. 2018;67(5):2055-2056.

    • Quansah E., Peelaerts W., Langston J.W., Simon D.K., Colca J., Brundin P. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 2018;13(1)

    • Tanis S.P., Colca J.R., Parker T.T., Artman G.D., Larsen S.D., McDonald W.G., Gadwood R.C., Kletzien R.F., Zeller J.B., Lee P.H., Adams W. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. 2018;26(22):5870-5884.

    • Colca J.R., McDonald W.G., McCommis K.S., Finck B.N. Hepatology Communications. 2017;1:193-197.

    • McCommis K.S., Hodges W.T., Brunt E., Nalbantoglu I., McDonald W.G., Holley C., Fujiwara H., Schaffer J.E., Colca J.R., Finck B.N. Hepatology. 2017;65(5):1543-1556.

    • Vigueira P., McCommis K.S., Hodges W.T., Schweitzer G.G., Cole S.L., Oonthonpan L., Taylor E.B., McDonald W.G., Kletzien R.F., Colca J.R., Finck B.N. Experimental Physiology. 2017;102(8):985-999.

    • Ghosh A., Tyson T., George S., Hildebrandt E.N., Steiner J.A., Madaj Z., Schulz E., MacHiela E., McDonald W.G., Galvis M.L.E., Kordower J.H., Van Raamsdonk J.M., Colca J.R., Brundin P. Science Translational Medicine. 2016;8(368)

    • Boros L.G., Beger R.D., Meuillet E.J., Colca J.R., Szalma S., Thompson P., Dux L., Farkas G., Somlyai G. Targeted <sup>13</sup>C-labeled tracer fate associations for drug efficacy testing in cancer Tumor Cell Metabolism: Pathways, Regulation and Biology. 2015:349-372.

    • Colca J. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 2015;24(9):1241-1245.

    • Colca J. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery. 2015;10(12):1259-1270.

    • Fukunaga T., Zou W., Rohatgi N., Colca J., Teitelbaum S. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2015;30(3):508-515.

    • McCommis K.S., Chen Z., Fu X., McDonald W.G., Colca J.R., Kletzien R.F., Burgess S.C., Finck B.N. Cell Metabolism. 2015;22(4):682-694.

    • Colca J., Mcdonald W., Kletzien R. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. 2014;16(11):1048-1054.

    • Colca J., Tanis S., McDonald W., Kletzien R. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 2014;23(1):1-7.

    • Shah R., Matthews D., Andrews R., Capuano A., Fleischman D., VanderLugt J., Colca J. Current Alzheimer Research. 2014;11(6):564-573.

    • Vigueira P., McCommis K.S., Schweitzer G.G., Remedi M.S., Chambers K.T., Fu X., McDonald W.G., Cole S.L., Colca J.R., Kletzien R.F., Burgess S.C., Finck B.N. Cell Reports. 2014;7(6):2042-2053.

    • Colca J. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 2013;22(10):1305-1313.

    • Colca J. Extend data exclusivity to save drug development Science. 2013;339(6118):393.

    • Colca J.R., McDonald W.G., Cavey G.S., Cole S.L., Holewa D., Brightwell-Conrad A.S., Wolfe C.L., Wheeler J.S., Coulter K.R., Kilkuskie P.M., Gracheva E., Korshunova Y., Trusgnich M., Karr R., Wiley S.E., Divakaruni A.S., Murphy A.N., Vigueira P.A., Finck B.N., Kletzien R.F. PLoS ONE. 2013;8(5)

    • Colca J.R., Vanderlugt J.T., Adams W., Shashlo A., McDonald W.G., Liang J., Zhou R., Orloff D.G. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2013;93(4):352-359.

    • Divakaruni A.S., Wiley S.E., Rogers G.W., Andreyev A.Y., Petrosyan S., Loviscach M., Wall E.A., Yadava N., Heuck A.P., Ferrick D.A., Henry R.R., McDonald W.G., Colca J.R., Simon M., Ciaraldi T.P., Murphy A.N. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2013;110(14):5422-5427.

    • Rohatgi N., Aly H., Marshall C.A., McDonald W.G., Kletzien R.F., Colca J.R., McDaniel M.L. PLoS ONE. 2013;8(5)

    • Chen Z., Vigueira P.A., Chambers K.T., Hall A.M., Mitra M.S., Qi N., McDonald W.G., Colca J.R., Kletzien R.F., Finck B.N. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012;287(28):23537-23548.

    • Colca J. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 2012;21(11):1619-1624.

    • Colca J., Feinstein D. Advances in Pharmacology. 2012;64:155-176.

    • Colca J.R. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 2009;18(9):1243-1255.

    • Colca J.R., Kletzien R.F. Advances in pharmacology (San Diego, Calif.). 2009;57:237-251.

    • Colca J. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 2008;17(11):1641-1650.

    • Bolten C.W., Payne M.A., Mcdonald W.G., Blanner P.M., Chott R.C., Ghosh S., Arhancet G.B., Staten N., Gulve E.A., Sullivan P., Hromockyj A.E., Colca J.R. Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research. 2007;4(2):117-123.

    • Colca J. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 2007;16(10):1735-1739.

    • Colca J. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 2007;16(2):129-136.

    • Colca J. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 2007;16(10):1517-1523.

    • Colca J. Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs. 2007;8(9):707-710.

    • Leach K., Swaney S., Colca J., McDonald W., Blinn J., Thomasco L., Gadwood R., Shinabarger D., Xiong L., Mankin A. Molecular Cell. 2007;26(3):393-402.

    • Colca J., Kletzien R. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 2006;15(3):205-210.

    • Colca J.R. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2006;72(2):125-131.

    • Harrigan G., Colca J., Szalma S., Boros L. PNU-91325 increases fatty acid synthesis from glucose and mitochondrial long chain fatty acid degradation: A comparative tracer-based metabolomics study with rosiglitazone and pioglitazone in HepG2 cells Metabolomics. 2006;2(1):21-29.

    • Colca J., Harrigan G. Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening. 2004;7(7):699-704.

    • Colca J.R., McDonald W.G., Waldon D.J., Leone J.W., Lull J.M., Bannow C.A., Lund E.T., Mathews W.R. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2004;286(2 49-2)

    • Colca J.R., McDonald W.G., Waldon D.J., Thomasco L.M., Gadwood R.C., Lund E.T., Cavey G.S., Mathews W.R., Adams L.D., Cecil E.T., Pearson J.D., Bock J.H., Mott J.E., Shinabarger D.L., Xiong L., Mankin A.S. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2003;278(24):21972-21979.

    • Meurer J., Colca J., Burton P., Elhammer A. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental. 1999;48(6):716-724.

    • Colca J. 58th Annual Meeting of the American Diabetes Association, June 13-16, 1998, Chicago, IL, USA Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 1998;7(8):1341-1343.

    • Colca J. Oncologic, Endocrine and Metabolic. 57th American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 1997;6(8):1113-1115.

    • Colca J.R. 56th annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association, San Francisco, USA, 8-11 July 1996 Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 1996;5(8):1059-1061.

    • Kurowski T., Saha A.K., Cunningham B.A., Holbert R.I., Colca J.R., Corkey B.E., Ruderman N.B. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental. 1996;45(4):519-525.

    • Tanis S., Parker T., Colca J., Fisher R., Kletzein R. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 1996;39(26):5053-5063.

    • Bonini J., Colca J., Hofmann C. Altered expression of insulin signaling components in streptozotocin-treated rats Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 1995;212(3):933-938.

    • Bonini J.A., Colca J.R., Dailey C., White M., Hofmann C. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. 1995;269(4 32-4)

    • Braithwaite S.S., Palazuk B., Colca J.R., Edwards C.W., Hofmann C. Diabetes. 1995;44(1):43-48.

    • Colca J. Monthly update oncologic, endocrine &amp; metabolic: Insulin sensitiser drugs in development for the treatment of diabetes Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 1995;4(1):27-29.

    • Hofmann C., Lorenz K., Williams D., Palazuk B., Colca J. Metabolism. 1995;44(3):384-389.

    • Colca J. Potential antidiabetic drugs affecting the sensitivity of tissues to insulin Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 1994;3(8):857-860.

    • Colca J. Section editor, oncologic, endocrine and metabolic: Editorial commentary Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 1994;3(12):1231-1232.

    • Colca J., Hillman R. Potential peptide targets in NIDDM Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 1994;3(1):37-39.

    • Hofmann C., Lorenz K., Braithwaite S., Colca J., Palazuk B., Hotamisligil G., Spiegelman B. Endocrinology. 1994;134(1):264-270.

    • Hofmann C., Lorenz K., Braithwaite S., Colca J., Palazuk B., Hotamisligil G., Spiegelman B. Altered gene expression for tumor necrosis factor-伪 and its receptors during drug and dietary modulation of insulin resistance Endocrinology. 1994;134(1):264-270.

    • Norling L.L., Colca J.R., Kelly P.T., McDaniel M.L., Landt M. Cell Calcium. 1994;16(2):137-150.

    • Saha A., Kurowski T., Colca J., Ruderman N. Lipid abnormalities in tissues of the KKAy mouse: Effects of pioglitazone on malonyl-CoA and diacylglycerol AM.J.PHYSIOL.. 1994;267(1 part 1)

    • Saha A.K., Kurowski T.G., Colca J.R., Ruderman N.B. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. 1994;267(1 30-1)

    • Towns R., Kostyo J., Colca J. Pioglitazone inhibits the diabetogenic action of growth hormone, but not its ability to promote growth. Endocrinology. 1994;134(2):608-613.

    • Towns R., Kostyo J.L., Colca J.R. Endocrinology. 1994;134(2):608-613.

    • Castle C., Colca J., Melchior G. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 1993;13(2):302-309.

    • Colca J., Tanis S. Recent Advances in the Discovery and Development of Potential Antidiabetic Agents Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry. 1992;27(C):219-226.

    • Hofmann C., Colca J. Diabetes Care. 1992;15(8):1075-1079.

    • Hofmann C.A., Edwards C.W., Hillman R.M., Colca J.R. Endocrinology. 1992;130(2):735-740.

    • Landt M., Easom R., Colca J., Wolf B., Turk J., Mills L., McDaniel M. Cell Calcium. 1992;13(3):163-172.

    • Colca J., Dailey C., Palazuk B., Hillman R., Dinh D., Melchior G., Spilman C. Diabetes. 1991;40(12):1669-1674.

    • Hofmann C., Lorenz K., Colca J.R. Endocrinology. 1991;129(4):1915-1925.

    • Krogstad D.J., Sutera S.P., Marvel J.S., Gluzman I.Y., Boylan C.W., Colca J.R., Williamson J.R., Schlesinger P.H. Blood Cells. 1991;17(1):229-241.

    • Easom R.A., Landt M., Colca J.R., Hughes J.H., Turk J., McDaniel M. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1990;265(25):14938-14946.

    • Hughes J.H., Colca J.R., Easom R.A., Turk J., McDaniel M.L. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 1990;86(3):856-863.

    • McCroskey M.C., Palazuk B.J., Pierce-Ramsey P.A., Colca J.R., Pearson J.D. BBA - Molecular Cell Research. 1989;1011(2-3):212-219.

    • Colca J., Wolf B., McDaniel M. Progress in clinical and biological research. 1988;265:117-132.

    • Colca J., Wyse B., Sawada G., Jodelis K., Connell C., Fletcher-McGruder B., Palazuk B., Diani A. Metabolism. 1988;37(3):276-280.

    • DeWald D., Colca J., McDonald J., Pearson J. Separation of tyrosine phosphorylated calmodulin from calmodulin using non-porous anion-exchange hplc Journal of Liquid Chromatography. 1988;11(9-10):2109-2120.

    • Laurino J.P., Colca J.R., Pearson J.D., Dewald D.B., McDonald J.M. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 1988;265(1):8-21.

    • McCroskey M., R. Colca J., D. Pearson J. Journal of Chromatography A. 1988;442(C):307-315.

    • Wolf B.A., Colca J.R., Turk J., Florholmen J., McDaniel M.L. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. 1988;254(2 Pt 1)

    • Colca J.R., DeWald D.B., Pearson J.D., Palazuk B.J., Laurino J.P., McDonald J.M. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1987;262(24):11399-11402.

    • Wolf B., Florholmen J., Colca J., McDaniel M. Biochemical Journal. 1987;242(1):137-141.

    • McDONALD J.M., PERSHADSINGH H.A., COLCA J. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1986;488(1):406-418.

    • Wolf B., Colca J., McDaniel M. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 1986;141(2):418-425.

    • Wolf B.A., Colca J.R., Comens P.G., Turk J., McDaniel M.L. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1986;261(35):16284-16287.

    • Colca J., Wolf B., Comens P., McDaniel M. Biochemical Journal. 1985;228(3):529-536.

    • Kotagal N., Colca J., Buscetto D., McDaniel M. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 1985;238(1):161-169.

    • Turk J., Colca J., McDaniel M. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Lipids and Lipid Metabolism. 1985;834(1):23-36.

    • Turk J., Colca J., McDaniel M. Arachidonic acid metabolism in isolated pancreatic islets. IV. Negative ion-mass spectrometric quantitation of monooxygenase product synthesis by liver and islets Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Lipids and Lipid Metabolism. 1985;835(1):1-17.

    • Turk J., Wolf B., Comens P., Colca J., Jakschik B., McDaniel M. Arachidonic acid metabolism in isolated pancreatic islets. IV. Negative ion-mass spectrometric quantitation of monooxygenase product synthesis by liver and islets Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Lipids and Lipid Metabolism. 1985;835(1):1-17.

    • Colca J., Kotagal N., Lacy P., Brooks C., Norling L., Landt M., McDaniel M. Glucose-stimulated protein phosphorylation in the pancreatic islet Biochemical Journal. 1984;220(2):529-537.

    • Colca J., McDaniel M. Glucose-stimulated protein phosphorylation in the pancreatic islet Federation Proceedings. 1984;43(7)

    • Norling L., Colca J., Brooks C., Kloepper R., McDaniel M., Landt M. BBA - General Subjects. 1984;801(2):197-205.

    • Turk J., Colca J., Kotagal N., McDaniel M. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Lipids and Lipid Metabolism. 1984;794(1):110-124.

    • Turk J., Colca J., Kotagal N., McDaniel M. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Lipids and Lipid Metabolism. 1984;794(1):125-136.

    • Colca J., Brooks C., Landt M., McDaniel M. Biochemical Journal. 1983;212(3):819-827.

    • Colca J., Kotagal N., Lacy P., McDaniel M. Biochemical Journal. 1983;212(1):113-121.

    • Colca J.R., Kotagal N., Brooks C.L. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1983;258(12):7260-7263.

    • Colca J.R., Kotagal N., Lacy P.E., McDaniel M.L. BBA - Biomembranes. 1983;729(2):176-184.

    • Kaplan D., Colca J., McDaniel M. The Journal of cell biology. 1983;97(2):433-437.

    • Kotagal N., Colca J.R., McDaniel M.L. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1983;258(8):4808-4813.

    • McDaniel M., Colca J., Kotagal N., Lacy P. Methods in Enzymology. 1983;98(C):182-200.

    • Colca J.R., Hazelwood R.L. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 1982;47(1):104-110.

    • Colca J.R., Hazelwood R.L. Journal of Endocrinology. 1982;92(3):317-326.

    • Colca J.R., McDonald J.M., Kotagal N., Patke C., Fink C.J., Greider M.H., Lacy P.E., McDaniel M.L. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1982;257(12):7223-7228.

    • Kotagal N., Patke C., Landt M., McDonald J., Colca J., Lacy P., McDaniel M. FEBS Letters. 1982;137(2):249-252.

    • Landt M., McDaniel M.L., Bry C.G., Kotagal N., Colca J.R., Lacy P.E., McDonald J.M. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 1982;213(1):148-154.

    • Colca J.R., Hazelwood R.L. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 1981;45(4):482-490.

    • Colca J.R., Hazelwood R.L. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 1976;28(2):151-162.