Gary E Ruoff, MD

Gary E Ruoff, MD
Gary E Ruoff, MD

Clinical Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine


Dr. Ruoff received his Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and Biology from St. Peter鈥檚 College in New Jersey. He received his Doctor of Medicine degree from Stritch School of Medicine-Loyola University in 1965. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Family Practice and is currently a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians and Michigan State Medical Society. Dr. Ruoff is also Board Certified by the National Board for Headache Management.

Dr. Ruoff is one of four founding physicians of Westside Family Medical Center, P.C. which was founded at its current location in June of 1971. Dr. Ruoff is the Medical Director and Principal Investigator of Clinical Research at Westside Family Medical Center, P.C. Dr. Ruoff is a leader in the area of Clinical Research and has received numerous awards for his work in this area. Dr. Ruoff has also published many articles based on his work and expertise. Dr. Ruoff is a Clinical Professor with the Department of Family and Community Medicine at 汤头条app and has held many positions within the American Academy of Family Physicians.

  • Board Certification

    • American Board of Family Medicine (Family Medicine)
  • 汤头条app and Training

    • Internship 1966, Borgess Hospital - Kalamazoo, MI,
    • MD 1965, Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University-Chicago
    • BS 1961, Chemistry and Biology, Saint Peter's College
  • Research

    • Family Medicine
  • Publications

    • Wiviott S.D., Raz I., Bonaca M.P., Mosenzon O., Kato E.T., Cahn A., Silverman M.G., Zelniker T.A., Kuder J.F., Murphy S.A., Bhatt D.L., Leiter L.A., McGuire D.K., Wilding J.P.H., Ruff C.T., Nilsson G.I., Fredriksson M., Johansson P.A., Langkilde A.M., Sabatine M.S., Bansilal S., Furtado R., Fish M.P., Gabovitch D., Jevne A., Ahern S., Im K., Goodrich E.L., Lowe C., Fisher N., Gannon J., Trindade S., Towarowski A., Fox Y., Johnsson E., Ranft S., Faber B., Wallander M., Weiss A., Buskila A., Abola M.T.B., Ardissino D., Averkov O., Aylward P., Bode C., Bonnici F., Bonora E., Budaj A., Cernea S., Chiang C.E., Cooper M., Dalby A., Deerochanawong C., Dellborg M., Diaz R., Dimulescu D., Eliaschewitz F.G., Goudev A.R., Hadjadj S., Herrera M., Huo Y., Jermendy G., Ji L., Kadowaki T., Kiss R., Kooy A., Kumar K.M.P., Lewis B., Litwak L., Lopez-Sendon J., Ma R., Merlini P.A., Nauck M.A., Nguyen T.K., Nicolau J.C., Ostgren C.J., Ophuis T.O., Padilla F., Pais P., Park K.S., Parkhomenko A., Ray K., Rosenstock J., Ruda M., Satman I., Shestakova M., Smahelova A., Spinar J., Strojek K., Sy R., Tankova T., Theroux P., Tk谩膷 I., Van Gaal L., Wainstein J., Harrington R.A., Droller M.J., Lee K.L., Nesto R.W., Tuomilehto J. New England Journal of Medicine. 2019;380:347-357.

    • Bohula E.A., Scirica B.M., Inzucchi S.E., McGuire D.K., Keech A.C., Smith S.R., Kanevsky E., Murphy S.A., Leiter L.A., Dwyer J.P., Corbalan R., Hamm C., Kaplan L., Nicolau J.C., Ophuis T.O., Ray K.K., Ray K.K., Ruda M., Spinar J., Patel T., Miao W., Perdomo C., Francis B., Dhadda S., Bonaca M.P., Ruff C.T., Sabatine M.S., Wiviott S.D., Inzucchi S., Satlin A., Brown C., Budaj A., Dwyer J., Garcia-Castillo A., Gupta M., Oude Ophuis T., Weissman N., White H.D., Amerena J., Arstall M., Colquhoun D., Jayasinghe R., Lee A., Lehman R., Moses R., Proietto J., Purnell P., Waites J., Blombery P., Cross D., Worthley M., d'Emden M., Selvanayagam J., Oqueli R.E., Whelan A., Garrahy P., de Looze F., Ninio D., Horowitz J., William M., Suranyi M., Wittert G., Le May M., Pandey A.S., Vizel S., Labonte R., Beaudry Y., Fortin C., Bell A., Kouz S., St-Amour , Bata I., St Maurice F., Chehayeb R., Constance C., Wong G., Hess A., Liutkus J., Poirier P., Teitelbaum I., Berlingieri J., Cha J., Hartleib M., Heffernan M., Twum-Barima D., Pandith V., Aronson R., Goldenberg R., Ajala B., Jain A., Ross S., Bajaj H., Khandwala H., Yared Z., Gupta N., B茅dard J., Wharton S., Blouin F., Savard D., Shukla D. The Lancet. 2018;392:2269-2279.

    • Ridker P.M., Revkin J., Amarenco P., Brunell R., Curto M., Civeira F., Flather M., Glynn R.J., Gregoire J., Jukema J.W., Karpov Y., Kastelein J.J.P., Koenig W., Lorenzatti A., Manga P., Masiukiewicz U., Miller M., Mosterd A., Murin J., Nicolau J.C., Nissen S., Ponikowski P., Santos R.D., Schwartz P.F., Soran H., White H., Wright R.S., Vrablik M., Yunis C., Shear C.L., Tardif J.C., Conde D., Colquhoun D., Missault L., Gr茅goire J., Gao R., Urina M., Solar M., Jensen H.K., Grobbee D., Savolainen M., Schiele F.N., Montalescot G., Edes I., Blake G., Lotan C., Maggioni A., Savonitto S., Lee C.W., Leiva Pons J.L., Dan G.A., Cortada J.B., Mellbin L., Kahan T., Noble S., Hwang J.J., Sritara P., T枚kgozo臒lu L., Tarasenko L., Borer J.S., Black H., Carmena R., Furie K.L., McMurray J., Neaton J., Zannad F., O鈥橬eill B., Welty F., McNamara R., Chun H., Abbott J.D., Jacoby D., McPherson C., Jadbabaie F., Pinto D., McCullough L., Silverman I.E., Sansing L.H., Dearborn-Tomazos J., Foody J., Schindler J., Piazza G., Chakrabarti A., Pride Y., Gelfand E., Baultrukonis D., Chaudhuri S., Frederich R., Johnson M., Mridha K., Powell C., Wang E., Wei C., Anderson P., Buonanno M., Epsley C., Evans B., Frolova M., Goetsch M., Hessinger D. New England Journal of Medicine. 2017;376:1527-1539.

    • Ruoff G., Edwards N. Postgraduate Medicine. 2016;128(7):706-715.

    • Ruoff G. The Journal of family practice. 2015;64(12):S67-S70.

    • Ruoff G. Journal of Family Practice. 2014;63(2)

    • Giugliano R.P., Ruff C.T., Braunwald E., Murphy S.A., Wiviott S.D., Halperin J.L., Waldo A.L., Ezekowitz M.D., Weitz J.I., 艩pinar J., Ruzyllo W., Ruda M., Koretsune Y., Betcher J., Shi M., Grip L.T., Patel S.P., Patel I., Hanyok J.J., Mercuri M., Antman E.M., Peruzzotti-Jametti L., Malynovsky Y., Morin S.E., Hoffman E.B., Deenadayalu N., Lanz H., Curt V., Duggal A., Dav茅 J., Morgan D., Choi Y., Jin J., Xie J., Crerand W., Kappelhof J., Maxwell W., Skinner M., Selicato G., Otto C., Reissner C., Smith K., Ostroske J., Ron A., Connolly S., Camm J., Paolasso E., Aylward P., Heidbuchel H., Nicolau J.C., Goudev A., Roy D., Corbal谩n R., Yang Y., Botero R., Bergovec M., Grande P., Hassager C., Voitk J., Huikuri H., Nieminen M., Blanc J.J., LeHeuzey J.Y., Mitrovic V., Alexopoulos D., Sotomora G., Kiss R., SomaRaju B., Lewis B., Merlini P., Metra M., Yamashita T., Garc铆a-Castillo A., Ophuis T., White H., Atar D., Horna M., Babilonia N., Morais J., Dorobantu M., Ostojic M., Duris T., Dalby A., Chung N., Zamorano J.L., Juul-M枚ller S., Moccetti T., Chen S.A., Sritara P., Oto A., Parkhomenko A., Senior R., Verheugt F., Skene A., Anderson J., Bauer K., Easton J.D., Goto S., Lowe C. New England Journal of Medicine. 2013;369:2093-2104.

    • Ruoff G. The Journal of family practice. 2012;61(6 Suppl)

    • Silberstein S., Cady R., Ruoff G., Krishen A., Peykamian M. Headache. 2012;52(4):530-543.

    • Landy S.H., Farmer K., Juh谩sz M., Tarrasch J., Runken M.C. Headache. 2011;51(6):961-970.

    • Mccarberg B., Ruoff G., Tenzer-Iglesias P., Weil A. Diagnosis and Treatment of Low-Back Pain Because of Paraspinous Muscle Spasm: A Physician Roundtable Pain Medicine. 2011;12(SUPPL.4)

    • Becker M., Ruoff G. Journal of Family Practice. 2010;59(6)

    • Weil A., Ruoff G., Nalamachu S., Altman C., Xie F., Taylor D. Postgraduate Medicine. 2010;122(4):158-169.

    • Fennerty M.B., Finke K.B., Kushner P.R., Peura D.A., Record L., Riley L., Ruoff G.E., Simonson W., Wright W.L. Journal of Family Practice. 2009;58(7)

    • Malanga G., Ruoff G., Weil A., Altman C., Xie F., Borenstein D. Current Medical Research and Opinion. 2009;25(5):1179-1196.

    • Ruoff G. Gout: Update on therapy Consultant. 2009;49(1)

    • Yawn B., Mannino D., Littlejohn T., Ruoff G., Emmett A., Raphiou I., Crater G. Current Medical Research and Opinion. 2009;25(11):2671-2677.

    • Brown J.S., Neumann P.J., Papadopoulos G., Ruoff G., Diamond M., Menzin J. Value in Health. 2008;11(2):315-321.

    • Ruoff G.E. Gout: Clues to clinical diagnosis Consultant. 2008;48(13)

    • Bingham C., Sebba A., Rubin B., Ruoff G., Kremer J., Bird S., Smugar S., Fitzgerald B., O'Brien K., Tershakovec A. Rheumatology. 2007;46(3):496-507.

    • Bond J., Brady W.J., Bryan C.S., Carlson W.D., Carr D., Cayley W., Champagne B.J., Chancellor M.B., Chavda D.V., Cherner R., Cohn P.F., Connolly J.F., Conrad D.A., Effron D., Enam S.A., Farmer R.G., Fields H.J., Fitzgerald F.T., Florence J., Frank P., Friedman E.A., Garzarelli D.M., Ghatan R., Gleich P., Golden D.B.K., Grin C.M., Harrigan R.A., Hay J.W., Heffron W.A., Heidelbaugh J.J., Hellinger M.D., Herrera J.L., Ilowite J., Joseph J., Kamat D.M., Kaplan D.L., King S.A., Kirchner J.T., Klein L.W., Kountz D.S., Kramer H.M., Leach R.E., Leung A.K.C., Lieberman D., Lieberman J.A., Lombardo D., Margolis S., Matteson E.L., McCain G.A., McConnell R.Y., Mitchell J., Mochan E., Moonis M., Mosby J., Murphy D.P., Nash D.B., Nash D.T., Olshansky B., Ornato J.P., Parker R.A., Parthemore J.G., Pearsall IV A.W., Peters B., Petty T., Picco M.F., Pires L., Prisant L.M., Quick G., Rakel R.E., Reisman R., Reynolds W., Rogers J.G., Rogers R.J., Rose S.R., Rosen T., Rothe M.J., Rubin R.N., Ruderman E.M., Ruoff G.E., Rutecki G.W., Sachs H., Samraj G.P.N., Schindler J., Schmidt J.D., Schneiderman H., Shahady E.J., Skorin L., Skrabal M. Our thanks to reviewers in 2007 Consultant. 2007;47(14):1203.

    • McKenney J.M., Jones P.H., Bays H.E., Knopp R.H., Kashyap M.L., Ruoff G.E., McGovern M. Atherosclerosis. 2007;192(2):432-437.

    • Winner P., Cady R.K., Ruoff G.E., Frishberg B.M., Alexander W.J., Zhang Y., Kori S.H., Lener S.E. Twelve-month tolerability and safety of sumatriptan-naproxen sodium for the treatment of acute migraine Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2007;82(1):61-68.

    • Ekman E.F., Ruoff G., Kuehl K., Ralph L., Hormbrey P., Fiechtner J., Berger M.F. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2006;34(6):945-955.

    • Kaniecki R., Ruoff G., Smith T., Barrett P., Ames M., Byrd S., Kori S. Current Medical Research and Opinion. 2006;22(8):1535-1544.

    • Petruschke R., Chang D., Tershakovec A. Current Medical Research and Opinion. 2006;22(1):199-210.

    • Ranhosky A., Davidai G., Ruoff G. Current Medical Research and Opinion. 2006;22(4):721-730.

    • Ruoff G. Postgraduate medicine. 2006;Spec No:20-26.

    • Ruoff G. Depression and migraine: To what extent is migraine a marker for increased prevalence of selected comorbidities? Headache and Pain: Diagnostic Challenges, Current Therapy. 2006;17(2):68-72.

    • Ruoff G. Effective pharmacologic strategies for treatment and prevention of migraine Drug Benefit Trends. 2006;18(5):300-308.

    • Ruoff G.E. Chronic daily headache triggers: It's not what you take - But how often that counts Headache and Pain: Diagnostic Challenges, Current Therapy. 2006;17(2):91.

    • Ruoff G.E. Early intervention in a case of migraine with depression Consultant. 2006;46(4):429-431.

    • Ruoff G.E. Evidence-based cardiovascular disease prevention and risk assessment Drug Benefit Trends. 2006;18(9):495-502.

    • Kudrow D., Thomas H.M., Ruoff G., Ishkanian G., Sands G., Le V.H., Brown M.T. Headache. 2005;45(9):1151-1162.

    • Ruoff G. Journal of Family Practice. 2005;54(10):846-852.

    • Ruoff G.E. Chronic daily headache triggers: It's not what you take but how often that counts Consultant. 2005;45(12):1245.

    • Ruoff G.E. Chronic daily headache: Understanding and treatment Consultant. 2005;45(8):871-886.

    • Ruoff G.E. Early intervention in a case of migraine with depression Headache and Pain: Diagnostic Challenges, Current Therapy. 2005;16(3)

    • Ruoff G.E. Evidence-based cardiovascular disease prevention: Challenges to assessing risk in office practice Consultant. 2005;45(13):1467-1474.

    • Ruoff G.E. Understanding and treating chronic daily headache Headache and Pain: Diagnostic Challenges, Current Therapy. 2005;16(1):39-48.

    • Ruoff G. Migraine comorbidity: Consequent pharmacologic strategies for treatment Consultant. 2004;44(4):638-646.

    • Ruoff G. Migraine: Effective pharmacologic strategies for prevention and treatment Headache and Pain: Diagnostic Challenges, Current Therapy. 2004;15(2):75-82.

    • Ruoff G. Migriane Comorbidity: Consequent Pharmacologic Strategies for Treatment Headache and Pain: Diagnostic Challenges, Current Therapy. 2004;15(1):9-15.

    • Ruoff G. Trigger point injections: What to expect Consultant. 2004;44(2):208.

    • Ruoff G.E. Benign or worrisome headache? Keys to making the diagnosis Headache and Pain: Diagnostic Challenges, Current Therapy. 2004;15(3):109-113.

    • Ruoff G.E. Headache: Benign or worrisome? Keys to making the diagnosis Consultant. 2004;44(12):1581-1584.

    • Ruoff G.E. Migraine: Effective pharmacologic strategies for prevention and treatment Consultant. 2004;44(7):969-975.

    • Shaker R., Brunton S., Elfant A., Golopol L., Ruoff G., Stanghellini V. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Supplement. 2004;20(9):3-13.

    • Quinn J., Ruoff G., Ziter P. Efficacy and tolerability of 5-day, once-daily telithromycin compared with 10-day, twice-daily clarithromycin for the treatment of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal tonsillitis/pharyngitis: A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study Clinical Therapeutics. 2003;25(2):422-443.

    • Ruoff G. Trigger point injections: A primary care intervention Consultant. 2003;43(2):213-221.

    • Ruoff G. Woman with Intense Daily Headaches Headache and Pain: Diagnostic Challenges, Current Therapy. 2003;14(3):134-137.

    • Ruoff G., Lema M. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2003;25(2 SUPPL.):21-31.

    • Ruoff G., Rosenthal N., Jordan D., Karim R., Kamin M. Tramadol/acetaminophen combination tablets for the treatment of chronic lower back pain: A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled outpatient study Clinical Therapeutics. 2003;25(4):1123-1141.

    • Ruoff G. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2002;32(3 SUPPL. 1):43-50.

    • Ruoff G. Family Medicine. 2002;34(7):514-517.

    • Ruoff G. Emerging therapies for rheumatoid arthritis Drug Benefit Trends. 2002;14(SUPPL. B):6-12.

    • Ruoff G. Rheumatoid arthritis: Emerging treatments Consultant. 2002;42(3):297-306.

    • Ruoff G.E. Postgraduate medicine. 2002;112(1 Suppl):4-7.

    • Ruoff G.E. Postgraduate medicine. 2002;112(1 Suppl):3.

    • Thisted R.A., Jones T.M., Barbarash R.A., Mikolich D., Ruoff G.E., Jorizzo J.L., Gunnill L.B., Katz D.H., Khalil M.H., Morrow P., Yakatan G., Pope L.E., Berg J.E. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2001;45(2):222-230.

    • Henry D., Ruoff G., Rhudy G., Puopolo A., Drehobl M., Schoenberger J., Giguere G., Collins J. Effectiveness of a short course (5 days) of treatment with cefuroxime axetil (zinnat) in secondary bacterial infections in active bronchitis Pediatriya. 2000;40(4):55.

    • Richard G.A., DeAbate C.A., Ruoff G.E., Corrado M., Fowler C.L., Morgan N. A double-blind, randomized trial of the efficacy and safety of short-course, once-daily levofloxacin versus ofloxacin twice daily in uncomplicated urinary tract infections Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice. 2000;9(8):323-329.

    • Ruoff G.E. Zanamivir for the management of influenza Current Therapeutic Research - Clinical and Experimental. 2000;61(11):752-769.

    • Henry D., Ruoff G., Noonan M., DeAbate C., Puopolo A., Bettis R., Burroughs S., Cobb M., Holley H. Comparison of the efficacy and tolerability of short-course cefuroxime axetil and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid in the treatment of secondary bacterial infections of acute bronchitis Clinical Drug Investigation. 1999;18(5):335-344.

    • Ruoff G. Management of the mild-to-moderate migraine Headache Quarterly. 1999;10(1 SUPPL.):19-20.

    • Ruoff G. Shifting the focus from migraine attacks to migraineurs Headache Quarterly. 1999;10(2):117-118.

    • Ruoff G. Pharmacotherapy. 1999;19(1 I):88-93.

    • Ruoff G., Gray L.S. Family Medicine. 1999;31(5):331-336.

    • Ruoff G.E. Strategies to control chronic musculokeletal pain: Part 1, work-up and nondrug therapy Consultant. 1999;39(9):2561-2571.

    • Ruoff G.E. Strategies to control chronic musculoskeletal pain: A guide to drug therapy Consultant. 1999;39(10):2773-2781.

    • Sperling M., Black D., Cichon M., Kassman N., Littlejohn T., Newman J., Markel W., Dorfner S., Garofalo J., Given J., Ondrejicka J., Patron A., Stoker K., Sundwall P., Adelglass J., Champlin J., Krause H., Bonnet J., Cosmo L., Imam A., Thompson B., Casale T., Garner E., Maggiacomo F., Ruoff G., Flenniken R., Puopolo A., Morin D., DeAbate C., Patrick K., Klimas J., Kaliner M., Kessler C., Orchard D. The efficacy and tolerability of moxifloxacin compared to trovafloxacin in the treatment of acute sinusitis Today's Therapeutic Trends. 1999;17(4):303-319.

    • Adelglass J., Jones T., Ruoff G., Kahn J., Wiesinger B., Rielly-Gauvin K., Siu C. Pharmacotherapy. 1998;18(6 I):1255-1263.

    • Rauck R., Gargiulo C., Ruoff G., Schnitzer T., Trapp R. Managed care interface. 1998;11(2)

    • Rauck R., Gargiulo C., Ruoff G., Schnitzer T., Trapp R. Managed care interface. 1998;11(3):71-75.

    • Ruoff G. American Journal of Medicine. 1998;105(1 B):53S-60S.

    • Ruoff G. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 1998;17(8 SUPPL.)

    • Ruoff G.E. The impact of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on hypertension: Alternative analgesics for patients at risk Clinical Therapeutics. 1998;20(3):376-387.

    • Ruoff G. Family Medicine. 1997;29(5):344-346.

    • Ruoff G.E. When sinus headache isn't sinus headache Headache Quarterly. 1997;8(1):22-31.

    • Lipton R.B., Raskin N., Ruoff G., Saper J., Sheftell F., Solomon S., Henrich W.L. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. 1996;27:917-918.

    • Ruoff G. Journal of Family Practice. 1996;43(6 SUPPL.)

    • Ruoff G. Erratum: Recurrent streptococcal pharyngitis (Postgraduate Medicine (February) (220)) Postgraduate Medicine. 1996;99(5):46.

    • Ruoff G. Postgraduate Medicine. 1996;99(2):211-222.

    • Ruoff G. Some patients with hypertension can withdraw from medication American Family Physician. 1996;54(8):2523.

    • Henry D., Ruoff G., Rhudy J., Puopolo A., Drehobl M., Schoenberger J., Giguere G., Collins J. Clinical Therapeutics. 1995;17(5):861-874.

    • Henry D., Ruoff G., Rhudy J., Puopolo A., Drehobl M., Schoenberger J., Giguere G., Collins J. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 1995;39(11):2528-2534.

    • Ruoff G. Chronic pain in primary care Headache Quarterly. 1995;6(1):19-25.

    • Thompson K., Ruoff G.E., Imig J.R., Lane P., Schwenker C.E., Wilson P., Wilkins L., Ford C., Sharp P., Snyder F., Cochran J., Ross P., Kletzky O., Suh B., Cabus E., Notelowitz M., Breen M., Bayne B. International Journal of Fertility and Menopausal Studies. 1995;40(3):126-134.

    • Rauck R.L., Ruoff G.E., McMillen J.I. Comparison of tramadol and acetaminophen with codeine for long-term pain management in elderly patients Current Therapeutic Research. 1994;55(12):1417-1431.

    • Ruoff G. Postgraduate Medicine. 1993;94(8):109-121.

    • Ruoff G. Journal of Family Practice. 1993;36(3):329-335.

    • Ruoff G.E. Primary care role in headache management Headache Quarterly. 1993;4(2):145-150.

    • Dere W., Farlow D., Therasse D.G., Ruoff G.E. Clinical Therapeutics. 1992;14(1):41-53.

    • McCarty J., Ruoff G., Jacobson K. The American Journal of Medicine. 1992;92(6 SUPPL. 1)

    • Williams R.L., Goyle K.K., Herman T.S., Rofman B.A., Ruoff G.E., Hogan L.B. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 1992;32(4):360-367.

    • Ruoff G.E. American Family Physician. 1991;43:1235-1242.

    • Rubin P., Yee J.P., Ruoff G. Pharmacotherapy. 1990;10

    • Ruoff G. Postgraduate Medicine. 1989;85(3):127-139.

    • Tuck M.L., Katz L.A., Kirkendall W.M., Koeppe P.R., Ruoff G.E., Sapir D.G. Low-dose captopril in mild to moderate geriatric hypertension GeriatRx. 1989;1:13-17.

    • Guthrie R., Ruoff G., Rofman B., Ginsberg D., Karp R., Brown S., Shul G. Family Practice. 1988;5(1):29-35.

    • Sabesin S.M., Boyce H.W., King C.E., Mann J., Ruoff G., Wall E. The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 1988;83(11):1220-1225.

    • Ruoff G. Postgraduate Medicine. 1987;81(5):85-90.

    • Ruoff G. Prolonged normotension after abrupt withdrawal of terazosin treatment. Implications for studies of the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs Journal of Clinical Research and Drug Development. 1987;1(4):293-300.

    • Ruoff G. The American Journal of Medicine. 1986;80(5 SUPPL. 2):42-48.

    • Ruoff G. The American Journal of Medicine. 1986;80(5 SUPPL. 2):35-41.

    • Ruoff G.E. The American Journal of Medicine. 1986;80(3 SUPPL. 1):96.

    • Tuck M.L., Kirkendall W.M., Koeppe P.R., Ruoff G.E., Sapir D.G. Low鈥怐ose Captopril in Mild to Moderate Geriatric Hypertension Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 1986;34:693-696.

    • Ruoff G., Beery G. Postgraduate Medicine. 1985;78(4):91-97.

    • Ruoff G. Treatment of the chronic pain of osteoarthritis: Zomepirac versus aspirin Current Therapeutic Research - Clinical and Experimental. 1982;32(5):638-645.

    • Cannella J. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 1980;20(5-6 II):377-384.

    • MAYER T., RUOFF G.E. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 1980;20(4):285-291.

    • Ruoff G. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 1978;26(3):121-126.

    • Lefton T.E., Ruoff G.E., Brooks C.D. Southern Medical Journal. 1977;70(1):49-52.

    • Gundersen K., Cooper E.E., Ruoff G., Nikolai T., Assenzo J.R. Atherosclerosis. 1976;25(2-3):303-310.

    • Giansiracusa J., Donaldson M., Koonce M., Lefton T., Ruoff G., Brooks C. Section 1 ibuprofen in osteoarthritis Current Medical Research and Opinion. 1975;3(8):481-484.

    • Melluish J.W., Brooks C.D., Ruoff G., Cross C., Sanborn E.C. Archives of Ophthalmology. 1975;93(9):781-782.

    • Ruoff G., Panzer J.D., Atkinson W.H. Michigan medicine. 1973;72:625-626.

    • Sinanian R., Ruoff G., Panzer J., Atkinson W. Current Therapeutic Research - Clinical and Experimental. 1972;14:716-720.