Joel H Reinoehl, MD

Joel H Reinoehl, MD
Joel H Reinoehl, MD

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine


Dr. Joel Reinoehl is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine. He is employed by the Bronson Healthcare Group.

  • Publications

    • Chatterjee N.A., Moorthy M.V., Pester J., Schaecter A., Panicker G.K., Narula D., Lee D.C., Goldberger J.J., Kadish A., Cook N., Albert C.M., Elbert C., Mahal S., Sobolski J., Danciu S., Dyke C., Phang R., Wolinsky D., Biederman R., McLaurin B., Trichon B., Serfas D., Aslam A., Bugni W., Hany A., Jiang L., Marais H., Durr S., Reinoehl J., Graham S., Sadler D., Erenrich N., Spencer R., Griffin J., Geohas C., Treasure C.B., Baki T., Huneycutt D., Saliba W., Svinarich J.T., Whang W., Jetty P., Shanes J., McGarvey J., Hankins S., White L., DeLurgio D., Karunaratne H., Flores E., Gillespie E., McKenzie J., Staniloae C., Altschuller A., Schuger C., Radin M., Pohost G., Myers M., Bunch T.J., Wickemeyer W., Mendelson R., Berger R., Ross T., Sumner A., Arcement L., Malik B., Claxton N., Rohr K., Weiss R., Garcia-Rinaldi R., Kazmierski J., Rosenbaum D., Blonder R., Ramanathan K., O'Neill G., Cochran K., Kaufman E., Costantini O., Hustead S., Sahul Z., Bengston J., Lader E., Nora M., Gornick C., Adabag S., Tishler S., Klein S., Lamas G., Baig M., Ratliff M., Iwai S., Johnson G., Oliver T., Langer M., Ahn J., Silver K.H., Mattson S., Schmidt J., Ramanathan P.K., Heitner J. JAMA Cardiology. 2018;3(7):591-600.

    • Hortmann M., Robinson S., Mohr M., Haenel D., Mauler M., Laumann R., Stallmann D., Reinoehl J., Duerschmied D., Peter K., Bode C., Ahrens I. International Journal of Cardiology. 2017;249:437.

    • Hortmann M., Robinson S., Mohr M., Haenel D., Mauler M., Stallmann D., Reinoehl J., Duerschmied D., Peter K., Bode C., Ahrens I. International Journal of Cardiology. 2017;243:485-491.

    • Machado C., Baga J., Kawasaki R., Reinoehl J., Steinman R., Lehmann M. Journal of Electrocardiology. 1997;30(1):31-37.

    • Reinoehl J., Frankovich D., Machado C., Kawasaki R., Baga J., Pires L., Steinman R., Fromm B., Lehmann M. American Heart Journal. 1996;131(6):1184-1191.

    • KAWASAKI R., MACHADO C., REINOEHL J., FROMM B., BAGA J., STEINMAN R., LEHMANN M. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology. 1995;6(11):1032-1038.

  • Presentations

    • Closure of Atrioventricular Canal Patch Defect With Amplatzer PFO Occluder Device. Rich L, Patel K, Reinoehl J, Rogers C, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021