Gillian Ann Stoltman, PhD, MPH

Gillian Ann Stoltman, PhD, MPH
Gillian Ann Stoltman, PhD, MPH

Community Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences

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Gillian Stoltman, PhD, MPH, is a community associate professor with the Department of Biomedical Sciences at 汤头条app in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She studied microbiology and virology at University College, London, earning a doctorate in 1979.

Dr. Stoltman joined the Kalamazoo County Health Advisory Board in the 1980s, and an outbreak of salmonella poisoning prompted Human Services officials to increase efforts to protect Kalamazoo County residents from infectious disease outbreaks.

Dr. Stoltman was then encouraged to join the county as county epidemiologist. In that role, she tackled the HIV/AIDS epidemic. After over fifteen years with the county, Dr. Stoltman joined Pfizer, then moved back to county government. She served as interim medical director for Kalamazoo County from 2014 to 2016, when she retired.

  • 汤头条app and Training

    • MPH 1992, Public Health Policy, School of Public Health, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
    • PhD 1980, Viral Immunology, Royal Postgraduate School of Medicine, University of London
    • Clinical/Research Fellowship 1978, Viral and immunological aspects of multiple sclerosis and SSPE, St. Thomas' Hospital Medical School, University of London
    • BS 1971, Microbiology, Biological Sciences, University College London
  • Publications

    • Gu Y., DeDoncker E., VanEnk R., Paul R., Peters S., Stoltman G., Prieto D. Medical Decision Making. 2021;41:1004-1016.

    • Lindeman C., Portis E., Johansen L., Mullins L., Stoltman G. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2013;25:581-591.

    • Portis E., Lindeman C., Johansen L., Stoltman G. Antimicrobial susceptibility of porcine Pasteurella multocida, Streptococcus suis, and Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae from the United States and Canada, 2001 to 2010 Journal of Swine Health and Production. 2013;21:30-41.

    • Portis E., Lindeman C., Johansen L., Stoltman G. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2012;24:932-944.

    • Beigel J., Kohl K.S., Brinley F., Graham P.L., Khuri-Bulos N., LaRussa P.S., Nell P., Norton S., Stoltman G., Tebaa A., Warschaw K. Vaccine. 2007;25:5745-5753.

    • Beigel J., Kohl K.S., Khuri-Bulos N., Bravo L., Nell P., Marcy S.M., Warschaw K., Ong-Lim A., Poerschke G., Weston W., Lindstrom J., Stoltman G., Maurer T. Vaccine. 2007;25:5697-5706.

    • Olsen S.J., Patrick M., Hunter S.B., Reddy V., Kornstein L., MacKenzie W.R., Lane K., Bidol S., Stoltman G.A., Frye D.M., Lee I., Hurd S., Jones T.F., LaPorte T.N., Dewitt W., Graves L., Wiedmann M., Schoonmaker-Bopp D.J., Huang A.J., Vincent C., Bugenhagen A., Corby J., Carloni E.R., Holcomb M.E., Woron R.F., Zansky S.M., Dowdle G., Smith F., Ahrabi-Fard S., Ong A.R., Tucker N., Hynes N.A., Mead P. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2005;40:962-967.

    • Biroscak B.J., Fiore A.E., Fasano N., Fineis P., Collins M.P., Stoltman G. Pediatrics. 2003;111

    • Wilkins M.J., Boulton M.L., Stoltman G.A., Bidol S.A., Enger K.S., Lai J.J., Uyeki T., Harper S., Fischer M., Reagan S.P., Jones J., Terebuh P., Stonecipher S.D., EIS officers Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2003;52:837-840.

    • Ognjan A., Boulton M.L., Somsel P., Stobierski M.G., Stoltman G., Downes F., Smith K., Chapman L., Petersen L., Marfin A., Campbell G., Lanciotti R., Roehrig J., Gubler D., Chamberland M., Montgomery J., Arole C.A. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2002;51:877-878.

    • Hurd S., Phan Q., Hadler J., Mackenzie B., Lance-Parker S., Blake P., Deasy M., Rankin J., Frye D., Lee I., Werner B., Vugia D., Bidol S., Stoltman G., Boulton M., Widemann M., Kornstein L., Reddy S., Mojica B., Guido F., Huang A., Vincent C., Bugenhagen A., Corby J., Carloni E., Holcomb M., Kondracki S., Woron R., Zansky S., Smith P., Dowdle G., Nichols C., Smith F., Gerber D., Jones T., Moore W., Ahrabi-Fard S., Davis J. Multistate outbreak of listeriosis - United States, 2000 JAMA. 2001;285:285-286.

    • Landgraf J., Stobierski M., Stoltman G., Boulton M., Wiersma S., Neitzel D., Hull H., Smith K. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2001;50:597-599.

    • Landgraf J., Stobierski M.G., Stoltman G., Boulton M., Wiersma S., South J.R., Neitzel D., Hull H., Smith K. JAMA. 2001;286:783-784.

    • Hurd S., Phan Q., Hadler J., Mackenzie B., Lance-Parker S., Blake P., Deasy M., Rankin J., Frye D., Lee I., Werner B., Vugia D., Bidol S., Stoltman G., Boulton M., Widemann M., Kornstein L., Reddy S., Mojica B., Guido F., Huang A., Vincent C., Bugenhagen A., Corby J., Carloni E., Holcomb M., Kondracki S., Woron R., Zansky S., Smith P., Dowdle G., Nichols C., Smith F., Gerber D., Jones T., Moore W., Ahrabi-Fard S., Davis J. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2000;49:1129-1130.