Erik D Larson, PhD

Erik D Larson, PhD
Erik D Larson, PhD

Vice Chair, Department of Biomedical Sciences

Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences

Contact Information



Erik D. Larson, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at 汤头条app in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Dr. Larson graduated from the University of Oregon with a B.S. in Biology. He earned a M.S. in Biology from the University of North Dakota prior to completing his Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. 聽He was a NIH postdoctoral fellow at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, in Immunology and Biochemistry.

Dr. Larson has extensive experience in teaching and developing curricula in molecular biology and genetics. His research seeks to understand mechanisms of genetic instability.

  • 汤头条app and Training

    • Postdoctoral Fellowship 2007, Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of Washington-Seattle Campus
    • PhD 2001, Molecular/Cell Biology, Indiana University, Indiana University-Bloomington
    • MS 1998, Biology, University of North Dakota
    • BS 1994, Molecular Biology, University of Oregon
  • Research

    • quadruplex DNA
    • mismatch repair
    • Trinucleotide Repeat Expansion
    • Somatic Hypermutation, Immunoglobulin
    • Nucleic Acid Structure or Function
    • Mutagenesis
    • Molecular Genetics
    • Immunoglobulin Class Switching
    • Genome Instability
    • Genes, Immunoglobulin
    • Evolution, Molecular
    • Double strand break repair
    • DNA Replication
    • DNA Repair Enzymes
    • Cancer Genetics
    • Biochemistry, Proteins
    • Biochemistry, Nucleic Acids
    • Base Excision Repair
  • Publications

    • Williams J.D., Houserova D., Johnson B.R., Dyniewski B., Berroyer A., French H., Barchie A.A., Bilbrey D.D., Demeis J.D., Ghee K.R., Hughes A.G., Kreitz N.W., McInnis C.H., Pudner S.C., Reeves M.N., Stahly A.N., Turcu A., Watters B.C., Daly G.T., Langley R.J., Gillespie M.N., Prakash A., Larson E.D., Kasukurthi M.V., Huang J., Jinks-Robertson S., Borchert G.M. Nucleic Acids Research. 2020;48(11):5907-5925.

    • Berroyer A., Alvarado G., Larson E.D. Mutagenesis. 2019;34(3):289-297.

    • Holton N., Larson E. Mutagenesis. 2016;31(4):385-392.

    • Williams J.D., Fleetwood S., Berroyer A., Kim N., Larson E.D. Sites of instability in the human TCF3 (E2A) gene adopt G-quadruplex DNA structures in vitro Frontiers in Genetics. 2015;6(MAY)

    • Samarajeewa D.A., Sauls P.A., Sharp K.J., Smith Z.J., Xiao H., Groskreutz K.M., Malone T.L., Boone E.C., Edwards K.A., Shiu P.K.T., Larson E.D., Hammond T.M. Genetics. 2014;198(3):895-904.

    • Ehrat E.A., Johnson B.R., Williams J.D., Borchert G.M., Larson E.D. BMC Molecular Biology. 2012;13

    • Borchert G., Holton N., Larson E. BMC Cancer. 2011;11

    • Borchert G.M., Holton N.W., Edwards K., Vogel L.A., Larson E.D. PLoS ONE. 2010;5(7)

    • Larson E., Bednarski D., Maizels N. BMC Molecular Biology. 2008;9

    • Vallur A.C., Yabuki M., Larson E.D., Maizels N. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2007;64(5):555-565.

    • Larson E.D., Cummings W.J., Bednarski D.W., Maizels N. Molecular Cell. 2005;20(3):367-375.

    • Larson E.D., Duquette M.L., Cummings W.J., Streiff R.J., Maizels N. Current Biology. 2005;15(5):470-474.

    • Larson E.D., Maizels N. Genome Biology. 2004;5(3)

    • Larson E., Iams K., Drummond J. DNA Repair. 2003;2(11):1199-1210.

    • Wang H., Yang Y., Schofield M.J., Du C., Fridman Y., Lee S.D., Larson E.D., Drummond J.T., Alani E., Hsieh P., Erie D.A. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2003;100(25):14822-14827.

    • Iams K., Larson E.D., Drummond J.T. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2002;277(34):30805-30814.

    • Larson E.D., Nickens D., Drummond J.T. Nucleic acids research. 2002;30(3)

    • Larson E.D., Drummond J.T. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2001;276(13):9775-9783.

    • Hughes C.R., Larson E.D. Molecular Ecology. 2000;9:632-633.

  • Presentations

    • The impact of G-quadruplex DNA on expression of the human PKD1 gene. Byrne S, Parsons A, Bouma G, Vanden Heuvel G, Larson E, 42nd Annual Kalamazoo Community and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2024
    • Molecular model for two hit somatic mutations in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Kooistra J, Parsons A, Bungha Tita LV, Bouma G, Vanden Heuvel G, Larson E, 42nd Annual Kalamazoo Community and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2024
    • Overtly coding lecture slides to learning objectives in the genetic and metabolic disorders course: A study measuring student performance and perception. Hall C, Larson E, 42nd Annual Kalamazoo Community and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2024
    • Medical Student Community Garden: Growing Healthy Habits with the Kalamazoo Community. Hangse T, Vosters J, Fukuda N, Mazurek S, Larson E, 41st Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical & Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 05/2023
    • Visualization of DNA G-Quadruplex Structures and PKD1 in Human Kidney Cells and Polycystic Kidney Disease. Kooistra J, Su K, Byrne S, Lopez A, Vanden Heuvel G, Larson E, Bouma G, 41st Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical & Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 05/2023
    • Detection Of G-Quadruplex DNA Structures Within Human PKDI. Handelsman S, Nickson N, Su K, Larson E, 40th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2022
    • A Bioinformatic Approach to Identifying Sites of Instability in PKD1. Dewey J, Larson E, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021
    • 3D Bioprinted Barrier Construct for Bone Healing in Systemic Inflammatory Conditions. Madsen A, Lorber A, Su K, Alvarado G, Larson E, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Virtual Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021