Research and Scholarly Activity

The Department of Investigative Medicine provides ample opportunities for students and residents to participate with faculty in research and scholarly activities. We offer experiences that enable discovery and promote creativity. As a department, we are committed to pursuing inquiry, disseminating knowledge, and fostering critical thinking that encourages lifelong learning.

Research and Scholarly Activity, 2019-24

Department of Investigative Medicine Research and Scholarly Activity 2019-24

Recent Publications

  • Balaj A.R., Kaku H. A novel approach to Parkinson's disease treatment with a potentially dual-Acting therapeutic agent that targets ?-synuclein aggregation and neuron death Neural Regeneration Research. 2024;19:2577-2578.

  • Chen H., Bai Y., Kobayashi M., Xiao S., Barajas S., Cai W., Chen S., Miao J., Meke F.N., Yao C., Yang Y., Strube K., Satchivi O., Sun J., Ronnstrand L., Croop J.M., Boswell H.S., Jia Y., Liu H., Li L.S., Altman J.K., Eklund E.A., Sukhanova M., Ji P., Tong W., Band H., Huang D.T., Platanias L.C., Zhang Z.Y., Liu Y. Molecular Cancer Research. 2024;22:94-103.

  • Hassouneh A., Bazuin B., Kaku H., Abdel-Qader I. A Data Fusion Framework for Mild Cognitive Impairment Classification: Hippocampal Volume and GLCM Features Using Machine Learning Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2024;839:435-445.

  • Huss N.P., Majeed S.T., Wills B.M., Tarakanova V.L., Brockman K.L., Jondle C.N. Virology. 2024;597

  • Khan N., Hu Y., Lowell C.A., Rothstein T.L. Journal of Immunology. 2024;212(11):1639-1646.

  • Majeed S.T., Jondle C.N. Bringing Balance: Immune Interactions Regulating Murine Gammaherpesvirus 68 Latency Current Clinical Microbiology Reports. 2024;11:1-11.

  • Abe J.I., Imanishi M., Li S., Zhang A., Ko K.A., Samanthapudi V.S.K., Lee L.L., Bojorges A.P., Gi Y.J., Hobbs B.P., Deswal A., Herrmann J., Lin S.H., Chini E.N., Shen Y.H., Schadler K.L., Nguyen T.H.M., Gupte A.A., Reyes-Gibby C., Yeung S.C.J., Abe R.J., Olmsted-Davis E.A., Krishnan S., Dantzer R., Palaskas N.L., Cooke J.P., Pownall H.J., Yoshimoto M., Fujiwara K., Hamilton D.J., Burks J.K., Wang G., Le N.T., Kotla S. Circulation Research. 2023;133:25-44.

  • Balaj A.R., Kaku H. Newfound physiological function of FAIM protein offers hope of novel disease-modifying therapy for Alzheimer's disease Neural Regeneration Research. 2023;18(12):2677-2679.

  • Chen H., Bai Y., Kobayashi M., Xiao S., Cai W., Barajas S., Chen S., Miao J., Meke F.N., Vemula S., Ropa J.P., Croop J.M., Boswell H.S., Wan J., Jia Y., Liu H., Li L.S., Altman J.K., Eklund E.A., Ji P., Tong W., Band H., Huang D.T., Platanias L.C., Zhang Z.Y., Liu Y. Blood. 2023;141:244-259.

  • Gutknecht M.F., Holodick N.E., Rothstein T.L. B cell extracellular vesicles contain monomeric IgM that binds antigen and enters target cells iScience. 2023;26

  • Hirakawa H., Gao L., Tavakol D.N., Vunjak-Novakovic G., Ding L. Nature Genetics. 2023;55(11):1941-1952.

  • Jain A., Casanova D., Padilla A.V., Paniagua Bojorges A., Kotla S., Ko K.A., Samanthapudi V.S.K., Chau K., Nguyen M.T.H., Wen J., Hernandez Gonzalez S.L., Rodgers S.P., Olmsted-Davis E.A., Hamilton D.J., Reyes-Gibby C., Yeung S.C.J., Cooke J.P., Herrmann J., Chini E.N., Xu X., Yusuf S.W., Yoshimoto M., Lorenzi P.L., Hobbs B., Krishnan S., Koutroumpakis E., Palaskas N.L., Wang G., Deswal A., Lin S.H., Abe J.I., Le N.T. Premature senescence and cardiovascular disease following cancer treatments: mechanistic insights Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2023;10

  • Kobayashi M., Wei H., Yamanashi T., Azevedo Portilho N., Cornelius S., Valiente N., Nishida C., Cheng H., Latorre A., Zheng W.J., Kang J., Seita J., Shih D.J., Wu J.Q., Yoshimoto M. Cell Reports. 2023;42(3)

  • Kobayashi M., Yoshimoto M. Immunological Reviews. 2023;315(1):11-30.

  • Lin Y., Banno K., Gil C.H., Myslinski J., Hato T., Shelley W.C., Gao H., Xuei X., Liu Y., Basile D.P., Yoshimoto M., Prasain N., Tarnawsky S.P., Adams R.H., Naruse K., Yoshida J., Murphy M.P., Horie K., Yoder M.C. JCI Insight. 2023;8(5)

  • Ray M.E., Rothstein T.L. Frontiers in Immunology. 2023;14

  • Webster S.E., Tsuji N.L., Clemente M.J., Holodick N.E. Frontiers in Immunology. 2023;13

  • Banerjee P., Olmsted-Davis E.A., Deswal A., Nguyen M.T., Koutroumpakis E., Palaskas N.L., Lin S.H., Kotla S., Reyes-Gibby C., Yeung S.C.J., Yusuf S.W., Yoshimoto M., Kobayashi M., Yu B., Schadler K., Herrmann J., Cooke J.P., Jain A., Chini E., Le N.T., Abe J.I. Cancer treatment-induced NAD<sup>+</sup> depletion in premature senescence and late cardiovascular complications Journal of Cardiovascular Aging. 2022;2

  • Gutknecht M.F., Kaku H., Rothstein T.L. Cell Reports Methods. 2022;2

  • Hirakawa H., Lee Y., Ding L. The Fetal Hematopoietic Niche: Components and Mechanisms for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Emergence and Expansion Current Stem Cell Reports. 2022;8(1):14-23.

  • Husain-Krautter S., Lee J., Vos D., Gallego J.A., Malhotra A.K., Rothstein T.L. Behavioural Brain Research. 2022;422

  • Imanishi M., Cheng H., Kotla S., Deswal A., Le N.T., Chini E., Ko K.A., Samanthapudi V.S.K., Lee L.L., Herrmann J., Xu X., Reyes-Gibby C., Yeung S.C.J., Schadler K.L., Yusuf S.W., Liao Z., Nurieva R., Amir E.a.D., Burks J.K., Palaskas N.L., Cooke J.P., Lin S.H., Kobayashi M., Yoshimoto M., Abe J.I. Radiation therapy induces immunosenescence mediated by p90RSK Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2022;9

  • Jondle C.N., Sylvester P.A., Schmalzriedt D.L., Njoya K., Tarakanova V.L. Journal of Virology. 2022;96

  • Jondle C.N., Tarakanova V.L. Journal of Virology. 2022;96

  • Kadouh N.K., Lang S., Shamoun M., Scott E.L., Singh S.A., Smith M.A. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2022;69

  • Kaku H., Balaj A.R., Rothstein T.L. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022;23(19)

  • Rodriguez-Zhurbenko N., Quach T.D., Rothstein T.L., Hernandez A.M. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022;13

  • Srikakulapu P., Pattarabanjird T., Upadhye A., Bontha S.V., Osinski V., Marshall M.A., Garmey J., Deroissart J., Prohaska T.A., Witztum J.L., Binder C.J., Holodick N.E., Rothstein T.L., McNamara C.A. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022;13

  • Sylvester P.A., Jondle C.N., Schmalzriedt D.L., Dittel B.N., Tarakanova V.L. mBio. 2022;13

  • Webster S.E., Ryali B., Clemente M.J., Tsuji N.L., Holodick N.E. Journal of Immunology. 2022;208:1755-1771.

  • Yoshimoto M., Kosters A., Cornelius S., Valiente N., Cheng H., Latorre A., Nishida C., Ghosn E.E.B., Kobayashi M. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022;13

  • Yu L., Myers G., Schneider E., Wang Y., Mathews R., Lim K.C., Siemieniak D., Tang V., Ginsburg D., Balbin-Cuesta G., Singh S.A., Phuwakanjana P., Jearawiriyapaisarn N., Khoriaty R., Engel J.D. Blood Advances. 2022;6:3280-3285.

  • Aaron N., Kraakman M.J., Zhou Q., Liu Q., Costa S., Yang J., Liu L., Yu L., Wang L., He Y., Fan L., Hirakawa H., Ding L., Lo J., Wang W., Zhao B., Guo E., Sun L., Rosen C.J., Qiang L. eLife. 2021;10

  • Ding J., Cardoso A.A., Yoshimoto M., Kobayashi M. The Earliest T-Precursors in the Mouse Embryo Are Susceptible to Leukemic Transformation Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2021;9

  • Irwin M., Gunther W., Keefer P., Saul D.A., Singh S.A., Wright J., Smith M.A. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2021;62:1086-1091.

  • Johnson K.E., Sylvester P.A., Jondle C.N., Aurubin C.A., Tarakanovaa V.L. Journal of Virology. 2021;95(9)

  • Jondle C.N., Johnson K.E., Aurubin C., Sylvester P., Xin G., Cui W., Huppler A.R., Tarakanova V.L. mBio. 2021;12(2)

  • Jondle C.N., Johnson K.E., Mboko W.P., Tarakanova V.L. Journal of Virology. 2021;95(20)

  • Kaku H., Ludlow A.V., Gutknecht M.F., Rothstein T.L. Fas Apoptosis Inhibitory Molecule Blocks and Dissolves Pathological Amyloid-尾 Species Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 2021;14

  • Khan N., Hu Y., Lowell C.A., Rothstein T.L. Journal of Immunology. 2021;207(9):2288-2296.

  • Khan N., Rothstein T.L. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2021;433(1)

  • Lewis K., Yoshimoto M., Takebe T. Stem Cell Research and Therapy. 2021;12(1)

  • Ludlow A., George N., Glassford M., Udenberg K., Hannibal M.C., Schwalm C., Scott K., Rothstein T.L., Singh S.A. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 2021;43:e336-e340.

  • Portilho N.A., Scarfo R., Bertesago E., Ismailoglu I., Kyba M., Kobayashi M., Ditadi A., Yoshimoto M. Development (Cambridge). 2021;148(15)

  • Sylvester P.A., Jondle C.N., Stoltz K.P., Lanham J., Dittel B.N., Tarakanova V.L. Journal of Virology. 2021;95(17)

  • Wang Y., Yu L., Engel J.D., Singh S.A. Seminars in Hematology. 2021;58:4-9.

  • Yoshimoto M., Ditadi A. The people behind the papers - Nathalia Azevedo Portilho, Rebecca Scarf貌, Andrea Ditadi and Momoko Yoshimoto Development (Cambridge). 2021;148(15)

  • Yu H., Gao R., Chen S., Liu X., Wang Q., Cai W., Vemula S., Fahey A.C., Henley D., Kobayashi M., Liu S.Z., Qian Z., Kapur R., Broxmeyer H.E., Gao Z., Xi R., Liu Y. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. 2021;17:2304-2313.

  • Yu L., Lemay P., Ludlow A., Guyot M.C., Jones M., Mohamed F.F., Saroya G.A., Panaretos C., Schneider E., Wang Y., Myers G., Khoriaty R., Li Q., Franceschi R., Engel J.D., Kaartinen V., Rothstein T.L., Justice M.J., Kibar Z., Singh S.A. Blood Advances. 2021;5:4167-4178.

  • Yu L., Myers G., Ku C.J., Schneider E., Wang Y., Singh S.A., Jearawiriyapaisarn N., White A., Moriguchi T., Khoriaty R., Yamamoto M., Rosenfeld M.G., Pedron J., Bushweller J.H., Lim K.C., Engel J.D. Blood. 2021;138:1691-1704.

  • Chen S., Wang Q., Yu H., Capitano M.L., Vemula S., Nabinger S.C., Gao R., Yao C., Kobayashi M., Geng Z., Fahey A., Henley D., Liu S.Z., Barajas S., Cai W., Wolf E.R., Ramdas B., Cai Z., Gao H., Luo N., Sun Y., Wong T.N., Link D.C., Liu Y., Boswell H.S., Mayo L.D., Huang G., Kapur R., Yoder M.C., Broxmeyer H.E., Gao Z., Liu Y. Nature Communications. 2020;11(1)

  • Johnson K.E., Aurubin C.A., Jondle C.N., Lange P.T., Tarakanova V.L. Journal of Virology. 2020;94(24)

  • Johnson K.E., Lange P.T., Jondle C.N., Volberding P.J., Lorenz U.M., Cui W., Dittel B.N., Tarakanova V.L. Journal of Virology. 2020;94(1)

  • Jondle C.N., Johnson K.E., Uitenbroek A.A., Sylvester P.A., Nguyen C., Cui W., Tarakanova V.L. Journal of Virology. 2020;94(13)

  • Jondle C.N., Tarakanova V.L. Current Opinion in Virology. 2020;44:81-89.

  • Kaku H., Ludlow A.V., Gutknecht M.F., Rothstein T.L. FAIM Opposes Aggregation of Mutant SOD1 That Typifies Some Forms of Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2020;14

  • Kaku H., Ludlow A.V., Gutknecht M.F., Rothstein T.L. FAIM Opposes Aggregation of Mutant SOD1 That Typifies Some Forms of Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2020;14

  • Kaku H., Rothstein T.L. FAIM Is a Non-redundant Defender of Cellular Viability in the Face of Heat and Oxidative Stress and Interferes With Accumulation of Stress-Induced Protein Aggregates Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2020;7

  • Kobayashi M., Lin Y., Mishra A., Shelly C., Gao R., Reeh C.W., Wang P.Z., Xi R., Liu Y., Wenzel P., Ghosn E., Liu Y., Yoshimoto M. Journal of Immunology. 2020;204(12):3262-3272.

  • Kobayashi M., Yoshimoto M. A Modified Semisolid Clonal Culture for Identification of B-1 and B-2 Progenitor Colony Forming Ability of Mouse Embryonic Hemogenic Endothelial Cells Bio-protocol. 2020;10(9)

  • Singh S.A., Bakshi N., Mahajan P., Morris C.R. Expert Review of Hematology. 2020;13:1165-1173.

  • Tsuji N., Rothstein T.L., Holodick N.E. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 2020;205:741-759.

  • Yoshimoto M. International Journal of Hematology. 2020;111(5):622-627.

  • Azevedo Portilho N., Kobayashi M., Yoshimoto M. International Journal of Hematology. 2019;109(1):35-40.

  • Chen S., Wang Q., Yu H., Capitano M.L., Vemula S., Nabinger S.C., Gao R., Yao C., Kobayashi M., Geng Z., Fahey A., Henley D., Liu S.Z., Barajas S., Cai W., Wolf E.R., Ramdas B., Cai Z., Gao H., Luo N., Sun Y., Wong T.N., Link D.C., Liu Y., Boswell H.S., Mayo L.D., Huang G., Kapur R., Yoder M.C., Broxmeyer H.E., Gao Z., Liu Y. Nature Communications. 2019;10(1)

  • Darrah E., Jondle C., Johnson K., Xin G., Lange P., Cui W., Olteanu H., Tarakanova V. Journal of Virology. 2019;93(8)

  • Ghosn E., Dorshkind K., Herzenberg L.A., Holodick N., Kantor A., Montecino-Rodriguez E., Rothstein T.L., Silverman G., Yang Y., Yoder M.C., Yoshimoto M. Science. 2019;364:248.

  • Ghosn E., Yoshimoto M., Nakauchi H., Weissman I.L., Herzenberg L.A. Development (Cambridge). 2019;146(15)

  • Guo B., Ludlow A.V., Brightwell A.S., Rothstein T.L. Cellular Immunology. 2019;346

  • Kobayashi M., Tarnawsky S.P., Wei H., Mishra A., Azevedo Portilho N., Wenzel P., Davis B., Wu J., Hadland B., Yoshimoto M. Stem Cell Reports. 2019;13(1):21-30.

  • Lange P.T., Jondle C.N., Darrah E.J., Johnson K.E., Tarakanovaa V.L. Journal of Virology. 2019;93(6)

  • Lin Y., Kobayashi M., Azevedo Portilho N., Mishra A., Gao H., Liu Y., Wenzel P., Davis B., Yoder M.C., Yoshimoto M. Stem Cell Reports. 2019;12(3):572-583.

  • Nabinger S., Chen S., Gao R., Yao C., Kobayashi M., Vemula S., Fahey A., Wang C., Daniels C., Boswell H., Sandusky G., Mayo L., Kapur R., Liu Y. Leukemia. 2019;33(6):1535-1539.

  • Rodriguez-Zhurbenko N., Quach T.D., Hopkins T.J., Rothstein T.L., Hernandez A.M. Frontiers in Immunology. 2019;10(MAR)

  • Stoltz K., Jondle C., Pulakanti K., Sylvester P., Urrutia R., Rao S., Tarakanova V. Virology. 2019;526:52-60.

  • Upadhye A., Srikakulapu P., Gonen A., Hendrikx S., Perry H.M., Nguyen A., McSkimming C., Marshall M.A., Garmey J.C., Taylor A.M., Bender T.P., Tsimikas S., Holodick N.E., Rothstein T.L., Witztum J.L., McNamara C.A. Circulation research. 2019;125:e55-e70.

  • Yoshimoto M. Blood. 2019;133(24):2557-2558.

  • Zaffiri L., Shah R.J., Stearman R.S., Rothhaar K., Emtiazjoo A.M., Yoshimoto M., Fisher A.J., Mickler E.A., Gartenhaus M.D., Cohort L.T.O.G., Diamond J.M., Geraci M.W., Christie J.D., Wilkes D.S. Transplant Immunology. 2019;56

  • Aziz M., Ode Y., Zhou M., Ochani M., Holodick N., Rothstein T., Wang P. Molecular Medicine. 2018;24

  • Chauhan A., Sun Y., Sukumaran P., Quenum Zangbede F.O., Jondle C.N., Sharma A., Evans D.L., Chauhan P., Szlabick R.E., Aaland M.O., Birnbaumer L., Sharma J., Singh B.B., Mishra B.B. M1 Macrophage Polarization Is Dependent on TRPC1-Mediated Calcium Entry iScience. 2018;8:85-102.

  • Chen S., Gao R., Yao C., Kobayashi M., Liu S., Yoder M., Broxmeyer H., Kapur R., Boswell H., Mayo L., Liu Y. Leukemia. 2018;32(3):850-854.

  • Gallego J., Blanco E., Husain-Krautter S., Madeline Fagen E., Moreno-Merino P., del Ojo-Jim茅nez J., Ahmed A., Rothstein T., Lencz T., Malhotra A. Schizophrenia Research. 2018;202:64-71.

  • Hadland B., Yoshimoto M. Experimental Hematology. 2018;60:1-9.

  • Hato T., Zollman A., Plotkin Z., El-Achkar T.M., Maier B.F., Louise Pay S., Dube S., Cabral P., Yoshimoto M., McClintick J., Dagher P.C. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2018;29(1):104-117.

  • Huang W., Quach T.D., Dascalu C., Liu Z., Leung T., Byrne-Steele M., Pan W., Yang Q., Han J., Lesser M., Rothstein T.L., Furie R., Mackay M., Aranow C., Davidson A. JCI insight. 2018;3(17)

  • Jondle C., Gupta K., Mishra B., Sharma J. PLoS Pathogens. 2018;14(10)

  • Singh S.A., Sarangi S., Appiah-Kubi A., Hsu P., Smith W., Gallagher P.G., Glader B., Chui D.H.K. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2018;65

  • Spidale N.A., Sylvia K., Narayan K., Miu B., Frascoli M., Melichar H.J., Zhihao W., Kisielow J., Palin A., Serwold T., Love P., Kobayashi M., Yoshimoto M., Jain N., Kang J. Immunity. 2018;49(5):857-872.e5.

  • Ward S.E., O鈥橲ullivan J.M., Drakeford C., Aguila S., Jondle C.N., Sharma J., Fallon P.G., Brophy T.M., Preston R.J.S., Smyth P., Sheils O., Chion A., O鈥橠onnell J.S. Blood. 2018;131(8):911-916.

  • Aziz M., Holodick N., Rothstein T., Wang P. Journal of Immunology. 2017;199(2):750-760.

  • Chen S., Gao R., Kobayashi M., Yu H., Yao C., Kapur R., Yoder M., Liu Y. Experimental Hematology. 2017;45:74-84.

  • Hadland B.K., Varnum-Finney B., Mandal P.K., Rossi D.J., Poulos M.G., Butler J.M., Rafii S., Yoder M.C., Yoshimoto M., Bernstein I.D. Stem Cell Reports. 2017;8(6):1563-1572.

  • Hernandez A., Holodick N. Editorial: Natural antibodies in health and disease Frontiers in Immunology. 2017;8(DEC)

  • Holodick N., Rodr铆guez-Zhurbenko N., Hern谩ndez A. Defining natural antibodies Frontiers in Immunology. 2017;8(JUL)

  • Kaku H., Holodick N., Tumang J., Rothstein T. CD25<sup>+</sup> B-1a cells express Aicda Frontiers in Immunology. 2017;8

  • Kobayashi M., Bai Y., Chen S., Gao R., Yao C., Cai W., Cardoso A.A., Croop J., Zhang Z.Y., Liu Y. Leukemia. 2017;31(3):751-754.

  • Kobayashi M., Chen S., Bai Y., Yao C., Gao R., Sun X., Mu C., Twiggs T., Yu Z., Boswell H., Yoder M., Kapur R., Mulloy J., Zhang Z., Liu Y. Leukemia. 2017;31(6):1453-1457.

  • Kobayashi M., Nabinger S.c., Bai Y., Yoshimoto M., Gao R., Chen S., Yao C., Dong Y., Zhang L., Rodriguez S., Yashiro-Ohtani Y., Pear W.S., Carlesso N., Yoder M.C., Kapur R., Kaplan M.H., Daniel Lacorazza H., Zhang Z.Y., Liu Y. Stem Cells. 2017;35(4):1053-1064.

  • Mart铆nez D., Pupo A., Cabrera L., Raymond J., Holodick N.E., Hern谩ndez A.M. Journal of Immunology Research. 2017;2017

  • Sharma A., Simonson T.J., Jondle C.N., Mishra B.B., Sharma J. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2017;215(7):1040-1048.

  • Tarnawsky S.P., Yoshimoto M., Deng L., Chan R.J., Yoder M.C. Developmental Dynamics. 2017;246(12):1001-1014.

  • Yao C., Kobayashi M., Chen S., Nabinger S.C., Gao R., Liu S.Z., Asai T., Liu Y. Oncotarget. 2017;8(50):87607-87622.

  • Yoshimoto M., Yoder M.C. Developmental Biology of Stem Cells Fetal and Neonatal Physiology, 2-Volume Set. 2017:1094-1104.e2.

  • Cui X., Zhang L., Magli A.R., Catera R., Yan X.J., Griffin D.O., Rothstein T.L., Barrientos J., Kolitz J.E., Allen S.L., Rai K.R., Chiorazzi N., Chu C.C. Leukemia. 2016;30(1):74-85.

  • Dulmovits B.M., Appiah-Kubi A.O., Papoin J., Hale J., He M., Al-Abed Y., Didier S., Gould M., Husain-Krautter S., Singh S.A., Chan K.W.H., Vlachos A., Allen S.L., Taylor N., Marambaud P., An X., Gallagher P.G., Mohandas N., Lipton J.M., Liu J.M., Blanc L. Blood. 2016;127:1481-1492.

  • Ghosh J., Kobayashi M., Ramdas B., Chatterjee A., Ma P., Mali R.S., Carlesso N., Liu Y., Plas D.R., Chan R.J., Kapur R. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2016;126(7):2621-2625.

  • Guo B., Rothstein T. Journal of Immunology. 2016;196:2583-2590.

  • Guo B., Zhang L., Chiorazzi N., Rothstein T.L. Blood. 2016;128:553-562.

  • Holodick N., Vizconde T., Hopkins T., Rothstein T. Journal of Immunology. 2016;196(10):4348-4357.

  • Holodick N.E., Zeumer L., Rothstein T.L., Morel L. Expansion of B-1a cells with germline heavy chain sequence in lupus mice Frontiers in Immunology. 2016;7(MAR)

  • Jondle C.N., Sharma A., Simonson T.J., Larson B., Mishra B.B., Sharma J. Journal of Immunology. 2016;196(7):3088-3096.

  • Kramer J.M., Holodick N.E., Vizconde T.C., Raman I., Yan M., Li Q.Z., Gaile D.P., Rothstein T.L. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 2016;99(2):321-331.

  • Olofsson P.S., Steinberg B., Sobbi R., Cox M.A., Ahmed M.N., Oswald M., Szekeres F., Hanes W.M., Introini A., Liu S.F., Holodick N.E., Rothstein T.L., L枚vdahl C., Chavan S.S., Yang H., Pavlov V.A., Broliden K., Andersson U., Diamond B., Miller E.J., Arner A., Gregersen P.K., Backx P.H., Mak T.W., Tracey K.J. Nature Biotechnology. 2016;34(10):1066-1071.

  • Quach T., Rodriguez-Zhurbenko N., Hopkins T., Guo X., Hernandez A., Li W., Rothstein T. Journal of Immunology. 2016;196(3):1060-1069.

  • Qu谩ch T.D., Hopkins T.J., Holodick N.E., Vuyyuru R., Manser T., Bayer R.L., Rothstein T.L. Journal of Immunology. 2016;197(10):3950-3958.

  • Rothstein T. Natural antibodies as rheostats for susceptibility to chronic diseases in the aged Frontiers in Immunology. 2016;7(APR)

  • Rothstein T., Holodick N. Activation of B-1 Cells Encyclopedia of Immunobiology. 2016;3:237-243.

  • Sharma A., Kiripolsky J., Klimatcheva E., Howell A., Fereidouni F., Levenson R., Rothstein T.L., Kramer J.M. Clinical Immunology. 2016;164:85-94.

  • Wood J.C., Cohen A.R., Pressel S.L., Aygun B., Imran H., Luchtman-Jones L., Thompson A.A., Fuh B., Schultz W.H., Davis B.R., Ware R.E., George A., Mueller B.U., Heeney M.M., Kalfa T.A., Nelson S., Clark Brown R., Gee B., Kwiatkowski J.L., Smith- Whitley K., Odame I., Webb J., Yang E., Lee M.T., Piccone C., Jackson S.M., Singh S., Nottage K., Hankins J.S., Miller S.T., Hilliard L., Alvarez O., Rhodes M., Rogers Z.R., Sarnaik S.A., Owen W.C., Gauger C., Roberts C., Rothman J.A. British Journal of Haematology. 2016;172:122-130.

  • Yoon J., Wang H., Kim Y.C., Yoshimoto M., Abbasi S., Morse H.C. Immunology and Cell Biology. 2016;94(8):719-728.

  • Aziz M., Holodick N.E., Rothstein T.L., Wang P. Immunologic Research. 2015;63(1-3):153-166.

  • Engelbertsen D., Vallejo J., Dan Qu谩ch T., Fredrikson G.N., Alm R., Hedblad B., Bj枚rkbacka H., Rothstein T.L., Nilsson J., Bengtsson E. Journal of Immunology. 2015;195(7):3020-3025.

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