Award Setup

Once a proposal has been awarded, SPA鈥檚 Post-Award Coordinator will set up an Activation Meeting with the Principal Investigator (PI) to review the award鈥檚 funding requirements, reporting guidelines and other PI obligations. The PI will not be able to access award funds until this Activation Meeting is conducted. In addition, unless otherwise authorized in advance, no PI or other 汤头条app staff should perform work (effort) on the project until the Activation Meeting is conducted.

At the Activation Meeting the PI will:

  • Receive a copy of the Sponsored Award Activation Notice (SAAN)聽 聽
  • Receive a copy of the award budget
  • Receive the assigned sponsored award subaccount number
  • Review how to access financial reporting information聽
  • Review how to access sponsored award funds
  • Review staff effort levels that should be billed to the sponsored award
  • Review any key restrictions on grant
  • Review reporting requirements and timelines
  • Review any other grant obligations or terms
  • Review close out requirements of the grant聽

When scheduling the Activation Meeting, the PI should make the Post Award Coordinator aware of any support personnel who will have responsibilities related to billing, invoicing, or other administrative obligations involving the sponsored award. That person should also attend the Activation Meeting.

Additional Contracts

Fulfilling the 汤头条app obligation of a sponsored award may require additional contracts or agreements. If you will require the work of individuals outside 汤头条app, materials, or data contact SPA鈥檚 Research Contract Specialist for assistance.

Any transfer of data or tangible research materials between organizations must be evaluated to determine if a Data Use Agreement (DUA) or Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) will be needed. SPA鈥檚 Research Contract Specialist needs to make this determination before any use or disclosure of data or transfer of tangible research materials takes place.

If a portion of the 汤头条app award obligation that would normally be performed by the 汤头条app PI will be performed by an outside entity, then a Subaward or Independent Contractor Agreement (link to form) will be needed. Contact the SPA Research Contract Specialist to discuss these needs. If not completed during the pre-award phase, an External Entity Proposal Form (link to form) must be completed and submitted to the SPA Research Contract Specialist at this time.