Jeremy S Duncan, PhD

Jeremy S Duncan, PhD
Jeremy S Duncan, PhD

Adjunct Community Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences

Contact Information



Jeremy Duncan, PhD, received his undergraduate degree at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa. He completed his PhD in biology at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, and postdoctoral training in the Department of Otolaryngology at Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Maryland, and subsequently the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. He then accepted a faculty position in the Department of Biological Sciences at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. His research laboratory focuses on inner ear and brain development, and strategies to restore hearing. He is currently the primary investigator of an NIH grant focused on profiling the molecular development of the inner ear and strategies to restore the normal cellular architecture after hearing loss. In addition to teaching and research, Dr. Duncan has a particular interest in training the next generation of scientists by both mentoring students in his lab and leading outreach opportunities to engage elementary students in exploring biology.

  • 汤头条app and Training

    • Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2017, Otolaryngology, School of Medicine, University of Utah
    • Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2013, Otolaryngology, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
    • PhD 2012, Biology, University of Iowa
    • MS 2007, Clinical Anatomy, School of Medicine, Creighton University
    • BA 2006, Biology and Psychology, Luther College
  • Research

    • Pediatric Hearing Loss
    • Neurosciences
    • Hearing Restoration
    • Hearing Loss, Sensorineural
    • Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental
  • Publications

    • Blinkiewicz P.V., Long M.R., Stoner Z.A., Ketchum E.M., Sheltz-Kempf S.N., Duncan J.S. Scientific Reports. 2023;13

    • Stoner Z.A., Ketchum E.M., Sheltz-Kempf S., Blinkiewicz P.V., Elliott K.L., Duncan J.S. Fzd3 Expression Within Inner Ear Afferent Neurons Is Necessary for Central Pathfinding Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2022;15

    • Duncan J.S., Cox B.C. 2.15 - Anatomy and Development of the Inner Ear The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference: Volume 1-7, Second Edition. 2020;2:253-276.

    • Ketchum E.M., Sheltz-Kempf S.N., Duncan J.S. 6.11 - Molecular Basis of Vestibular Organ Formation During Ontogeny The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference: Volume 1-7, Second Edition. 2020;6:129-144.

    • Duncan J.S., Fritzsch B., Houston D.W., Ketchum E.M., Kersigo J., Deans M.R., Elliott K.L. Scientific Reports. 2019;9(1)

    • Fritzsch B., Elliott K.L., Pavlinkova G., Duncan J.S., Hansen M.R., Kersigo J.M. Neuronal migration generates new populations of neurons that develop unique connections, physiological properties and pathologies Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2019;7(APR)

    • Elliott K., Fritzsch B., Duncan J. Evolutionary and developmental biology provide insights into the regeneration of organ of Corti hair cells Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 2018;12

    • Duncan J., Stoller M., Francl A., Tissir F., Devenport D., Deans M. Developmental Biology. 2017;423(2):126-137.

    • Fritzsch B., Duncan J.S., Kersigo J., Gray B., Elliott K.L. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2016;1427:243-262.

    • Saito Y., Miranda-Rottmann S., Ruggiu M., Park C.Y., Fak J.J., Zhong R., Duncan J.S., Fabella B.A., Junge H.J., Chen Z., Araya R., Fritzsch B., Hudspeth A.J., Darnell R.B. eLife. 2016;5(MAY2016)

    • Duncan J.S., Elliott K.L., Kersigo J., Gray B., Fritzsch B. Combining whole-mount in situ hybridization with neuronal tracing and immunohistochemistry In Situ Hybridization Methods. 2015:339-352.

    • Duncan J.S., Elliott K.L., Kersigo J., Gray B., Fritzsch B. Combining whole-mount in situ hybridization with neuronal tracing and immunohistochemistry Neuromethods. 2015;99:339-352.

    • Cheng L., Desai J., Miranda C.J., Duncan J.S., Qiu W., Nugent A.A., Kolpak A.L., Wu C.C., Drokhlyansky E., Delisle M.M., Chan W.M., Wei Y., Propst F., Samara L.R.P., Fritzsch B., Engle E.C. Neuron. 2014;82(2):334-349.

    • Fritzsch B., Kopecky B.J., Duncan J.S. Development of the Mammalian 'Vestibular' System: Evolution of Form to Detect Angular and Gravity Acceleration Development of Auditory and Vestibular Systems: Fourth Edition. 2014:339-367.

    • Copley C.O., Duncan J.S., Liu C., Cheng H., Deans M.R. Journal of Neuroscience. 2013;33(35):14001-14016.

    • Duncan J., Fritzsch B. PLoS ONE. 2013;8(4)

    • Fritzsch B., Pan N., Jahan I., Duncan J.S., Kopecky B.J., Elliott K.L., Kersigo J., Yang T. Evolution and Development. 2013;15(1):63-79.

    • Duncan J., Fritzsch B. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2012;739:173-186.

    • Duncan J.S., Fritzsch B. Anatomical Record. 2012;295(11):1760-1774.

    • Jahan I., Pan N., Kersigo J., Calisto L.E., Morris K.A., Kopecky B., Duncan J.S., Beisel K.W., Fritzsch B. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(1)

    • Kopecky B.J., Duncan J.S., Elliott K.L., Fritzsch B. Journal of Microscopy. 2012;248(3):292-298.

    • Pan N., Jahan I., Kersigo J., Duncan J.S., Kopecky B., Fritzsch B. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(1)

    • Duncan J., Kersigo J., Gray B., Fritzsch B. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2011(49)

    • Duncan J., Lim K., Engel J., Fritzsch B. International Journal of Developmental Biology. 2011;55(3):297-303.

    • Fritzsch B., Jahan I., Pan N., Kersigo J., Duncan J., Kopecky B. Hearing Research. 2011;276(1-2):16-26.

    • Tonniges J., Hansen M., Duncan J., Bassett M.J., Fritzsch B., Gray B.D., Easwaran A., Nichols M.G. Journal of Microscopy. 2010;239(2):117-134.