Ake P Elhammer, PhD

Ake P Elhammer, PhD
Ake P Elhammer, PhD

Research Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences

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Ake Elhammer, PhD, is the founder and current CEO of AureoGen Biosciences, Inc. He received his undergraduate and biochemistry Ph.D. degrees at the University of Stockholm, Sweden. Following this, he completed postdoctoral training, sponsored by a NIH Fogarty Fellowship, at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO, before accepting an associate professor position at the Karolinska Institute. Dr. Elhammer took a position as Research Scientist at KABI Gen, a small biotech company in Stockholm, Sweden, working on the development of recombinant Factor VIII, in 1986. In 1987, he moved to the Upjohn Company in Kalamazoo, which subsequently merged into Pharmacia and Upjohn and later Pharmacia, where he worked as a Research Scientist and Senior Research Scientist in drug discovery, several therapeutic areas, and most notably on antibiotics. Following Pharmacia's merger with Pfizer in 2003, Dr. Elhammer founded and became the CEO of AureoGen Biosciences, Inc. AureoGen is a preclinical drug discovery and development company that is focused on the discovery and development of novel antibiotics, Gram positive, Gram negative as well as anti-fungals. AureoGen has been awarded funding from the State of Michigan and WMU BRCC, as well as a number of federal grants from the NIH and the NIST.

  • ÌÀÍ·Ìõapp and Training

    • Postdoctoral Fellowship 1986, Hematology and Oncology, School of Medicine, Washington University in St Louis
    • PhD 1981, Biochemistry, Stockholms universitet
    • BS 1973, Chemistry and Biology, University of Stockholm
  • Research

    • drug discovery
    • Antibiotic-Resistant Pathogens
  • Publications

    • Alqaisi A.Q.I., Mbekeani A.J., Llorens M.B., Elhammer A.P., Denny P. Parasitology. 2018;145:156.

    • Alqaisi A.Q.I., Mbekeani A.J., Llorens M.B., Elhammer A.P., Denny P.W. Parasitology. 2018;145(2):148-155.

    • ALQAISI A., MBEKEANI A., LLORENS M., ELHAMMER A., DENNY P. The antifungal Aureobasidin A and an analogue are active against the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii but do not inhibit sphingolipid biosynthesis – Corrigendum Parasitology. 2017:1.

    • Wuts P.G.M., Simons L., Metzger B.P., Sterling R.C., Slightom J.L., Elhammer A.P. Generation of Broad-Spectrum Antifungal Drug Candidates from the Natural Product Compound Aureobasidin A ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2015;6(6):645-649.

    • Aeed P.A., Young C.L., Nagiec M.M., Elhammer A.P. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2009;53(2):496-504.

    • Slightom J., Metzger B., Luu H., Elhammer A. Gene. 2009;431(1-2):67-79.

    • Tenno M., Saeki A., Elhammer A., Kurosaka A. FEBS Journal. 2007;274(23):6037-6045.

    • Aeed P., Sperry A., Young C., Nagiec M., Elhammer A. Biochemistry. 2004;43(26):8483-8493.

    • Gerken T.A., Zhang J., Levine J., Elhammer A. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2002;277(51):49850-49862.

    • Hendershot L.L., Aeed P.A., Kézdy F.J., Elhammer A.P. Analytical Biochemistry. 2002;307(2):273-279.

    • Tenno M., Kézdy F., Elhammer A., Kurosaka A. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2002;298(5):755-759.

    • Tenno M., Saeki A., Kézdy F.J., Elhammer A.P., Kurosaka A. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2002;277(49):47088-47096.

    • Tenno M., Toba S., Kézdy F., Elhammer A., Kurosaka A. European Journal of Biochemistry. 2002;269(17):4308-4316.

    • Aeed P.A., Geng J.G., Asa D., Raycroft L., Ma L., Elhammer A.P. Cell Research. 2001;11(1):28-36.

    • Li L., Short H.J., Qian K.X., Elhammer A.P., Geng J.G. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2001;288(3):637-644.

    • Elhammer A.P., Kézdy F.J., Kurosaka A. Glycoconjugate Journal. 1999;16(2):171-180.

    • Meurer J., Colca J., Burton P., Elhammer A. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental. 1999;48(6):716-724.

    • Aeed P.A., Geng J.G., Asa D., Raycroft L., Ma L., Elhammer A.P. Glycoconjugate Journal. 1998;15(10):975-985.

    • Geng J.G., Raub T.J., Baker C.A., Sawada G.A., Ma L., Elhammer A.P. Journal of Cell Biology. 1997;137(3):743-754.

    • Baker C.A., Poorman R.A., Kézdy F.J., Staples D.J., Smith C.W., Elhammer A.P. Analytical Biochemistry. 1996;239(1):20-24.

    • Geng J., Raub T.J., Baker C.A., Sawada G.A., Ma L., Elhammer A.P. P-selectin on acrosomal membrane of spermatocytes and a p-selectin sialoglycoprotein ligand in zona pellucida of oocytes are involved in porcine spermegg binding FASEB Journal. 1996;10(3)

    • Meurer J., Drong R., Homa F., Slightom J., Elhammer A. Glycobiology. 1996;6(2):231-241.

    • Ravcroft L., Asa D., Ma L., Aeed P.A., Elhammer A.P., Geng J.G. Biosynthetic regulation of the dual specificity of the common human leukocyte ligand for P- And e-selectins FASEB Journal. 1996;10(3)

    • Smith M., Siedlak S., Richey P., Nagaraj R., Elhammer A., Perry G. Brain Research. 1996;717(1-2):99-108.

    • Asa D., Raycroft L., Ma L., Aeed P.A., Kaytes P.S., Elhammer A.P., Geng J.G. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1995;270(19):11662-11670.

    • Homa F.L., Baker C., Thomsen D.R., Elhammer Ã….P. Conversion of a bovine UDP-GalNAc:polypeptide, N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase, to a soluble, secreted enzyme, and expression in Sf9 cells Protein Expression and Purification. 1995;6(2):141-148.

    • Meurer J.A., Naylor J.M., Baker C., Thomsen D.R., Homa F.L., Elhammer A.P. Journal of Biochemistry. 1995;118(3):568-574.

    • Aeed P., Elhammer A. Biochemistry. 1994;33(29):8793-8797.

    • Aeed P., Guido D., Mathews W., Leone J., Elhammer A. Characterization of the oligosaccharide structures on a recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator analog synthesized in chinese hamster ovary cells Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis. 1994;8(1):31-41.

    • Elhammer A.P., Poorman R.A., Brown E., Maggiora L.L., Hoogerheide J.G., Kézdy F.J. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1993;268(14):10029-10038.

    • Hollander T., Aeed P., Elhammer A. Carbohydrate Research. 1993;247(C):291-297.

    • Homa F.L., Hollander T., Lehman D.J., Thomsen D.R., Elhammer A.P. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1993;268(17):12609-12616.

    • Lehman D., Roof L., Brideau R., Aeed P., Thomsen D., Elhammer A., Wathen M., Homa F. Journal of General Virology. 1993;74(3):459-469.

    • Aeed P.A., Guido D.M., Mathews W.R., Elhammer A.P. Biochemistry. 1992;31(30):6951-6961.

    • Wathen M., Aeed P., Elhammer A. Biochemistry. 1991;30(11):2863-2868.

    • Thomsen D., Post L., Elhammer Ã…. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 1990;43(1):67-79.

    • Ganning A.E., Olsson M.J., Elhammer A., Dallner G. Toxicology Letters. 1989;48(2):185-192.

    • Steiner H., Pohl G., Gunne H., Hellers M., Elhammer A., Hansson L. Gene. 1988;73(2):449-457.

    • Ganning A.E., Brunk U., Edlund C., Elhammer A., Dallner G. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1987;73:251-258.

    • Lehrman M.A., Schneider W.J., Brown M.S., Davis C.G., Elhammer A., Russell D.W., Goldstein J.L. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1987;262(1):401-410.

    • Davis C.G., Elhammer A., Russell D.W., Schneider W.J., Kornfeld S., Brown M.S., Goldstein J.L. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1986;261(6):2828-2838.

    • Elhammer A., Kornfeld S. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 1986;261(12):5249-5255.

    • Edlund C., Ganning A.E., Elhammer A. ACTA CHEM. SCAND.. 1985;39(4 B):315-317.

    • Ganning A.E., Elhammer A., Brunk U., Dallner G. ACTA CHEM. SCAND.. 1985;39(4 B):319-322.

    • Elhammer A., Kornfeld S. Journal of Cell Biology. 1984;99(1 I):327-331.

    • Elhammer A., Kornfeld S. UDP-galnac:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (galnac T) and UDP-GAL:N-acetylgalactosamineβ1-3, galactosyltransferase (gal T) are localized in separate compartments in mouse lymphoma BW5147.3 cells Federation Proceedings. 1984;43(6)

    • Elhammer A., Peterson E., Dallner G. BBA - Biomembranes. 1983;730(1):76-84.

    • Dallner G., Elhammer A., Edlund C., Tollbom O. Tokai Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine. 1982;7 Suppl:73-77.

    • Edlund C., Elhammer A., Dallner G. Bioscience Reports. 1982;2(11):861-865.

    • Elhammer A., Peterson E., Dallner G. Acta chemica Scandinavica. Series B: Organic chemistry and biochemistry. 1980;34(2):153-154.

    • Dallner G., Elhammer A., Valtersson C. Biochemical Society Transactions. 1979;7(2):297-301.

    • Eriksson L., Elhammer A., Torndal U. British Journal of Experimental Pathology. 1979;60(2):193-200.

    • Elhammer A., Dallner G., Omura T. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 1978;84(3):572-580.

    • Svensson H., Elhammer A., Autuori F., Dallner G. BBA - Biomembranes. 1976;455(2):383-398.

    • Elhammer Ã…., Svensson H., Autuori F., Dallner G. Journal of Cell Biology. 1975;67(3):715-724.