Amy Damashek, PhD

Amy Damashek, PhD
Amy Damashek, PhD

Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine


Amy Damashek, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and an associate professor for the Department of Psychology at Western Michigan University. She is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. She earned her doctorate at the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Damashek's research focuses on the promotion of young children鈥檚 safety and well-being via prevention of unintentional child injuries and child maltreatment. Specifically, her work focuses on: the role of parenting behaviors in preventing unintentional child injuries; interventions to reduce injuries; and examination of ways to improve services for at-risk families and children. She is particularly interested in interventions that support low-income families. Clinically, Dr. Damashek is well-versed in evidence-based psychotherapies for children and families. She teaches courses in abnormal child psychology, child behavior therapy, lifespan development, and psychological assessment.

  • 汤头条app and Training

    • Postdoctoral Fellowship 2009, Child Maltreatment, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
    • Internship 2007, Clinical Psychology, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
    • PhD 2007, Clinical Psychology, University of Missouri-Columbia
    • BS 1996, Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Research

    • evidence-based psychotherapy
    • Parenting behaviors
    • Injury-reduction interventions
    • At-Risk Children or Youth
  • Publications

    • Belachew B., Damashek A., Presberry J., O鈥橰ourke B., Bautista T.M., Kothari C. Child Maltreatment. 2024;29:508-515.

    • Gates K., Chahin S., Damashek A., Dickson C., Lubwama G., Lenz D., Bautista T., Kothari C. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2024;28:1061-1071.

    • Damashek A., Berman A., Belachew B., Kothari C. Infant Mental Health Journal. 2023;44:117-124.

    • Prokos S., Damashek A., Morrongiello B., Arbour E., Belachew B., Zafreen F. Conducting a child injury prevention RCT in the wake of COVID-19: lessons learned for virtual human subjects research Frontiers in Digital Health. 2023;5

    • Chahin S., Damashek A., Ospina F., Dickson C. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2022;29:477-488.

    • Cosottile M., Damashek A. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2022;47:86-93.

    • Damashek A., Morrongiello B., Diaz F., Prokos S., Arbour E. Tailoring a Child Injury Prevention Program for Low-Income U.S. Families Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. 2022;10:284-294.

    • Damashek A., Ross D., Corlis M., Uwayo M., Westine C. Treatment and prevention approaches for economically disadvantaged young children: challenges and opportunities Early Child Development and Care. 2022;192:679-696.

    • Gates K.A., Damashek A., Alderman K., Babcock B.E., Skinner B. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Access to Mental Health Services for African and Arab American Youth: An Audit Study Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 2022;7:260-274.

    • Richardson H.L., Damashek A. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2022;37:NP20409-NP20427.

    • Corlis M., Damashek A. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2021;36(17-18):NP9391-NP9415.

    • Corlis M., Damashek A., Meister K., Richardson H., Bonner B. Child Maltreatment. 2020;25(1):43-50.

    • Damashek A., Borduin C. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. 2020;27(3):507-517.

    • Damashek A., Kothari C., Berman A., Chahin S., Lutzker J.R., Guastaferro K., Whitaker D.J., Shanley J., Self-Brown S. Engagement in Home Visiting Services during the Transition from Pregnancy to Postpartum: A Prospective Mixed Methods Pilot Study Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2020;29:11-28.

    • Damashek A., Corlis M. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2017;42(7):727-737.

    • Kuhn J., Corlis M., Damashek A. Assessment, early intervention and evidence-based treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder in children following motor vehicle accidents Children and Youth: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Motor Vehicle Crashes. 2017:135-152.

    • Rostad W., McFry E., Self-Brown S., Damashek A., Whitaker D. Reducing Safety Hazards in the Home through the Use of an Evidence-Based Parenting Program Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2017;26(9):2602-2609.

    • Kuhn J., Damashek A. Injury Prevention. 2015;21(1):30-34.

    • Riebschleger J., Day A., Damashek A. Foster care youth share stories of trauma before, during, and after placement: Youth voices for building trauma-informed systems of care Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 2015;24(4):339-360.

    • Damashek A., Borduin C., Ronis S. The role of environmental hazard in mothers' beliefs about appropriate supervision Journal of Early Childhood Research. 2014;12(1):50-63.

    • Damashek A., Drass S., Bonner B.L. Child maltreatment fatalities related to inadequate caregiver supervision Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2014;29(11):1987-2001.

    • Damashek A., Kuhn J. Promise and challenges: Interventions for the prevention of unintentional injuries among young children Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. 2014;2(3):250-262.

    • Damashek A., Kuhn J. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2013;38(3):265-275.

    • Damashek A., Nelson M.M.D., Bonner B.L. Child Abuse and Neglect. 2013;37(10):735-744.

    • Damashek A., Bard D., Hecht D. Child Maltreatment. 2012;17(1):56-66.

    • Day A., Riebschleger J., Dworsky A., Damashek A., Fogarty K. Maximizing educational opportunities for youth aging out of foster care by engaging youth voices in a partnership for social change Children and Youth Services Review. 2012;34(5):1007-1014.

    • Damashek A., Balachova T., Bonner B. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2011;67(7):752-757.

    • Damashek A., Doughty D., Ware L., Silovsky J. Child Maltreatment. 2011;16(1):9-20.

    • Day A., Dworsky A., Fogarty K., Damashek A. An examination of post-secondary retention and graduation among foster care youth enrolled in a four-year university Children and Youth Services Review. 2011;33(11):2335-2341.

    • Damashek A., Bonner B. Child Abuse and Neglect. 2010;34(8):563-569.

    • Damashek A., Williams N.A., Sher K., Peterson L. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2009;34(4):344-353.

    • Damashek A.L., Williams N.A., Sher K.J., Peterson L., Lewis T., Schweinle W. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2005;30(6):469-480.

    • DiLillo D., Damashek A. Child Maltreatment. 2003;8(4):319-333.

    • Damashek A., Peterson L. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2002;23(6):443-455.

    • DiLillo D., Damashek A., Peterson L. Injury Prevention. 2001;7(3):223-227.

  • Presentations

    • Role of psychosocial risk factors in mothers' engagement in safe sleep practices. Chahin S, Gates K, Damashek A, Dickson C, Lenz D, Lubwama G, Bautista T, Kothari C, 38th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2021
    • Examination of Medical Resident Communication with Patients Related to Infant Safe Sleep. Chahin S, Damashek A, 4th Annual Diversifying Scholarship Research Conference, Online, Virtual, 04/2021
    • Mother's reported knowledge of, practices, and barriers to engaging in infant safe sleep. Damashek A, Dickson C, Lenz D, Lubwama G, Baustista T, Kothari C, 37th Annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Day, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 04/2019