Research and Scholarly Activity

The Department of Surgical Services emphasizes both clinical and basic science research.  Many faculty have maintained an active role in scholarly pursuits and continue to provide ample opportunities for medical students and residents. Our department has partnered with many research programs within 汤头条app. There is also a strong historical relationship with the School of Engineering at Western Michigan University. Many of the laboratories are housed within this school and have allowed for materials testing, orthopaedic implant design, and 3D printing.

Our residents are required to demonstrate scholarly activity and develop a thesis to be presented at one of our annual visiting professor events. Our residents are encouraged to submit their research work to local, regional, and national conferences. The Department of Surgical Services supports these expenses by developing a Research and 汤头条appal Fund. Our department has also developed a Resident Research Committee that consists of faculty, biostatisticians, medical writers, and clinical research staff with the medical school to assist the resident in hypothesis driven research and study design. 

Thus, the Department of Surgical Services is committed to pursuing inquiry, developing a culture of discovery, disseminating knowledge, and fostering critical and analytical thinking that encourages lifelong learning.

Research and Scholarly Activity, 2019-24

Department of Surgical Services Research and Scholarly Activity 2019-24 2

Recent Publications

  • Alkhamaiseh K.N., Grantner J.L., Shebrain S., Abdel-Qader I. A Summative Assessment of the Pattern-Cutting Task in Laparoscopic Box Trainer using Color Tracking and Fuzzy Logic Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2024;10:134-148.

  • Ayoola A.S., Jastifer J.R. Metatarsophalangeal Joint Instability: Anatomy and Physiopathology Foot and Ankle Clinics. 2024

  • Bauer T.M., Pienta M.J., Wu X., Thompson M.P., Hawkins R.B., Pruitt A.L., Delucia A., Lall S.C., Pagani F.D., Likosky D.S. Outcomes of nonemergency cardiac surgery after overnight operative workload: A statewide experience JTCVS Open. 2024;20:101-111.

  • Borrelli G., Albiero M., Jastifer J. Anatomy of the Naviculocuneiform Joint Complex Foot and Ankle Orthopaedics. 2024;9

  • Borrelli G., Albiero M., Jastifer J. Anatomy of the Naviculocuneiform Joint Complex Foot and Ankle Orthopaedics. 2024;9

  • Burdick G.B., Maier L.M., Kuhlmann N.A., Ayoola A.S., Fathima B., Muh S.J. HIP International. 2024;34:194-200.

  • Butts C.A., Byerly S., Nahmias J., Gelbard R., Ziesmann M., Bruns B., Davidson G.H., Di Saverio S., Esposito T.J., Fischkoff K., Joseph B., Kaafarani H., Mentula P., Podda M., Sakran J.V., Salminen P., Sammalkorpi H., Sawyer R.G., Skeete D., Tesoriero R., Yeh D.D. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2024;96:487-492.

  • Chaney M., Ko A., Coster S., Shebrain S., Ryan J. Carotid Body Tumor Excision with and without Carotid Artery Reconstruction: Equivalency of 30-Day Outcomes over 12 Years in the American College of Surgery National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP) Database Surgeries (Switzerland). 2024;5:342-349.

  • Chaney M., Ko A., Coster S., Shebrain S., Ryan J. Carotid Body Tumor Excision with and without Carotid Artery Reconstruction: Equivalency of 30-Day Outcomes over 12 Years in the American College of Surgery National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP) Database Surgeries (Switzerland). 2024;5:342-349.

  • Chaney M., Ko A., Coster S., Shebrain S., Ryan J. Carotid Body Tumor Excision with and without Carotid Artery Reconstruction: Equivalency of 30-Day Outcomes over 12 Years in the American College of Surgery National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP) Database Surgeries (Switzerland). 2024;5:342-349.

  • Coccolini F., Sartelli M., Sawyer R., Rasa K., Ceresoli M., Viaggi B., Catena F., Damaskos D., Cicuttin E., Cremonini C., Moore E.E., Biffl W.L., Coimbra R. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2024;96:674-682.

  • Coster S., Shammout A., Chaney M., Folkert K., Grosh K., Shebrain S., Munene G. American Surgeon. 2024;90:1760-1762.

  • Dall B.E. American Society of Pain and Neuroscience Best Practice (ASPN) Guideline for the Treatment of Sacroiliac Disorders [Letter] Journal of Pain Research. 2024;17:2507-2508.

  • De Simone B., Agnoletti V., Abu-Zidan F.M., Biffl W.L., Moore E.E., Chouillard E., Coccolini F., Sartelli M., Podda M., Di Saverio S., Kaafarani H., Balogh Z.J., Bala M., Lepp盲niemi A.K., Kirkpatrick A.W., Pikoulis E., Rasa K., Rosato C., Sawyer R., Ansaloni L., de鈥橝ngelis N., Damaskos D., Stahel P.F., Kluger Y., Coimbra R., Catena F. Updates in Surgery. 2024;76:687-698.

  • De Simone B., Chouillard E., Podda M., Pararas N., de Carvalho Duarte G., Fugazzola P., Birindelli A., Coccolini F., Polistena A., Sibilla M.G., Kruger V., Fraga G.P., Montori G., Russo E., Pintar T., Ansaloni L., Avenia N., Di Saverio S., Lepp盲niemi A., Lauretta A., Sartelli M., Puzziello A., Carcoforo P., Agnoletti V., Bissoni L., Isik A., Kluger Y., Moore E.E., Romeo O.M., Abu-Zidan F.M., Beka S.G., Weber D.G., Tan E.C.T.H., Paolillo C., Cui Y., Kim F., Picetti E., Di Carlo I., Toro A., Sganga G., Sganga F., Testini M., Di Meo G., Kirkpatrick A.W., Marzi I., d茅Angelis N., Kelly M.D., Wani I., Sakakushev B., Bala M., Bonavina L., Galante J.M., Shelat V.G., Cobianchi L., Mas F.D., Pikoulis M., Damaskos D., Coimbra R., Dhesi J., Hoffman M.R., Stahel P.F., Maier R.V., Litvin A., Latifi R., Biffl W.L., Catena F. World Journal of Emergency Surgery. 2024;19

  • Evans H.L., Sawyer R.G. JAMA Surgery. 2024;159:800.

  • Ferrin N., Edmond D., Jones R., Mccahill L.E. Management of Locally Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma with Sonic Hedgehog Pathway Targeted Therapy: A Case Report and Discussion Case Reports in Dermatology. 2024;16:75-82.

  • Ferrin N., Edmond D., Jones R., Mccahill L.E. Management of Locally Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma with Sonic Hedgehog Pathway Targeted Therapy: A Case Report and Discussion Case Reports in Dermatology. 2024;16:75-82.

  • Ferrin N., Elian A., Flewelling K., Nadeem M., Nava K., Berry S.D., Stehlik K., Bella A.K., Awad P., Alfred A., Ksajikian A., Chen K., Shebrain S. Surgical Endoscopy. 2024;38:1922-1932.

  • Fitzgerald D.C., Wu X., Dickinson T.A., Nieter D., Harris E., Curtis S., Mauntel E., Crosby A., Paone G., Goldberg J.B., Delucia A., Mandal K., Theurer P.F., Ling C., Chores J., Likosky D.S. Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology. 2024;56:55-64.

  • Flewelling K., Alfred A., Jose J., Elian A., Norman E., Timmons J., Munene G., Sawyer R., Shebrain S. Journal of Surgical 汤头条app. 2024;81:48-55.

  • Grogan G., Stephens K.L., Chou J., Abdalla J., Wagner R., Peek K.J., Freilich A.M., DeGeorge B.R. The Impact of Social Determinants of Health on the Treatment of Distal Radius Fracture Hand. 2024

  • Grooters K.E., Ku J.C., Richter D.M., Krinock M.J., Minor A., Li P., Kim A., Sawyer R., Li Y. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2024;14

  • Guidry C.A., Chollet-Hinton L., Baker J., O'Dell J.C., Beyene R.T., Watson C.M., Sawyer R.G., Simpson S.Q., Atchison L., Derickson M., Cooper L.C., Pennington G.P., VandenBerg S., Halimeh B.N. Surgical Infections. 2024;25:221-224.

  • Huston J.M., Barie P.S., Dellinger E.P., Forrester J.D., Duane T.M., Tessier J.M., Sawyer R.G., Cainzos M.A., Rasa K., Chipman J.G., Kao L.S., Pieracci F.M., Colling K.P., Heffernan D.S., Lester J. Surgical Infections. 2024;25:419-435.

  • Jastifer J.R., Jastifer E.J., Hoffman M.D. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 2024

  • Kenter K., Bovid K., Baker E.B., Carson E., Mercer D. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2024;106:1529-1534.

  • Kwasny L., Adams M., Bovio N., Rahaman Z., VandenBerg S., Markle S., Bjerke S., Shebrain S., Sawyer R. American Surgeon. 2024;90:978-984.

  • Laird M., Ku J.C., Raiten J., Sriram S., Moore M., Li Y. Mitochondrial metabolism regulation and epigenetics in hypoxia Frontiers in Physiology. 2024;15

  • Li R., Magliochetti Cammarata T.M., Gasienica J., Gould A., Linjawi H., Wheatley B. Annals of Vascular Surgery. 2024;105:82-88.

  • Long D.R., Cifu A., Salipante S.J., Sawyer R.G., MacHutta K., Alverdy J.C. JAMA Surgery. 2024;159:949-956.

  • Lukish J., Shah A., Wright C., Brennan M., Lukish J. The Impact of Pediatric Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair in a Community Based Children's Ambulatory Surgery Center 鈥 It's Safe and Effective Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2024

  • Manawar S., Myrick E., Awad P., Hung V., Hinton C., Kenter K., Bovid K., Li Y. Regenerative Medicine. 2024;19:247-256.

  • Martin K.D., Jastifer J., Scott D., Grzeskiewicz E. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2024;32:e785-e794.

  • Mohaidat M., Fathabadi F.R., Alkhamaiseh K.N., Grantner J., Shebrain S.A., Abdel-Qader I. A Systematic Approach to The Development of an Automated Assessment System for Laparoscopic Surgery Fundamentals SACI 2024 - 18th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings. 2024:133-138.

  • Naumann D.N., Bhangu A., Brooks A., Martin M., Cotton B.A., Khan M., Midwinter M.J., Pearce L., Bowley D.M., Holcomb J.B., Griffiths E.A., Abu-Abeid A., Peckham-Cooper A., Dyas A.R., Adeyeye A., Dogjani A., Ball A.C.Y., Wolthuis A.M., Quiroga-Garza A., Karamarkovic A.R., Giordano A., Fuchs A., Julianov A., Phillips A.W., Zimmermann A., Charalabopoulos A., Birkun A.A., Narvaez-Rojas A.R., Guner A., Fayed A., Davis A.L., Vereczkei A., Balla A., Celotti A., Romanzi A., Trombetta A., Beggs A.D., Robertson A.G., Petrosoniak A., Davies A.R., Becerra-Bola帽os 脕., Loria A., Brillantino A., Athanasiou A., Isik A., Ioannidis A., Santos A.P., Saha A.K., Vilches-Moraga A., Choudhry A.J., Tsuchiya A., Smithers B.M., Wijnhoven B.P.L., Keeler B.D., De Simone B., Birla R., Mitra B., Atanasov B.C., Badgwell B., Nolan B., Kang B.H., Duffy C.C., Ordo帽ez C.A., Gomes C.A., Mueller C.L., Reinke C.E., Lebares C.C., Hunter C.J., Villodre C., Guldogan C.E., Seretis C., Adams C.A., Pilgrim C.H.C., Varghese C., Owoo C., Meyhoff C.S., Fleming C.A., Stuart C.M., Lewis-Lloyd C.A., McLaughlin C.J., Stevens C.L., Graham C.A., Magee C., Saunders D.I., Yeh D.D., Chan D.L., Felsenreich D.M., Holena D.N., Bawa D., Bowrey D.J., Liu D.S., Chan D.S.Y., Nag D.S., Haddad D.N., Corallino D., Damaskos D., Moris D., Schizas D., Korkolis D.P., Bagaria D.K. BJS Open. 2024;8

  • Patel D.R., Bovid K.M., Rausch R., Ergun-Longmire B., Goetting M., Merrick J. Cerebral palsy in children: A clinical practice review Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care. 2024

  • Peterman N.J., Pagani N., Mann R., Li R.L., Gasienica J., Naik A., Sun D. Journal of Arthroplasty. 2024;39(4):864-870.

  • Ratnasekera A.M., Seng S.S., Kim D., Ji W., Jacovides C.L., Kaufman E.J., Sadek H.M., Perea L.L., Poloni C.M., Shnaydman I., Lee A.J., Sharp V., Miciura A., Trevizo E., Rosenthal M.G., Lottenberg L., Zhao W., Keininger A., Hunt M., Cull J., Balentine C., Egodage T., Mohamed A.T., Kincaid M., Doris S., Cotterman R., Seegert S., Jacobson L.E., Williams J., Moncrief M., Palmer B., Mentzer C., Tackett N., Hranjec T., Dougherty T., Morrissey S., Donatelli-Seyler L., Rushing A., Tatebe L.C., Nevill T.J., Aboutanos M.B., Hamilton D., Redmond D., Cullinane D.C., Falank C., McMellen M., Duran C., Daniels J., Ballow S., Schuster K.M., Ferrada P. Injury. 2024;55

  • Romeo O.M., Coccolini F., Picetti E. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2024;96:E48.

  • Samuelson A.G., Patel S.N., Kommareddy K., Momenaei B., Yu-Chuan Kang E., Chaudhary V., Hsu J., Dunn J.P., Vander J.F., Garg S.J. Outcomes of Postcataract Surgery Endophthalmitis Managed Without Microbial Cultures Ophthalmology Retina. 2024

  • Sartelli M., Barie P., Agnoletti V., Al-Hasan M.N., Ansaloni L., Biffl W., Buonomo L., Blot S., Cheadle W.G., Coimbra R., De Simone B., Duane T.M., Fugazzola P., Giamarellou H., Hardcastle T.C., Hecker A., Inaba K., Kirkpatrick A.W., Labricciosa F.M., Leone M., Martin-Loeches I., Maier R.V., Marwah S., Maves R.C., Mingoli A., Montravers P., Ord贸帽ez C.A., Palmieri M., Podda M., Rello J., Sawyer R.G., Sganga G., Tattevin P., Thapaliya D., Tessier J., Tolonen M., Ulrych J., Vallicelli C., Watkins R.R., Catena F., Coccolini F. World Journal of Emergency Surgery. 2024;19

  • Sartelli M., Coccolini F., Labricciosa F.M., Al Omari A.K.H., Bains L., Baraket O., Catarci M., Cui Y., Ferreres A.R., Gkiokas G., Gomes C.A., Hodonou A.M., Isik A., Litvin A., Lohsiriwat V., Kotecha V., Khokha V., Kryvoruchko I.A., Machain G.M., O鈥機onnor D.B., Olaoye I., Al-Omari J.A.K., Pasculli A., Petrone P., Rickard J., Sall I., Sawyer R.G., T茅llez-Almenares O., Catena F., Siquini W. Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis: A Proposal for a Global Evidence-Based Bundle Antibiotics. 2024;13

  • Schenarts P.J., Scarborough A.J., Abraham R.J., Philip G. Surgical Clinics of North America. 2024;104:451-471.

  • Seetharamiahsrinivasaraju C., Shetty R., Cohen D.K., Sharma P., Springstead J.R. DLC-engineered flat gravure surface: enabling sustainable fabrication to replace chrome for printing conductive line electrodes in flexible electronics Materials Advances. 2024;5:6535-6553.

  • Seetharamiahsrinivasaraju C., Shetty R., Sood S., Cohen D.K., Sharma P., Levenson H., Fleming P.D., Springstead J.R. Langmuir. 2024;40:2849-2861.

  • Shebrain S., Cookenmaster C., Ajine M., Ferrin N., Elian A., Timmons J., Munene G., Sawyer R.G. Journal of Surgical 汤头条app. 2024;81:1452-1461.

  • Shebrain S.S., Grosh K., Termuhlen P.M., Sawyer R.G. Journal of Surgical 汤头条app. 2024;81:535-542.

  • Standage H., Kelley K., Buxton H., Wetzel C., Brasel K., Hoops H. American Journal of Surgery. 2024;235

  • Stevens N., Alfred A., Gao R., Khalil S., Miller L., Sawyer R., Shebrain S. Journal of Surgical Research. 2024;295:95-101.

  • Stewart J.W., Nieter D., Wu X., DeLucia A., Graebner B.N., Paone G., Fitzgerald D.C., Dickinson T.A., Zhang M., Pagani F.D., Likosky D.S. Advancing cardiotomy suction practices for coronary surgery via multidisciplinary collaborative learning JTCVS Open. 2024;17:121-144.

  • Swilling A.C., O鈥橠ell J.C., Beyene R.T., Watson C.M., Sawyer R.G., Chollet-Hinton L., Simpson S.Q., Atchison L., Derickson M., Cooper L.C., Pennington G.P., VandenBerg S., Halimeh B.N., Hughes D., Guidry C.A. Surgical Infections. 2024;25:109-115.

  • Tolsma R., Shebrain S., Berry S.D., Miller L. BMC Medical 汤头条app. 2024;24

  • Tran W., Thomas M.B., Garofalo D., Patten M., Graham R., Estrella J., Dickinson K., Carmichael H., Velopulos C.G., Myers Q.W.O. Journal of Surgical Research. 2024;297:109-120.

  • Tuma F., Shebrain S. Six ways to optimize students鈥 operative experience Annals of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery. 2024;9

  • Tuma F., Shebrain S. Six ways to optimize students鈥 operative experience Annals of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery. 2024;9

  • Wames W.M., Welter M., Folkert K., Elian A., Timmons J., Sawyer R., Shebrain S. Journal of Surgical Research. 2024;293:341-346.

  • Wames W.M., Welter M., Folkert K., Elian A., Timmons J., Sawyer R., Shebrain S. Journal of Surgical Research. 2024;295:880-881.

  • Wilke A.J., Martin R., Bates N.A., Jastifer J.R., Martin K.D. Foot and Ankle Specialist. 2024;17:259-263.

  • Abd G.M., Laird M.C., Ku J.C., Li Y. Hypoxia-induced cancer cell reprogramming: a review on how cancer stem cells arise Frontiers in Oncology. 2023;13

  • Aflatooni J., Mohanty S., Angelov I., Hirase T., Bondar K., Kakareka M., Saucedo J., Casper D., Saifi C. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. 2023;38:653-661.

  • Albiero M.L., Kokott W., Dziuk C., Cross J.A. Journal of Athletic Training. 2023;58:271-278.

  • Alkhamaiseh K.N., Grantner J.L., Shebrain S., Abdel-Qader I. Surgical Endoscopy. 2023;37:7358-7369.

  • Amin P.H., Carlson K.R., Wek R.C. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2023;299

  • Anderton L.C., Johnson M.G., Frawley C.A., Chan J., Garcia C.A., Waibel B.H., Schenarts P.J. Journal of Surgical 汤头条app. 2023;80(11):1675-1681.

  • Barie P.S., Kao L.S., Moody M., Sawyer R.G. Surgical Infections. 2023;24(2):99-111.

  • Barnett N.M., Liesman D.R., Strobel R.J., Wu X., Paone G., DeLucia A., Zhang M., Ling C., Pagani F.D., Likosky D.S. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2023

  • Bauler T.J., Sheakley M.L., Turula H., Miller L., Busha M.E. A Virtual Patient Encounter to Promote Integration in a Preclinical Case-Based Learning Session Medical Science Educator. 2023;33:331-332.

  • Beaty J.S., Schenarts P.J. Journal of Surgical 汤头条app. 2023;80(10):1362-1364.

  • Bednarcyk B.A., Gustafson P.A., Ricks T.M., Pineda E.J., Murthy P.L.N., Mital S.K. Effect of Damage Progression on the Thermal Conductivity of 3D Woven Composite Thermal Protection System Materials AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, 2023. 2023

  • Blebea J., Jain K., Cheng C.I., Pittman C., Daugherty S. Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders. 2023;11:1-9.e4.

  • Boivin J., Tolsma R., Awad P., Kenter K., Li Y. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2023;51(5):1347-1355.

  • Boivin J., Traynor C., Stehlik K., Jastifer J. Radiographic Measurements of the Foot and Ankle After Ankle Arthrodesis Foot and Ankle Orthopaedics. 2023;8

  • Boivin J., Traynor C., Stehlik K., Jastifer J. Radiographic Measurements of the Foot and Ankle After Ankle Arthrodesis Foot and Ankle Orthopaedics. 2023;8

  • Bonatti H.J.R., Roman A.L., Krebs E., Sifri C.D., Hagspiel K.D., Sawyer R.G., Pruett T.L. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation. 2023;21:66-69.

  • Buell T., Ding D., Chen C.J., Aljuboori Z., Liu K. British Journal of Neurosurgery. 2023;37:1812-1814.

  • Chou J., Hyland C.J., Kaufman Goldberg T., Broyles J.M. Microsurgery. 2023;43:522-528.

  • Chou J., Liston J.M., Degeorge B.R. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 2023;90:S350-S355.

  • Cobianchi L., Dal Mas F., Agnoletti V., Ansaloni L., Biffl W., Butturini G., Campostrini S., Catena F., Denicolai S., Fugazzola P., Martellucci J., Massaro M., Previtali P., Ruta F., Venturi A., Woltz S., Kaafarani H.M., Loftus T.J., Aapo盲每lu R., Abbott K.L., Abdelmalik A., Abebe N.S., Abu-Zidan F., Adam Y.A.Y., Adamou H., Adamovich D.M., Agresta F., Agrusa A., Akin E., Alessiani M., Alexandrino H., Bidoli C., Ali S.M., Mihai V.A., Almeida P.M., Al-Shehari M.M., Altomare M., Amico F., Ammendola M., Andreuccetti J., Anestiadou E., Annicchiarico A., Antonelli A., Aparicio-Sanchez D., Ardito A., Argenio G., Arvieux C.C., Arvieux C.C., Askevold I.H., Atanasov B.T., Augustin G., Awad S.S., Bacchiocchi G., Bagnoli C., Bahouth H., Baili E., Bains L., Baiocchi G.L., Bala M., Balagu脿漏 C., Balalis D., Baldini E., Baraket o., Baral S., Barone M., Gonz茫lez Barranquero A., Barreras J.A., Bass G.A., Bayhan Z., Bellanova G., Ben-Ishay O., Bert F., Bianchi V., Biancuzzi H., Radulescu R.B., Bignell M.B., Biloslavo A., Bini R., Bissacco D., Boati P., Boddaert G., Bogdanic B., Bombardini C., Bonavina L., Bonomo L., Bottari A., Bouliaris K., Brachini G., Brillantino A., Brisinda G., Bulanauca M.M., Buonomo L.A., Burcharth J., Buscemi S., Calabretto F., Calini G., Calu V., Campanile F.C., Campo Dall鈥橭rto R., Campos-Serra A. World Journal of Emergency Surgery. 2023;18

  • Cobianchi L., Piccolo D., Dal Mas F., Agnoletti V., Ansaloni L., Balch J., Biffl W., Butturini G., Catena F., Coccolini F., Denicolai S., De Simone B., Frigerio I., Fugazzola P., Marseglia G., Marseglia G.R., Martellucci J., Modenese M., Previtali P., Ruta F., Venturi A., Kaafarani H.M., Loftus T.J., Abbott K.L., Abdelmalik A., Abebe N.S., Abu-Zidan F., Adam Y.A.Y., Adamou H., Adamovich D.M., Agresta F., Agrusa A., Akin E., Alessiani M., Alexandrino H., Ali S.M., Mihai V.A., Almeida P.M., Al-Shehari M.M., Altomare M., Amico F., Ammendola M., Andreuccetti J., Anestiadou E., Angelos P., Annicchiarico A., Antonelli A., Aparicio-Sanchez D., Ardito A., Argenio G., Arvieux C.C., Askevold I.H., Atanasov B.T., Augustin G., Awad S.S., Bacchiocchi G., Bagnoli C., Bahouth H., Baili E., Bains L., Baiocchi G.L., Bala M., Balagu茅 C., Balalis D., Baldini E., Baraket O., Baral S., Barone M., Barranquero A.G., Barreras J.A., Bass G.A., Bayhan Z., Bellanova G., Ben-Ishay O., Bert F., Bianchi V., Biancuzzi H., Bidoli C., Radulescu R.B., Bignell M.B., Biloslavo A., Bini R., Bissacco D., Boati P., Boddaert G., Bogdanic B., Bombardini C., Bonavina L., Bonomo L., Bottari A., Bouliaris K., Brachini G., Brillantino A., Brisinda G., Bulanauca M.M., Buonomo L.A., Burcharth J., Buscemi S., Calabretto F., Calini G. World Journal of Emergency Surgery. 2023;18

  • Cobianchi L., Piccolo D., Dal Mas F., Agnoletti V., Ansaloni L., Balch J., Biffl W., Butturini G., Catena F., Coccolini F., Denicolai S., De Simone B., Frigerio I., Fugazzola P., Marseglia G., Marseglia G.R., Martellucci J., Modenese M., Previtali P., Ruta F., Venturi A., Kaafarani H.M., Loftus T.J., Abbott K.L., Abdelmalik A., Abebe N.S., Abu-Zidan F., Adam Y.A.Y., Adamou H., Adamovich D.M., Agresta F., Agrusa A., Akin E., Alessiani M., Alexandrino H., Ali S.M., Mihai V.A., Almeida P.M., Al-Shehari M.M., Altomare M., Amico F., Ammendola M., Andreuccetti J., Anestiadou E., Angelos P., Annicchiarico A., Antonelli A., Aparicio-Sanchez D., Ardito A., Argenio G., Arvieux C.C., Askevold I.H., Atanasov B.T., Augustin G., Awad S.S., Bacchiocchi G., Bagnoli C., Bahouth H., Baili E., Bains L., Baiocchi G.L., Bala M., Balagu茅 C., Balalis D., Baldini E., Baraket O., Baral S., Barone M., Barranquero A.G., Barreras J.A., Bass G.A., Bayhan Z., Bellanova G., Ben-Ishay O., Bert F., Bianchi V., Biancuzzi H., Bidoli C., Radulescu R.B., Bignell M.B., Biloslavo A., Bini R., Boati P., Boddaert G., Bogdanic B., Bombardini C., Bonavina L., Bonomo L., Bottari A., Bouliaris K., Brachini G., Brillantino A., Brisinda G., Bulanauca M.M., Buonomo L.A., Burcharth J., Buscemi S., Calabretto F., Calini G., Calu V. World Journal of Emergency Surgery. 2023;18

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