Research and Scholarly Activity

In the Department of Anesthesiology, we provide ample opportunities for students and residents to participate with faculty in research and scholarly activities. We offer experiences that enable discovery and promote creativity. As a department, we are committed to pursuing inquiry, disseminating knowledge, and fostering critical thinking that encourages lifelong learning.

Research and Scholarly Activity, 2019-24

汤头条app Department of Anesthesiology Research and Scholarly Activity 2020-24

Recent Publications

  • Mathis M.R., Naik B.I., Freundlich R.E., Shanks A.M., Heung M., Kim M., Burns M.L., Colquhoun D.A., Rangrass G., Janda A., Engoren M.C., Saager L., Tremper K.K., Kheterpal S., Aziz M.F., Coffman T., Durieux M.E., Levy W.J., Schonberger R.B., Soto R., Wilczak J., Berman M.F., Berris J., Biggs D.A., Coles P., Craft R.M., Cummings K.C., Ellis T.A., Fleishut P.M., Helsten D.L., Jameson L.C., van Klei W.A., Kooij F., LaGorio J., Lins S., Miller S.A., Molina S., Nair B., Paganelli W.C., Peterson W., Tom S., Wanderer J.P., Wedeven C. Anesthesiology. 2020;132:461-475.

  • Ray T.N., Parkhill M.R., Cook R.D. Bullying, masculinity, and gun-supportive attitudes among men: A path analysis testing the structural relationships between variables. Psychology of Violence. 2020

  • Larach M.G., Klumpner T.T., Brandom B.W., Vaughn M.T., Belani K.G., Herlich A., Kim T.W., Limoncelli J., Riazi S., Sivak E.L., Capacchione J., Mashman D., Kheterpal S., Kooij F., Wilczak J., Soto R., Berris J., Price Z., Lins S., Coles P., Harris J.M., Cummings K.C., Berman M.F., Nanamori M., Adelman B.T., Wedeven C., Lagorio J., McCormick P.J., Tom S., Aziz M.F., Coffman T., Ellis T.A., Molina S., Peterson W., MacKey S.C., Van Klei W.A., Ginde A.A., Biggs D.A., Neuman M.D., Craft R.M., Pace N.L., Paganelli W.C., Durieux M.E., Nair B.J., Wanderer J.P., Miller S.A., Helsten D.L., Turnbull Z.A., Schonberger R.B. Anesthesiology. 2019;130(1):41-54.

  • Shearer D., Mervis M.O., Manley E., Reddy A.B., Alford A.I. Connective Tissue Research. 2019;60(5):495-506.

  • Nafiu O.O., Mills K., Tremper K.K. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 2018;127(2):586-588.

  • Bergman Schieman K., Pattison K., Early C. Journal of Trauma Nursing. 2017;24(5):312-316.

  • Ghanem F., Vodnala D., Kalavakunta J.K., Durga S., Thormeier N., Subramaniyam P., Abela S., Abela G.S. Cholesterol crystal embolization following plaque rupture: A systemic disease with unusual features Journal of Biomedical Research. 2017;31(2):82-94.

  • Santana L., Mills K. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2017;100:39-43.

  • Conlin F., Roy Connelly N., Raghunathan K., Friderici J., Schwabauer A. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia. 2016;30(1):102-106.

  • Schymik F., Lavoie Smith E., Voepel-Lewis T. Pain Management Nursing. 2015;16(6):881-889.