Research and Scholarly Activity

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology provides ample opportunities for student and residents to participate with faculty in research and scholarly activities.  We offer experiences that enable discovery and promote creativity. As a department we are committed to pursuing inquiry, disseminating knowledge, and fostering critical thinking that encourages lifelong learning.

Research and Scholarly Activity, 2019-24

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research and Scholarly Activity 2019-24

Recent Publications

  • Barr E., Chin E.L., Newman C.B., Rojek M.K., Sleeper R., Temkin S.M., Clayton J.A., Kantarci K., Kling J.M., McGregor A.J., Schiebinger L., Templeton K., Viggiano T.R., Wood S.F., Werbinski J. Academic Medicine. 2024;99:16-21.

  • Garcia de Paredes J., Gosnell J., Thakur M., Cordoba M. Personalized medicine in the evaluation of Müllerian anomalies: the role of three-dimensional printing technology F and S Reports. 2024

  • Murthy N., Patricia Wodi A., Bernstein H., Ault K.A. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2024;177:432-445.

  • Naik A., Bah M., Govande M., Palsgaard P., Dharnipragada R., Shaffer A., Air E.L., Cramer S.W., Croarkin P.E., Arnold P.M. World Neurosurgery. 2024;184:e53-e64.

  • Rebar R.W., Keator C.S. Fertility and Sterility. 2024;121:934-936.

  • Saylor K.W., Fernandes E.Q., Adams M., Paraghamian S., Shalowitz D.I. Gynecologic Oncology. 2024;186:53-60.

  • Shalowitz D.I., Miller F.G. JAMA. 2024;331:2077-2078.

  • Shalowitz D.I., Rajczi A. Gynecologic Oncology. 2024;188:158-161.

  • Wagi C., Shalowitz D.I., Randazzo A., Peluso A., Birken S. Physician perspectives on clinician-to-clinician telemedical consultation for gynecologic cancers: A qualitative study Gynecologic Oncology Reports. 2024;52

  • Yerrabelli R.S., Lee C., Palsgaard P.K., Lauinger A.R., Abdelsalam O., Jennings V. American Journal of Perinatology. 2024;41:3210-3240.

  • Amaral E., Amaral E., Money D., Jamieson D., Pasupathy D., Pasupathy D., Aronoff D., Aronoff D., Jacobsson B., Lizcano E.I.O., Lizcano E.I.O., Money D., Ault K., Jamieson D., Kan N., Martins L., Buga E., Megh M., Cam A., Newman M., Serruya S. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2023

  • Arora K.S., Shalowitz D.I., Kislovskiy Y. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;142:225-230.

  • Ault K.A., Kachikis A.B. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America. 2023;50:xvii-xviii.

  • Batchelor J.L., Townsel C.D., Jiang L., Leplatte-Ogini D., Caldwell M., Giuliani E., Marsh E.E. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2023;27:158-167.

  • DeMari J.A., Dressler E.V., Foraker R.E., Wells B.J., Smith S., Klepin H., Hundley W.G., Lesser G.J., Shalowitz D.I., Nightingale C.L., Hernandez M., Weaver K.E. Gynecologic Oncology. 2023;174:208-212.

  • Mehta A., Brooke N., Puskar A., Woodson M.C.C., Masi B., Wallon R.C., Greeley D.A. Implementation of Spaced Repetition by First-Year Medical Students: a Retrospective Comparison Based on Summative Exam Performance Medical Science Educator. 2023;33(5):1089-1094.

  • Murthy N., Wodi A.P., Bernstein H., Ault K.A. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2023;176:432-443.

  • Murthy N., Wodi A.P., McNally V., Cineas S., Ault K. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2023;72:141-144.

  • Rebar R.W., Keator C.S. F and S Science. 2023;4:102-113.

  • Shalowitz D.I., Arkwright B., Bunce E.E. Determining the Value-on-Investment of Provider-to-Provider Vir tual Consultation for Cancer Care Telehealth and Medicine Today. 2023;8

  • Shalowitz D.I., Hung P., Zahnd W.E., Eberth J. PLoS ONE. 2023;18(1 January)

  • Shalowitz D.I., Magalhaes M., Miller F.G. JCO Oncology Practice. 2023;19:225-229.

  • Shalowitz D.I., Ralston S.J. Journal of Medical Ethics. 2023

  • Shalowitz D.I., Schroeder M.C., Birken S.A. Gynecologic Oncology. 2023;172:78-81.

  • Sohl S.J., Tooze J.A., Levine B.J., Zeidan F., Wheeler A., Kelly M., Shalowitz D., Danhauer S.C. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. 2023;41:251-266.

  • Strug M., Christmas A., Schoonover A., Romero V.C., Cordoba M., Leary E., Thakur M. Impact of an accessory cavitated uterine mass on fertility: case presentation and review of the literature F and S Reports. 2023;4:402-409.

  • Wodi A.P., Murthy N., McNally V., Cineas S., Ault K. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2023;72:137-140.

  • Xue K., Hua P., Maguire M.G., Daniel E., Jaffe G.J., Grunwald J.E., Ying G.s., Williams D.F., Beardsley S., Bennett S., Cantrill H., Chan-Tram C., Cheshier H., Damato K., Davies J., Dev S., Enloe J., Follano G., Gilbert P., Johnson J., Jones T., Mayleben L., Mittra R., Moos M., Neist R., Oestreich N., Quiram P., Ramsay R., Ryan E., Schindeldecker S., Snater J., Steele T., Selders D., Tonsfeldt J., Valardi S., Fish G.E., Aguado H.A., Arceneaux S., Arnwine J., Bell K., Bell T., Boleman B., Bradley P., Callanan D., Coors L., Creighton J., Crew T., Cummings K., Dock C., Duignan K., Fuller D., Gray K., Hendrix B., Hesse N., Jaramillo D., Jost B., Lash S., Lonsdale L., Mackens M., Mutz K., Potts M., Sanchez B., Snyder W., Solley W., Tarter C., Wang R., Williams P., Perkins S.L., Anderson N., Arnold A., Blais P., Googe J., Higdon T.T., Hunt C., Johnson M., Miller J., Moore M., Morris C.K., Morris C., Oelrich S., Oliver K., Seitz V., Whetstone J., Doft B.H., Bedel J., Bergren R., Borthwick A., Conrad P., Fec A., Fulwylie C., Ingram W., Latham S., Lester G., Liu J., Lobes L., Lucko N.M., Mechling H., Merlotti L., McBroom K., Olsen K. Ophthalmology Retina. 2023;7:564-572.

  • Yerrabelli R.S., Palsgaard P.K., Hojati A., Wagoner Johnson A.J. PLoS ONE. 2023;18(9 September)

  • Awonuga A.O., Chatzicharalampous C., Thakur M., Rambhatla A., Qadri F., Awonuga M., Saed G., Diamond M.P. Reproductive Sciences. 2022;29:3055-3077.

  • Core J.Q., Pistilli M., Hua P., Daniel E., Grunwald J.E., Toth C.A., Jaffe G.J., Martin D.F., Maguire M.G., Ying G.S., Williams D.F., Beardsley S., Bennett S., Cantrill H., Chan-Tram C., Cheshier H., Davies J., Dev S., Enloe J., Follano G., Gilbert P., Johnson J., Jones T., Mayleben L., Mittra R., Moos M., Neist R., Oestreich N., Quiram P., Ramsay R., Ryan E., Schindeldecker S., Steele T., Tonsfeldt J., Valardi S., Fish G.E., Aguado H.A., Arceneaux S., Arnwine J., Bell K., Bell T., Boleman B., Bradley P., Callanan D., Coors L., Creighton J., Cummings K., Dock C., Duignan K., Fuller D., Gray K., Hendrix B., Hesse N., Jaramillo D., Jost B., Lash S., Lonsdale L., Mackens M., Mutz K., Potts M., Sanchez B., Snyder W., Solley W., Tarter C., Wang R., Williams P., Perkins S.L., Anderson N., Arnold A., Blais P., Googe J., Higdon T.T., Hunt C., Johnson M., Miller J., Moore M., Morris C.K., Morris C., Oelrich S., Oliver K., Seitz V., Whetstone J., Doft B.H., Bedel J., Bergren R., Borthwick A., Conrad P., Fulwylie C., Ingram W., Latham S., Lester G., Liu J., Lobes L., Lucko N.M., Merlotti L., Olsen K., Puskas D., Rath P., Schueckler L., Schultz C. Ophthalmology Retina. 2022;6:771-785.

  • DeMari J.A., Shalowitz D.I. Gynecologic Oncology. 2022;167(1):123-128.

  • Dillard A.J., Weber A.E., Chassee A., Thakur M. Perceptions of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Women with Infertility: Correlations with Dispositional Optimism International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022;19

  • Dudley M.Z., Omer S.B., O’Leary S.T., Limaye R.J., Ellingson M.K., Spina C.I., Brewer S.E., Bednarczyk R.A., Chamberlain A.T., Malik F., Frew P.M., Church-Balin C., Riley L.E., Ault K.A., Orenstein W.A., Halsey N.A., Salmon D.A. BMC Public Health. 2022;22

  • Garcia De Paredes J., Gosnell J., Strug M., Giuliani E., Thakur M., Romero V.C., Cordoba M. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;139:313-316.

  • Giuliani E., Schon S.B., Yang K., Burns G.W., Neff L.M., Remmer H.A., Teixeira J.M., Marsh E.E. F and S Science. 2022;3:367-375.

  • Giuliani E., Townsel C.D., Jiang L., Leplatte-Ogini D.J., Caldwell M.T., Marsh E.E. Women's Health Issues. 2022;32:586-594.

  • Kraus E.J., Nicosia B., Shalowitz D.I. Gynecologic Oncology. 2022;165(1):155-159.

  • Murthy N., Wodi A.P., Bernstein H., Ault K.A. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2022;175(3):432-443.

  • Murthy N., Wodi A.P., Bernstein H., McNally V., Cineas S., Ault K. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2022;71(7):229-233.

  • Omer S.B., O'Leary S.T., Bednarczyk R.A., Ellingson M.K., Spina C.I., Dudley M.Z., Chamberlain A.T., Limaye R.J., Brewer S.E., Frew P.M., Malik F.A., Orenstein W., Halsey N., Ault K., Salmon D.A. Vaccine. 2022;40:4955-4963.

  • Palsgaard P., Maino Vieytes C.A., Peterson N., Francis S.L., Monroe-Lord L., Sahyoun N.R., Ventura-Marra M., Weidauer L., Xu F., Arthur A.E. Healthcare Professionals’ Views and Perspectives towards Aging International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022;19(23)

  • Palsgaard P., Yerrabelli R.S., Hojati A., Whitmore E. Using a condom or glove to improve pelvic exam visualization: A guide SAGE Open Medicine. 2022;10

  • Rebar R.W. Obstetrics and gynecology. 2022;139:933-936.

  • Redmond M.L., Mayes P., Morris K., Ramaswamy M., Ault K.A., Smith S.A. Journal of Community Psychology. 2022;50(6):2630-2643.

  • Roque C.L., Morello L.E., Arora K.S. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. 2022;35(3):329-335.

  • Shalowitz D.I., Charlton M.E. Gynecologic Oncology. 2022;166(3):375-376.

  • Shalowitz D.I., DeMari J.A. Gynecologic Oncology. 2022;164(1):1-2.

  • Shalowitz D.I., Tucker-Edmonds B., Marshall M.F., White A. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;226(5):678-682.

  • Thakur M., Strug M.R., De Paredes J.G., Rambhatla A., Munoz M.I.C. Journal of Ultrasound. 2022;25:379-386.

  • Weng M.K., Doshani M., Khan M.A., Frey S., Ault K., Moore K.L., Hall E.W., Morgan R.L., Campos-Outcalt D., Wester C., Nelson N.P. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2022;71(13):477-483.

  • Weng M.K., Doshani M., Khan M.A., Frey S., Ault K., Moore K.L., Hall E.W., Morgan R.L., Campos-Outcalt D., Wester C., Nelson N.P. American Journal of Transplantation. 2022;22(6):1714-1720.

  • Wodi A.P., Murthy N., Bernstein H., McNally V., Cineas S., Ault K. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2022;71(7):234-237.

  • Abernethy M.G., Tsuei A. Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021;33:469-473.

  • Bruno B., Shalowitz D.I., Arora K.S. Journal of Medical Ethics. 2021;47(2):69-72.

  • Clark Z.L., Thakur M., Leach R.E., Ireland J.J. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2021;38:1787-1797.

  • Donders G.G.G., Grinceviciene S., Haldre K., Lonnee-Hoffmann R., Donders F., Tsiakalos A., Adriaanse A., de Oliveira J.M., Ault K., Mendling W. Isidog consensus guidelines on covid-19 vaccination for women before, during and after pregnancy Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021;10(13)

  • Freedman M.S., Ault K., Bernstein H. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2021;70(6):193-196.

  • Freedman M.S., Bernstein H., Ault K.A. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2021;174(3):374-384.

  • Heliker B.D., Kenton K., Komar A., Mueller M.G., Lewicky-Gaupp C., Abernethy M. Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery. 2021;27:E348-E351.

  • Moore C.J., Shalowitz D.I. JNCI Cancer Spectrum. 2021;5(1)

  • Mujumdar V., Butler T.R., Shalowitz D.I. A qualitative study on the impact of long-distance travel for gynecologic cancer care Gynecologic Oncology Reports. 2021;38

  • Ramaswamy M., Satterwhite C.L., Lipnicky A., Emerson A., Griffin P., Ash D., Ault K. American Journal of Public Health. 2021;111(6):1035-1039.

  • Rambhatla A., Strug M.R., De Paredes J.G., Cordoba Munoz M.I., Thakur M. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2021;38:1897-1908.

  • Rebar R.W. Fertility and Sterility. 2021;116:1466-1467.

  • Rebar R.W., Keator C.S. Fertility and Sterility. 2021;115:328-329.

  • Shalowitz D.I. Gynecologic Oncology. 2021;160(1):1-2.

  • Stephenson-Hunter C., Strelnick A.H., Rodriguez N., Stumpf L.A., Spano H., Gonzalez C.M. Dreams Realized: A Long-Term Program Evaluation of Three Summer Diversity Pipeline Programs Health Equity. 2021;5(1):512-520.

  • Sullivan-Blum Z., Stites S., Kennedy P., Swenson M., Ault K., Alt M., Dietz C., Rotert P., Ramaswamy M. AIDS Patient Care and STDs. 2021;35(3):65-68.

  • Swayze E.J., Strzyzewski L., Avula P., Zebolsky A.L., Hoekstra A.V. Gynecologic Oncology. 2021;161:852-857.

  • Thakur M., Rambhatla A., Qadri F., Chatzicharalampous C., Awonuga M., Saed G., Diamond M.P., Awonuga A.O. Reproductive Sciences. 2021;28:2076-2086.

  • Wendel S.O., Snow J.A., Bastian T., Brown L., Hernandez C., Burghardt E., Kahn A., Murthy V., Neill D., Smith Z.C., Ault K., Tawfik O., Wu C., Wallace N.A. High risk α-HPV E6 impairs translesion synthesis by blocking POLη induction Cancers. 2021;13(1):1-22.

  • Werbinski J.L. Journal of Women's Health. 2021;30:628-629.

  • Wodi A.P., Ault K., Hunter P., McNally V., Szilagyi P.G., Bernstein H. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2021;70(6):189-192.

  • Woodruff T.K., Ataman-Millhouse L., Acharya K.S., Almeida-Santos T., Anazodo A., Anderson R.A., Appiah L., Bader J., Becktell K., Brannigan R.E., Breech L., Bourlon M.T., Bumbuliene Ž., Burns K., Campo-Engelstein L., Campos J.R., Centola G.M., Chehin M.B., Chen D., De Vos M., Duncan F.E., El-Damen A., Fair D., Famuyiwa Y., Fechner P.Y., Fontoura P., Frias O., Gerkowicz S.A., Ginsberg J., Gracia C.R., Goldman K., Gomez-Lobo V., Hazelrigg B., Hsieh M.H., Hoyos L.R., Hoyos-Martinez A., Jach R., Jassem J., Javed M., Jayasinghe Y., Jeelani R., Jeruss J.S., Kaul-Mahajan N., Keim-Malpass J., Ketterl T.G., Khrouf M., Kimelman D., Kusuhara A., Kutteh W.H., Laronda M.M., Lee J.R., Lehmann V., Letourneau J.M., McGinnis L.K., McMahon E., Meacham L.R., Mijangos M.F.V., Moravek M., Nahata L., Ogweno G.M., Orwig K.E., Pavone M.E., Peccatori F.A., Pesce R.I., Pulaski H., Quinn G., Quintana R., Quintana T., de Carvalho B.R., Ramsey-Goldman R., Reinecke J., Reis F.M., Rios J., Rhoton-Vlasak A.S., Rodriguez-Wallberg K.A., Roeca C., Rotz S.J., Rowell E., Salama M., Saraf A.J., Scarella A., Schafer-Kalkhoff T., Schmidt D., Senapati S., Shah D., Shikanov A., Shnorhavorian M., Skiles J.L., Smith J.F., Smith K., Sobral F., Stimpert K., Su H.I., Sugimoto K., Suzuki N., Thakur M., Victorson D., Viale L., Vitek W., Wallace W.H. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2021;38:3-15.

  • Arabkhazaeli M., Keltz J., Eisenberg R., Levie M., Luts H.Y. Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. 2020;24(4):1-5.

  • Chen A.Y., Sassic J.K., Mislmani M., Hoekstra A.V. High-dose palliative radiation therapy for solitary recurrence of ovarian cancer in the brain: A case report Journal of Reproductive Medicine. 2020;65:320-324.

  • Chou J., Strzyzewski L., Timmers C., Hoekstra A. Cervical cancer recurrence presenting as abdominal wall mass and accompanying cellulitis Gynecologic Oncology Reports. 2020;33

  • Coulter M.E., Musaev D., DeGennaro E.M., Zhang X., Henke K., James K.N., Smith R.S., Hill R.S., Partlow J.N., Al-Saffar M., Kamumbu A.S., Hatem N., Barkovich A.J., Aziza J., Chassaing N., Zaki M.S., Sultan T., Burglen L., Rajab A., Al-Gazali L., Mochida G.H., Harris M.P., Gleeson J.G., Walsh C.A. Genetics in Medicine. 2020;22(6):1040-1050.

  • Freedman M., Kroger A., Hunter P., Ault K.A., Romero J.R., Cohn A., Atmar R.L., Bahta L., Bell B.P., Bernstein H., Frey S.E., Lee G.M., McNally V.V., Poehling K.A., Sánchez P.J., Szilagyi P., Talbot H.K., Epling J., Fryhofer S., Howell M., Koenigs L.P., Léger M.M., Lett S.M., Rittle C., Schaffner W., Schmader K., Sperling R., Weber D., Aleshire N., Arvay M., Bridges C., Byrd K., Desai M., Dooling K., Fiebelkorn A.P., Grohskopf L., Havers F., Koppaka R., Liang J., Marin M., Markowitz L., Matanock A., Mbaeyi S., MacNeil J., Oliver S., Patel M., Patel P., Pilishvili T., Redmon G., Robinson C., Schillie S., Strikas R.A., Weinbaum C., Williams W.W., Woods L.D., Harriman K., Hopkins R.H., Lanzi M.C., Peterson D., Tan L. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2020;172(5):337-347.

  • Freedman M.S., Hunter P., Ault K., Kroger A. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2020;69(5):133-135.

  • Giuliani E., As-Sanie S., Marsh E.E. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2020;149(1):3-9.

  • Kayaalp Nalbant E., Liu W., Pehlivan H., Shah S., Puskar A., Sampath M., Mieler W.F., Kang-Mieler J.J., Tichauer K.M. Estimating retinal vascular permeability from fluorescein videoangiography data despite signal saturation in large vessels in low-dynamic range systems Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2020;11218

  • Kelley A.S., Giuliani E., Schon S.B. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;63(2):320-326.

  • Lai L., Ault K., Rouphael N., Beck A., Domjahn B., Xu Y., Anderson E.J., Cheng A., Nakamura A., Hoagland R.J., Kelley C., Edupuganti S., Mask K., Nesin M., Unger E.R., Panicker G., David H., Mulligan M.J. Duration of cellular and humoral responses after quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccination in healthy female adults with or without prior type 16 and/or 18 exposure Vaccines. 2020;8(3)

  • Laventhal N., Basak R., Dell M.L., Diekema D., Elster N., Geis G., Mercurio M., Opel D., Shalowitz D., Statter M., MacAuley R. Pediatrics. 2020;146(1)

  • Laventhal N.T., Basak R.B., Dell M.L., Elster N., Geis G., Macauley R.C., Mercurio M.R., Opel D.J., Shalowitz D.I., Statter M.B., Diekema D.S. Journal of Pediatrics. 2020;224:10-15.

  • Lim E.T., Uddin M., De Rubeis S., Chan Y., Kamumbu A.S., Zhang X., D’Gama A.M., Kim S.N., Hill R.S., Goldberg A.P., Poultney C., Minshew N.J., Kushima I., Aleksic B., Ozaki N., Parellada M., Arango C., Penzol M.J., Carracedo A., Kolevzon A., Hultman C.M., Weiss L.A., Fromer M., Chiocchetti A.G., Freitag C.M., Church G.M., Scherer S.W., Buxbaum J.D., Walsh C.A. Nature Neuroscience. 2020;23(9):1176.

  • Myer E.N.B., Long A., Cooper C., Fashokun T., Abernethy M., Chen C.C.G. Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery. 2020;26:503-507.

  • Penzias A., Azziz R., Bendikson K., Falcone T., Hansen K., Hill M., Hurd W., Jindal S., Kalra S., Mersereau J., Racowsky C., Rebar R., Reindollar R., Shannon C.N., Steiner A., Stovall D., Tanrikut C., Taylor H., Yauger B. Fertility and Sterility. 2020;114:1151-1157.

  • Penzias A., Azziz R., Bendikson K., Falcone T., Hansen K., Hill M., Hurd W., Jindal S., Kalra S., Mersereau J., Racowsky C., Rebar R., Reindollar R., Steiner A., Stovall D., Tanrikut C., Taylor H., Yauger B., Rahangale L., VerMilyea M.(. Fertility and Sterility. 2020;114:1158-1164.

  • Penzias A., Bendikson K., Butts S., Falcone T., Gitlin S., Gracia C., Hansen K., Hill M., Hurd W., Jindal S., Kalra S., Mersereau J., Odem R., Rebar R., Reindollar R., Rosen M., Sandlow J., Schlegel P., Steiner A., Tanrikut C., Stovall D. Fertility and Sterility. 2020;113:295-304.

  • Penzias A., Bendikson K., Falcone T., Hansen K., Hill M., Jindal S., Mersereau J., Racowsky C., Rebar R., Steiner A.Z., Stovall D., Tanrikut C., Kalra S., Reindollar R., Hurd W. Fertility and Sterility. 2020;113:305-322.

  • Rebar R.W. F and S Science. 2020;1:106-112.

  • Rosen M.W., Giuliani E., Marsh E.E., Quint E.H., Smith Y.R. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. 2020;33(5):484-488.

  • Shalowitz D.I., Anderson T.L. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2020;135(1):6-8.

  • Shalowitz D.I., Lefkowits C., Landrum L.M., von Gruenigen V.E., Spillman M.A. Gynecologic Oncology. 2020;158(3):526-530.

  • Shalowitz D.I., Moore C.J. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America. 2020;47(2):271-285.

  • Werbinski J.L. Knowledge resources in sex and gender health How Sex and Gender Impact Clinical Practice: an Evidence-Based Guide to Patient Care. 2020:325-331.

  • Williams A., Turer C., Smith J., Nievera I., McCulloch L., Wareg N., Clary M., Rajagopalan A., Brownson R.C., Koopman R.J., Hampl S. Applied Clinical Informatics. 2020;11(2):210-217.

  • Zweifel J.E., Woodward J.T., Rebar R.W., Sauer M.V. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2020;37:257-262.

  • Alhousseini A., Zeineddine S., Husseini A., Baddah H., Saker H., Mody S., Ibrahim S.A., Thakur M., Hernandez-Andrade E., Bahado-Singh R. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation. 2019;84:412-416.

  • Bravata G., Patel D.R., Omar H.A. Long-acting reversible contraception for adolescents Pediatric Medicine. 2019;2

  • Chamberlain A.T., Limaye R.J., O'Leary S.T., Frew P.M., Brewer S.E., Spina C.I., Ellingson M.K., Dudley M.Z., Orenstein W.A., Donnelly M.A., Riley L.E., Ault K.A., Salmon D.A., Omer S.B. Vaccine. 2019;37(19):2532-2536.

  • Giuliani E., Ellman E.M., Chugh R., Moravek M.B. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2019;36(5):1023-1028.

  • Jain T., Grainger D.A., Ball G.D., Gibbons W.E., Rebar R.W., Robins J.C., Leach R.E. Fertility and Sterility. 2019;111:477-488.

  • Kachikis A., Eckert L.O., Walker C., Bardají A., Varricchio F., Lipkind H.S., Diouf K., Huang W.T., Mataya R., Bittaye M., Cutland C., Boghossian N.S., Mallett Moore T., McCall R., King J., Mundle S., Munoz F.M., Rouse C., Gravett M., Katikaneni L., Ault K., Klein N.P., Roberts D.J., Kochhar S., Chescheir N. Vaccine. 2019;37(52):7610-7622.

  • Miller K., Konal J., Brown K., Cabral M.D. Abnormal uterine bleeding Pediatric Medicine. 2019;2

  • Penzias A., Bendikson K., Falcone T., Gitlin S., Gracia C., Hansen K., Hill M., Hurd W., Jindal S., Kalra S., Mersereau J., Odem R., Racowsky C., Rebar R., Reindollar R., Rosen M., Sandlow J., Schlegel P., Steiner A., Stovall D., Tanrikut C. Fertility and Sterility. 2019;112:458-463.

  • Shalowitz D.I., Goodwin A., Schoenbachler N. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2019;220(5):460-464.

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